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import { Children, ReactNode } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { StateSelector } from 'zustand';
import { HashRouter as Router, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';

import { AuthState, useAuth } from '../../hooks';
import { buildRedirect, buildRoute, isValidChild, parseRouting } from './lib';

// the default state of a routing object on a page component
// will be merged with the existing part
const defaultRouting = {
    exact: false,
    redirectPath: '',
    additionalRedirects: []

const selector: StateSelector<AuthState, boolean> = state => !!state.auth;

 * React Props of {@link Pages}
 * For more information about React Props, please look here:
 * {@link https://reactjs.org/docs/components-and-props.html}
 * @see {@link Pages}
 * @see {@link https://reactjs.org/docs/components-and-props.html}
export interface PagesProps {
     * React nodes that are always rendered above the active page.
     * E.g. useful for an application header.
    preNodes?: ReactNode;

     * React nodes that are always rendered below the active page.
     * E.g. useful for an application footer.
    postNodes?: ReactNode;

     * Pages that the application can have.
     * The {@link Pages} component renders them based on the application state.
     * @see {@link https://reactjs.org/docs/glossary.html#propschildren}
    children: ReactNode;

 * The router of the application.
 * Here are all pages managed.
 * Every page defines a `routing` object
 * that is attached to the actual component.
 * If you want to write some pages, please take a look at
 * {@link @wuespace/telestion-client-types#Routing} for more information.
 * @see {@link PagesProps}
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * function MyPages() {
 *     return (
 *         <Pages>
 *             <LoginPage />
 *             <DashboardPage />
 *             <NotFoundPage />
 *         </Pages>
 *     );
 * }
 * ```
export function Pages({ preNodes, postNodes, children }: PagesProps) {
    const isAuthenticated = useAuth(selector);

    const routes: ReactNode[] = [];
    const lastRoutes: ReactNode[] = [];

    Children.forEach(children, (child, index) => {
        if (isValidChild(child)) {
            // build valid routing object
            const routing = {
                ...parseRouting(child.type.name, child.type.routing)

            // add required routes
            routes.push(buildRoute(routing, child, isAuthenticated));
            routing.additionalRedirects.forEach(redirect =>
                    ? lastRoutes.push(buildRedirect(redirect))
                    : routes.push(buildRedirect(redirect))
        } else {
            throw new TypeError(
                `Child No. ${index} is not a valid Page component in Pages renderer.` +
                    'Please define a valid React Component and attach a routing object to the component.'

    return (

Pages.propTypes = {
    children: PropTypes.node