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# Node API

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> Backend API using the latest technologies and standards. Built to scale

## Features

-   [x] RESTful Architecture
-   [x] Easy-to-read code
-   [x] Built with **Scalability** in mind
-   [x] TypeScript
-   [x] Express
-   [x] MongoDB
-   [X] Docker
-   [x] Process Management and Clustering using [PM2](http://pm2.keymetrics.io/)
-   [x] Unit and Integration testing ready
-   [x] API Documentation using [SwaggerUI](https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-ui/)
-   [x] Authentication and Authorization (JWT and Role based)
-   [x] Middleware Handling
-   [x] Error Handling
-   [x] Security Headers (Rate limiting, CORS, XSS, CSRF\*)

(\* not yet implemented)

## Requirements

-   Node >= 8.16.1
-   NPM >= 6.4.1
-   Yarn >= 1.15.2
-   Docker-Compose >= 1.24.0

## Build Setup

# run using docker
$ docker-compose up -d

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:4000
$ yarn dev

# run tests
$ yarn test

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn prod

## Enivronment Variables

SECRET # for JWT encoding
API_VER # current version of the API
DB_URL # url for the mongo database

## License

GNU General Public License v3.0