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//      ███████╗██╗      █████╗  ██████╗██╗  ██╗    //
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//      ███████║███████╗██║  ██║╚██████╗██║  ██╗    //
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//          14-12-14 | xBytez | me@xbytez.eu        //

// Requiring our module
var slackAPI = require('slackbotapi');

// Starting
var slack = new slackAPI({
    'token': 'TOKENHERE',
    'logging': true,
    'autoReconnect': true

// Slack on EVENT message, send data.
slack.on('message', function (data) {
    // If no text, return.
    if (typeof data.text === 'undefined') return;
    // If someone says `cake!!` respond to their message with 'user OOH, CAKE!! :cake:'
    if (data.text === 'cake!!') slack.sendMsg(data.channel, '@' + slack.getUser(data.user).name + ' OOH, CAKE!! :cake:');

    // If the first character starts with %, you can change this to your own prefix of course.
    if (data.text.charAt(0) === '%') {
        // Split the command and it's arguments into an array
        var command = data.text.substring(1).split(' ');

        // If command[2] is not undefined, use command[1] to have all arguments in command[1]
        if (typeof command[2] !== 'undefined') {
            for (var i = 2; i < command.length; i++) {
                command[1] = command[1] + ' ' + command[i];

        // Switch to check which command has been requested.
        switch (command[0].toLowerCase()) {
            // If hello
            case 'hello':
                // Send message
                slack.sendMsg(data.channel, 'Oh, hello @' + slack.getUser(data.user).name + ' !');

            case 'say':
                var say = data.text.split('%say ');
                slack.sendMsg(data.channel, say[1]);

slack.on('team_join', function (data) {
    // Greet a new member that joins
    slack.sendPM(data.user.id, 'Hellow and welcome to the team! :simple_smile: :beers:');