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# Cordova Device Accounts v2 Plugin

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Cordova plugin to get the device accounts on Android.

## Install

If you're using Ionic you can use the following commands:

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-device-accounts-v2 --save
npm install @ionic-native/device-accounts

Note: This is the official maintained repository for the "Device Account" plugin, view the Ionic documentation [Here](https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/device-accounts).

Otherwise use the following command:

cordova plugin add cordova-device-accounts-v2 --save

## Required Permissions

Requires the following permissions:

* **android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS**
* **android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED**

import { AndroidPermissions } from '@ionic-native/android-permissions';

constructor(private androidPermissions: AndroidPermissions) { }


return this.androidPermissions.requestPermissions(
  .then(permission => console.log('Permissions Granted: ' + JSON.stringify(permission)))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

## Methods

* `DeviceAccounts.get(onSuccess, onFail)` : get all accounts registered on device
* `DeviceAccounts.getByType(type, onSuccess, onFail)` : get all accounts registered on device for requested type
* `DeviceAccounts.getEmails(onSuccess, onFail)` : get all emails registered on device (accounts with 'com.google' type)
* `DeviceAccounts.getEmail(onSuccess, onFail)` : get the first email registered on device or undefined
* `DeviceAccounts.getPermissions(onSuccess, onFail)` : get all emails and request permissions from user.

Note: since Android 8.0.0+ device accounts are not visible to the application. Users must grant access to email accounts they wish to be visible to the application.

## Example

import { DeviceAccounts } from '@ionic-native/device-accounts';

constructor(private deviceAccounts: DeviceAccounts) { }


  .then(accounts => console.log(accounts))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

A demo Ionic application can be viewed to see a working implementation of this plugin [Here](https://github.com/xUnholy/cordova-device-accounts-demo).

## Compatibility

The following versions are compatible with this plugin:

* Cordova 3.3 +
* Android 4.4 +

## Donations

This is an open-source project and takes the time and effort of several individuals to maintain. If you like this plugin and use it within your applications, a donation would be greatly appreciated.
