/* jshint asi: true, node: true, supernew: true */
/* global define, window */
// object-pattern
// ==============
// [![Codeship status](https://codeship.com/projects/168ec210-8ee6-0132-51af-0a0cf4fe8e66/status?branch=master)](https://codeship.com/projects/61105) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/xaviervia/object-pattern/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/xaviervia/object-pattern) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/xaviervia/object-pattern/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/xaviervia/object-pattern/coverage)
// Object Pattern structures for JavaScript.
// > You can try them out on the [Object Pattern playground](http://xaviervia.github.io/object-pattern/)
// `object-pattern` provides a fast and complete analog of Regular Expressions
// but aimed to describe generic object structures instead of strings.
// What was in my mind while creating this? Simple: creating EventEmitters
// that support listening to object structures as the event descriptions.
// A prime example of when this would be useful are REST interfaces.
// `object-pattern` could be used as a drop-in replacement of regular
// endpoints in a [Express.js](http://expressjs.com/) or
// [Sinatra](http://www.sinatrarb.com/) like routing framework.
// Installation
// ------------
// From NPM:
// ```
// npm install --save object-pattern
// ```
// From Bower:
// ```
// bower install --save object-pattern
// ```
// `object-pattern` supports CommonJS, AMD and globals, so feel free to require
// it as best fits you. There is also a minified version in `object-pattern.min.js`.
// Usage
// -----
// The most straightforward way of using `object-pattern` is with the notation
// language (Object Pattern Notation):
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse("property:'value'");
// pattern.match({ property: "value" }); // => true!
// ```
// Exactly like Regular Expressions, Object Patterns match if the target object
// _contains_ at the very least the structure described. If you do:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse("property:'value'");
// pattern.match({
// property: "value",
// something: ["extra", { and: "complex" } ]
// }); // => true!
// ```
// ...it will still return `true` since the property `property` with value
// `"value"` exists in the object.
// You can also use wildcards for the value:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse("property:*");
// pattern.match({ property: 50 }); // => true
// pattern.match({ property: "else" }); // => true
// pattern.match({ property: false }); // => true
// pattern.match({ property: { structure: true } }); // => still true!
// ```
// ...and also wildcards for the property name:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse("*:value");
// pattern.match({ anything: "value" }); // => true
// ```
// You can make sure that a property with some value doesn't exist:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('!property:value');
// pattern.match({ property: "value" }); // => false
// ```
// You can also make sure that the value is of a
// [certain JSON type](https://github.com/xaviervia/object-pattern/issues/2#issuecomment-87404454):
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('property:<number>');
// pattern.match({ property: 20 }); // => true
// pattern.match({ property: -7.20 }); // => true
// pattern.match({ property: "-7.20" }); // => false
// ```
// There are also array patterns, both standalone:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('/user/<number>');
// pattern.match(["user", 50]); // => true
// ```
// ...and within an object structure:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('method:GET,path:/articles/*');
// pattern.match({
// method: "GET",
// path: ["articles", "rest-is-awesome"]
// }); // => true
// ```
// There are also ellipsis, to match any amount of items in an array.
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('/**/saturn');
// pattern.match(["planets", "saturn"]); // => true
// pattern.match(["planets", 6, "many-moons", "saturn"]); // => true
// pattern.match(["saturn"]); // => true
// ```
// Ellipsis matchers are non-greedy.
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('/**/saturn/**/moons');
// pattern.match(["saturn", 62, "moons"]); // => true
// pattern.match(["saturn", 62, "moons", "saturn", 62, "moons"]); // => false
// ```
// Object and array structures can be nested:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('userAgent:(os:"linux",browser:"firefox")');
// pattern.match({
// userAgent: {
// os: "linux",
// browser: "firefox",
// device: "tablet"
// }
// }); // => true
// ```
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('/[/users/*]/[/articles/*]');
// pattern.match([
// ["users", 60],
// ["articles", 70]
// ]); // => true
// ```
// Once you have the pattern structure, you can stringify it again into OPN:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// var pattern = OP.parse('some:structure,withTypes:<number>');
// pattern.toString(); // => "some:'structure',withTypes:<number>"
// ```
// Keep reading for a complete reference of the `object-pattern` types (the
// structures into which the OPN string compiles while parsed) and how to
// interact with them low-level.
// ### Advanced usage note
// Most of the `object-pattern` structure looks for descendants of `Matchable`
// or `ArrayMatchable` to delegate matching operations. You can create your
// own object matching structures by inheriting from those functions and
// assembling the pattern structure yourself. The only drawback is that it's
// not going to be available to be parsed from the OPN, but that could be OK
// in many cases (and you can always pull request if you think your
// extension should be standard).
// Pattern Structures
// ------------------
// All of this structures are accessible from the main object. To create an
// `ObjectPattern` structure from scratch, you coud do, for example:
// ```javascript
// var OP = require("object-pattern");
// new OP.ObjectPattern(
// new OP.ExactProperty("property", "value")
// );
// ```
"use strict";
(function (name, definition) {
//! AMD
if (typeof define === 'function')
//! CommonJS
else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports)
module.exports = definition()
//! Global
else {
var theModule = definition(), global = window, old = global[name];
theModule.noConflict = function () {
global[name] = old
return theModule
global[name] = theModule
})("OP", function () {
// ### Matchable
// A common parent for all matchables. The interface that they are supposed to
// implement (although `Matchable` itself does not) is to expose a `match`
// method that returns either `true` or `false`.
var Matchable = function () {}
var toString = function (value) {
if (value instanceof ObjectPattern)
return "(" + value.toString() + ")"
if (value instanceof Matchable) return value.toString()
if (value instanceof ArrayMatchable) return value.toString()
if ( ! isNaN(value)) return value.toString()
return "'" + value + "'"
var toJSON = function (value) {
if (value instanceof ObjectPattern ||
value instanceof ArrayPattern)
return value.toJSON()
if (value instanceof WildcardValue)
return '*'
if (value instanceof TypedValue)
return '<' + value.type + '>'
return value
// ### WildcardProperty
// Returns `true` if the value of any property is `===` to the assigned value.
// `false` otherwise. If initialized with an inheritor of `Matchable` it will
// forward the `match` to the matchable instead.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// // Static value property
// var wildcardProperty = new WildcardProperty("public"):
// wildcardProperty.match({"project": "public"}); // => true
// // Matchable
// var matchable = new Matchable();
// matchable.match = function () { return true } ;
// wildcardProperty = new WildcardProperty(matchable);
// wildcardProperty.match({"property": "value"}); // => true
// ```
var WildcardProperty = function (value) {
this.value = value
WildcardProperty.prototype = new Matchable
WildcardProperty.prototype.match = function (object) {
var key;
if (this.value instanceof Matchable) {
for (key in object) if (this.value.match(object[key])) return true }
else {
for (key in object) if (object[key] === this.value) return true }
return false
WildcardProperty.prototype.toString = function () {
return "*:" + toString(this.value)
// ### ExactProperty
// Returns `true` if there is a property with the given name which value is
// `===` to the assigned value. `false` otherwise.
// If initialized with an inheritor of `Matchable` it will
// forward the `match` to the matchable, if the property exists.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// // Static value property
// var exactProperty = new ExactProperty("project", "public"):
// exactProperty.match({"project": "public"}); // => true
// // Matchable
// var matchable = new Matchable();
// matchable.match = function () { return true } ;
// exactProperty = new ExactProperty("property", matchable);
// exactProperty.match({"property": "value"}); // => true
// // Matchable but property missing
// var matchable = new Matchable();
// matchable.match = function () { return true };
// exactProperty = new ExactProperty("project", matchable);
// exactProperty.match({"property": "value"}); // => false
// ```
var ExactProperty = function (name, value) {
this.name = name
this.value = value
ExactProperty.prototype = new Matchable
ExactProperty.prototype.match = function (object) {
if (this.value instanceof Matchable)
return object[this.name] && this.value.match(object[this.name])
return object[this.name] && object[this.name] === this.value
ExactProperty.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.name + ":" + toString(this.value)
// ### Negator
// Delegates the matching to the sent matchable and negates the result.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var matchable = new Matchable();
// matchable.match = function () {
// return true;
// }
// var negator = new Negator(matchable);
// negator.match({"here": "ignored"}); // => false
// ```
var Negator = function (matchable) {
this.matchable = matchable
Negator.prototype = new Matchable
Negator.prototype.match = function (object) {
return !this.matchable.match(object)
Negator.prototype.toString = function () {
return "!" + toString(this.matchable)
// ### ObjectPattern
// Returns the `&&` result of calling the `match` method in each `properties`,
// forwarding the argument.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var property = new ObjectPattern(
// new ExactProperty("public", true),
// new WildcardProperty("value"),
// new ExactProperty("timestamp", 123456789)
// )
// property.match({
// "public": true,
// "anyProp": "value",
// "timestamp": 123456789
// }) // => true
// ```
var ObjectPattern = function () {
this.properties = []
for (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i ++)
ObjectPattern.prototype = new Matchable
ObjectPattern.prototype.match = function (object) {
for (var i = 0, j = this.properties.length; i < j; i ++)
if (!this.properties[i].match(object)) return false
return true
ObjectPattern.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.properties.map(function (property) {
return property.toString()
ObjectPattern.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var json = {}
this.properties.forEach(function (property) {
if (property instanceof ExactProperty)
return (json[property.name] = toJSON(property.value))
if (property instanceof WildcardProperty)
return (json['*'] = toJSON(property.value))
if (property instanceof Negator)
if (property.matchable instanceof ExactProperty)
return (json['!' + property.matchable.name] =
else if (property.matchable instanceof WildcardProperty)
return (json['!*'] =
return json
// ### WildcardValue
// Returns always `true` except if the argument is `undefined`.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var wildcardValue = new WildcardValue();
// wildcardValue.match("something"); // => true
// ```
var WildcardValue = function () {}
WildcardValue.prototype = new Matchable
WildcardValue.prototype.match = function (object) {
return object !== undefined
WildcardValue.prototype.toString = function () {
return "*"
// ### TypedValue
// If initialized with a `Function`, returns `true` only if the argument if
// `instanceof` the `Function`.
// If initialized with the following `String` arguments, it returns `true`:
// - **number**: any value that serialized to JSON would be casted into a
// `number` literal.
// - **string**: any value that serialized to JSON would be casted into a
// `string` literal.
// - **array**: any value that serialized to JSON would be casted into an
// `array` literal.
// - **object**: any value that serialized to JSON would be casted into an
// `object` literal.
// - **boolean**: any value that serialized to JSON would be casted into
// either `true` or `false`
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var Type = function () {};
// var typedValue = new TypedValue(Type);
// typedValue.match(new Type()) // => true
// ```
var TypedValue = function (type) {
this.type = type
TypedValue.prototype = new Matchable
TypedValue.prototype.match = function (object) {
switch (this.type) {
case 'array':
return JSON.stringify(object).substring(0, 1) === '['
case 'boolean':
return object === true || object === false
case 'number':
return JSON.stringify(object) === '' + object
case 'object':
return (JSON.stringify(object) || '').substring(0, 1) === '{'
case 'string':
return JSON.stringify(object) === '"' + object + '"'
return object instanceof this.type
TypedValue.prototype.toString = function () {
return "<" + this.type + ">"
// ### ArrayPattern
// Handles `ArrayMatchable`s, combining their results to return a final
// `Boolean` value representing whether the `Array` was or not a match.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var arrayMatcher = new ArrayPattern(
// new TypedValue( 'number' ),
// 'user',
// new WildcardValue(),
// new ArrayEllipsis( 9 )
// );
// arrayMatcher.match([6, 'user', 9]); // => false
// arrayMatcher.match([-56.2, 'user', 'extra', 9]); // => true
// ```
var ArrayPattern = function () {
this.matchables = []
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++)
ArrayPattern.prototype = new Matchable
ArrayPattern.prototype.match = function (array) {
if (!(array instanceof Array))
return false
if (this.matchables.length === 0 && array.length > 0)
return false
else if (this.matchables.length === 0 && array.length === 0)
return true
var filteredArray = array
var result = {}
var i = 0
for (; i < this.matchables.length; i ++) {
if (this.matchables[i] instanceof ArrayMatchable) {
result = this.matchables[i].match(filteredArray)
if (result.matched === false)
return false
filteredArray = result.unmatched
else {
if (filteredArray.length === 0)
return false
if (this.matchables[i] instanceof Matchable) {
if (! this.matchables[i].match(filteredArray[0]) )
return false
else if (filteredArray[0] !== this.matchables[i])
return false
result.matched = true
filteredArray = filteredArray.slice(1)
return result.matched && filteredArray.length === 0
ArrayPattern.prototype.toString = function () {
return "/" + this.matchables.map(function (matchable) {
return toString(matchable)
ArrayPattern.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var json = []
this.matchables.forEach(function (matchable) {
if (matchable instanceof ArrayEllipsis) {
else json.push(toJSON(matchable))
return json
// ### ArrayMatchable
// A common parent for all descriptors of `Array` components. `ArrayMatchable`s
// have a slightly different interface than regular `Matchable`s because they
// need to send back the chunk of the Array that wasn't consumed by the current
// pattern so that the `ArrayPattern` can forward it to the next
// `ArrayMatchable`.
var ArrayMatchable = function () {}
// ### ArrayEllipsis
// The `ArrayEllipsis` represents a variable length pattern, and it's behavior
// depends on how it is configured.
// 1. Passing no arguments to the `ArrayEllipsis` will create a _catch all_
// pattern that will match anything, even no elements at all.
// 2. Passing any `Matchable` to the `ArrayEllipsis` will cause it to
// sequentially probe each element for a match with the `Matchable`. That
// `Matchable` is called the _termination_ of the ellipsis pattern. If a
// match happens, the `ArrayEllipsis` will stop, return `true` in `matched`
// and the remainings of the `Array` in `unmatched`.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var arrayEllipsis = new ArrayEllipsis();
// var result = arrayEllipsis.match(['element', 2, {}]);
// result.matched; // => true
// result.unmatched; // => []
// ```
// With termination:
// ```javascript
// var arrayEllipsis = new ArrayEllipsis(new TypedValue('string'));
// var result = arrayEllipsis.match([2, 4, 'text', 'extra']);
// result.matched; // => true
// result.unmatched; // => ['extra']
// ```
var ArrayEllipsis = function (termination) {
this.termination = termination
ArrayEllipsis.prototype = new ArrayMatchable
ArrayEllipsis.prototype.match = function (array) {
if ( ! this.termination)
return {
matched: true,
unmatched: [] }
for (var index = 0; index < array.length; index ++) {
if (this.termination instanceof Matchable) {
if (this.termination.match(array[index]))
return {
matched: true,
unmatched: array.slice(index + 1) }
else {
if (this.termination === array[index])
return {
matched: true,
unmatched: array.slice(index + 1)}
return {
matched: false,
unmatched: []
ArrayEllipsis.prototype.toString = function () {
return "**/" + toString(this.termination)
// ### parse
// Parses an [OPN (Object Pattern Notation)](https://github.com/xaviervia/sydney/wiki/Object-Pattern-Notation)
// string and returns the corresponding pattern structure.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var parse = require("object-pattern").parse
// var pattern = parse("name:*,age:<number>")
// pattern.match({
// name: "Alex",
// age: 24
// }) // => true
// ```
// For more examples please refer to the [OPN examples](OPN.js)
var parse = function (source) {
if (source instanceof Object) return parseObject(source)
if (source === "") return undefined
if (source.substring(0, 1) === "/")
return parse.array(source)
if (source === "*")
return new WildcardValue
if (source.substring(0, 1) === "[" &&
source.substring(source.length - 1, source.length) === "]")
return parse.array(source.substring(1, source.length - 1))
if (source.substring(0, 1) === "<" &&
source.substring(source.length - 1, source.length) === ">")
return new TypedValue(source.substring(1, source.length - 1))
if (source.substring(0, 1) === "(" &&
source.substring(source.length - 1, source.length) === ")")
return parse.object(source.substring(1, source.length - 1))
if (( source.substring(0, 1) === '"' &&
source.substring(source.length - 1, source.length) === '"') ||
( source.substring(0, 1) === "'" &&
source.substring(source.length - 1, source.length) === "'"))
return source
.substring(1, source.length - 1)
.map(function (chunk) { return chunk.replace("\\", "") })
if (source === "true") return true
if (source === "false") return false
if (!isNaN(source)) return parseFloat(source)
if (source.indexOf(":") > -1) return parse.object(source)
return source
parse.array = function (source) {
var pattern = new ArrayPattern
var nested = parse.nestedChecker(["/"])
var buffer = ""
var list = []
source.split("").forEach(function (character, index) {
if (nested(character) && buffer !== "**") {
buffer = ""
buffer += character
pattern.matchables = list
.filter(function (source) {
return source !== ""
.map(function (source, index, list) {
if (source.substring(0, 3) === "**/")
return new ArrayEllipsis(parse(source.substring(3)))
else if (source === "**")
return new ArrayEllipsis
return parse(source)
return pattern
parse.nestedChecker = function (separators) {
var stack = []
var brackets = [["(", ")"], ["[", "]"]]
var quotes = ["'", '"']
separators = separators || []
return function (character) {
brackets.forEach(function (pair) {
if (character === pair[0])
if (character === pair[1] &&
stack[stack.length - 1] === pair[0])
quotes.forEach(function (quote) {
if (character === quote) {
if (stack[stack.length - 1] === quote)
if (stack.length > 0) return false
return separators
.filter(function (separator) { return character === separator })
.length > 0
parse.object = function (source) {
var buffer = ""
var nested = parse.nestedChecker([","])
var pattern = new ObjectPattern
var escaped = false
source.split("").forEach(function (character, index) {
if (nested(character) && !escaped) {
buffer = ""
buffer += character
escaped = false
if (character === "\\") escaped = true
return pattern
parse.property = function (source) {
var propertyName = source.substring(0, source.indexOf(":"))
var propertyValue = parse(source.substring(source.indexOf(":") + 1))
if (propertyName === "*")
return new WildcardProperty(propertyValue)
else if (propertyName.substring(0, 1) === "!")
return new Negator( propertyName.substring(1) === "*" ?
new WildcardProperty(propertyValue) :
new ExactProperty(
propertyValue ) )
return new ExactProperty(propertyName, propertyValue)
// ### parseObject
// Parses an endpoint constructed as a JavaScript object
// and returns the corresponding pattern structure.
// Usage:
// ```javascript
// var parseObject = require("object-pattern").parseObject
// var pattern = parse({ name: "*", age: "<number>"})
// pattern.match({
// name: "Alex",
// age: 24
// }) // => true
// ```
var parseObject = function (object) {
var pattern;
if (object instanceof Array) return parseObject.value(object)
pattern = new ObjectPattern
pattern.properties = Object
.map(function (key) {
var value = parseObject.value( object[key] )
if (key === "*")
return new WildcardProperty(value)
if (key.substring(0, 1) === "!")
if (key.substring(1) === "*")
return new Negator(
new WildcardProperty( value ) )
return new Negator(
new ExactProperty( key.substring(1), value ) )
return new ExactProperty(key, value)
return pattern
parseObject.value = function (object) {
if (object instanceof Array)
return parseObject.array(object)
if (object instanceof Object)
return parseObject(object)
if (object === "*")
return new WildcardValue
if (object.substring &&
object.substring(0, 1) === "<" &&
object.substring(object.length - 1) === ">")
return new TypedValue(object.substring(1, object.length - 1))
return object
parseObject.array = function (array) {
var pattern = new ArrayPattern
pattern.matchables = array
.map(function (matchable, index, list) {
if (matchable === '**')
if (list[index + 1])
return new ArrayEllipsis(parseObject.value(list[index + 1]))
return new ArrayEllipsis()
return parseObject.value(matchable)
.filter(function (matchable, index, list) {
if (list[index - 1] && list[index - 1] instanceof ArrayEllipsis)
return false
return true
return pattern
return {
Matchable: Matchable,
WildcardProperty: WildcardProperty,
ExactProperty: ExactProperty,
Negator: Negator,
ObjectPattern: ObjectPattern,
WildcardValue: WildcardValue,
TypedValue: TypedValue,
ArrayPattern: ArrayPattern,
ArrayMatchable: ArrayMatchable,
ArrayEllipsis: ArrayEllipsis,
parse: parse
// License
// -------
// Copyright 2014 Xavier Via
// ISC license.
// See [LICENSE](LICENSE) attached.