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Event Subscription/Venue library. Whole new approach:

- Asynchronous emission only. Synchronous programming is over.
- The venue is a middleware. Propagation in the venue is mediated by
  the main callback.
- Subscribers are venues too. Broadcasting back into the source venue is
  done by adding the source venue as a subscriber to its own subscribers
  (this is called `linking`).

The way events are treated is completely different. You can think of them
as full requests, with headers and payload:

- There is no difference between the event and the arguments sent to the
  event. Events are assumed to be complex objects.
- Optional `endpoint`s allow venues to check whether they are interested
  in an event or not. This allows venues to link to each other promiscuously
  and achieve very complex topologies in a scalable manner.

> Usage documentation is pending


npm install --save sydney


### new( [endpoint] [, callback] )

Creates a new Sydney venue. If only a `Function` is provided, it is used
as the `callback`. If only an `Object` of any other kind is provided,
it is used as the `endpoint`. If two arguments are provided, the first
is used as the `endpoint` and the second as the `callback`.

> Note that `new` is completely optional. Calling `Sydney` as a function
> directly will have the same effect.

#### Arguments

- _optional_ `Object` endpoint
- _optional_ `Function` callback

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this

### Sydney.amplify( vanillaSubscriber )

Adds `Sydney.prototype` methods as mixin to the `vanillaSubscriber`.

### send( event )

If the venue has an `endpoint`, it calls `match` with the `event` and
only calls the `callback` if the return value is `true`. If there is no
`endpoint` it always calls the `callback`. The callback is called with
the `event` as the first argument and the venue (`this`) as the second

If there is no `callback`, the event is broadcasted to the subscribers
instead. That is done by calling `broadcast` with the `event` as

#### Arguments

- `Object` event

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this

### broadcast( event )

Calls `send` with the provided `event` in all the subscribers.

#### Arguments

- `Object` event

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this

### add( subscriber )

If the `subscriber` is a `Sydney` venue, it just adds it as a
subscriber in the current venue.

If the `subscriber` is not a `Sydney` module, it adds all of `Sydney`
methods to the `subscriber`. It doesn't override properties already
existing on the `subscriber`.

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this

### remove( subscriber )

Removes the `subscriber` from the venue.

#### Arguments

- `Object` subscriber

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this

### link( subscriber )

If the `subscriber` is a `Sydney` venue, it just adds it as a
subscriber in the current venue. Then adds the venue back into the

If the `subscriber` is not a `Sydney` module, it adds all of `Sydney`
methods to the `subscriber`. It doesn't override properties already
existing on the `subscriber`.

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this

### unlink( subscriber )

Removes the `subscriber` from the venue and removes the venue from
the `subscriber`.

#### Arguments

- `Object` subscriber

#### Returns

- `Sydney` this


git clone git://github.com/xaviervia/sydney
cd sydney
npm install
make test


Copyright 2015 Xavier Via

ISC license.

See [LICENSE](LICENSE) attached.