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Console Wallet

The following will explain how to use the console wallet (not GUI).


The `cli_wallet` creates a local `wallet.json` file that contains the encrypted
private keys required to access the funds in your account. It requires a
running witness node (not necessarily locally) and can be launched with

.. code-block:: bash

    programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet -s ws://

Depending on the actual chain that you want to connect to your may need to
specifiy `--chain-id`.

Enabling Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

In order to allow RPC calls for wallet operations (spend, buy, sell, ...) you
can choose between pure RPC or RPC-HTTP requests. In this tutorial, the latter
is prefered since well established libraries make use of the RPC-HTTP protocol.
To enable RPC-HTTP in your wallet you need to run

.. code-block:: bash

    programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet --rpc-http-endpoint=""

This will open the port 8092 for local queries only. It is not recommended to
publicly expose your wallet!