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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from .instance import AbstractBlockchainInstanceProvider

class Blockchain(AbstractBlockchainInstanceProvider):
    """This class allows to access the blockchain and read data
    from it

    :param instance blockchain_instance: instance to use when accesing a RPC
    :param str mode: (default) Irreversible block (``irreversible``) or
             actual head block (``head``)
    :param int max_block_wait_repetition: (default) 3 maximum wait time for
        next block ismax_block_wait_repetition * block_interval

    This class let's you deal with blockchain related data and methods.

    def __init__(
        assert self.block_class
        assert self.operationids

        self._parameters = None

        if mode == "irreversible":
            self.mode = "last_irreversible_block_num"
        elif mode == "head":
            self.mode = "head_block_number"
            raise ValueError("invalid value for 'mode'!")

        if max_block_wait_repetition:
            self.max_block_wait_repetition = max_block_wait_repetition
            self.max_block_wait_repetition = 3

    def is_irreversible_mode(self):
        return self.mode == "last_irreversible_block_num"

    def info(self):
        """This call returns the *dynamic global properties*"""
        return self.blockchain.rpc.get_dynamic_global_properties()

    def chainParameters(self):
        """The blockchain parameters, such as fees, and committee-controlled
        parameters are returned here
        if not self._parameters:
        return self._parameters

    def update_chain_parameters(self):
        self._parameters = self.config()["parameters"]

    def get_network(self):
        """Identify the network

        :returns: Network parameters
        :rtype: dict
        return self.blockchain.rpc.get_network()

    def get_chain_properties(self):
        """Return chain properties"""
        return self.blockchain.rpc.get_chain_properties()

    def config(self):
        """Returns object 2.0.0"""
        return self.blockchain.rpc.get_object("2.0.0")

    def get_current_block_num(self):
        """This call returns the current block

        .. note:: The block number returned depends on the ``mode`` used
                  when instanciating from this class.
        return self.info().get(self.mode)

    def get_current_block(self):
        """This call returns the current block

        .. note:: The block number returned depends on the ``mode`` used
                  when instanciating from this class.
        return self.block_class(
            self.get_current_block_num(), blockchain_instance=self.blockchain

    def get_block_interval(self):
        """This call returns the block interval"""
        return self.chainParameters().get("block_interval")

    def block_time(self, block_num):
        """Returns a datetime of the block with the given block

        :param int block_num: Block number
        return self.block_class(block_num, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain).time()

    def block_timestamp(self, block_num):
        """Returns the timestamp of the block with the given block

        :param int block_num: Block number
        return int(
            self.block_class(block_num, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain)

    def blocks(self, start=None, stop=None):
        """Yields blocks starting from ``start``.

        :param int start: Starting block
        :param int stop: Stop at this block
        :param str mode: We here have the choice between
         "head" (the last block) and "irreversible" (the block that is
         confirmed by 2/3 of all block producers and is thus irreversible)
        # Let's find out how often blocks are generated!
        self.block_interval = self.get_block_interval()

        if not start:
            start = self.get_current_block_num()

        # We are going to loop indefinitely
        while True:

            # Get chain properies to identify the
            if stop:
                head_block = stop
                head_block = self.get_current_block_num()

            # Blocks from start until head block
            for blocknum in range(start, head_block + 1):
                # Get full block
                block = self.wait_for_and_get_block(blocknum)
                block.update({"block_num": blocknum})
                yield block
            # Set new start
            start = head_block + 1

            if stop and start > stop:

            # Sleep for one block

    def wait_for_and_get_block(self, block_number, blocks_waiting_for=None):
        """Get the desired block from the chain, if the current head block is
        smaller (for both head and irreversible) then we wait, but a
        maxmimum of blocks_waiting_for * max_block_wait_repetition time
        before failure.

        :param int block_number: desired block number
        :param int blocks_waiting_for: (default) difference between
            block_number and current head how many blocks we are willing to
            wait, positive int
        if not blocks_waiting_for:
            blocks_waiting_for = max(1, block_number - self.get_current_block_num())

        repetition = 0
        # can't return the block before the chain has reached it (support
        # future block_num)
        while self.get_current_block_num() < block_number:
            repetition += 1
            if repetition > blocks_waiting_for * self.max_block_wait_repetition:
                raise Exception("Wait time for new block exceeded, aborting")
        # block has to be returned properly
        block = self.blockchain.rpc.get_block(block_number)
        repetition = 0
        while not block:
            repetition += 1
            if repetition > self.max_block_wait_repetition:
                raise Exception("Wait time for new block exceeded, aborting")
            block = self.blockchain.rpc.get_block(block_number)
        return block

    def ops(self, start=None, stop=None, **kwargs):
        """Yields all operations (excluding virtual operations) starting from

        :param int start: Starting block
        :param int stop: Stop at this block
        :param str mode: We here have the choice between
         "head" (the last block) and "irreversible" (the block that is
         confirmed by 2/3 of all block producers and is thus irreversible)
        :param bool only_virtual_ops: Only yield virtual operations

        This call returns a list that only carries one operation and
        its type!

        for block in self.blocks(start=start, stop=stop, **kwargs):
            for tx in block["transactions"]:
                for op in tx["operations"]:
                    # Replace opid by op name
                    op[0] = self.operationids.getOperationName(op[0])
                    yield {
                        "block_num": block["block_num"],
                        "op": op,
                        "timestamp": block["timestamp"],

    def stream(self, opNames=[], *args, **kwargs):
        """Yield specific operations (e.g. comments) only

        :param array opNames: List of operations to filter for
        :param int start: Start at this block
        :param int stop: Stop at this block
        :param str mode: We here have the choice between
             * "head": the last block
             * "irreversible": the block that is confirmed by 2/3 of all
                block producers and is thus irreversible!

        The dict output is formated such that ``type`` caries the
        operation type, timestamp and block_num are taken from the
        block the operation was stored in and the other key depend
        on the actualy operation.
        for op in self.ops(**kwargs):
            if not opNames or op["op"][0] in opNames:
                r = {
                    "type": op["op"][0],
                    "timestamp": op.get("timestamp"),
                    "block_num": op.get("block_num"),
                yield r

    def awaitTxConfirmation(self, transaction, limit=10):
        """Returns the transaction as seen by the blockchain after being
        included into a block

        .. note:: If you want instant confirmation, you need to instantiate
                  class:`.blockchain.Blockchain` with
                  ``mode="head"``, otherwise, the call will wait until
                  confirmed in an irreversible block.

        .. note:: This method returns once the blockchain has included a
                  transaction with the **same signature**. Even though the
                  signature is not usually used to identify a transaction,
                  it still cannot be forfeited and is derived from the
                  transaction contented and thus identifies a transaction
        counter = 0
        for block in self.blocks():
            counter += 1
            for tx in block["transactions"]:
                if sorted(tx["signatures"]) == sorted(transaction["signatures"]):
                    return tx
            if counter > limit:
                raise Exception("The operation has not been added after 10 blocks!")

    def get_all_accounts(self, start="", stop="", steps=1e3, **kwargs):
        """Yields account names between start and stop.

        :param str start: Start at this account name
        :param str stop: Stop at this account name
        :param int steps: Obtain ``steps`` ret with a single call from RPC
        lastname = start
        while True:
            ret = self.blockchain.rpc.lookup_accounts(lastname, steps)
            for account in ret:
                yield account[0]
                if account[0] == stop:
            if lastname == ret[-1][0]:
            lastname = ret[-1][0]
            if len(ret) < steps:

    def participation_rate(self):
        return bin(int(self.info()["recent_slots_filled"])).count("1") / 128