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// showdown2irc - use Showdown chat with an IRC client
// Copyright (C) 2016 Konrad Borowski
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package irc

// Numeric represents reply codes used by IRC protocol
type Numeric int

// GetMessage gets the printf string for a given message.
// Strings come from RFC 1459 standard.
func (n Numeric) GetMessage() string {
    return numericMessages[n]

const (
    // ErrNoSuchNick states that nick doesn't exist.
    ErrNoSuchNick Numeric = 401

    // ErrNoSuchServer states that server doesn't exist.
    ErrNoSuchServer Numeric = 402

    // ErrNoSuchChannel states that channel/room doesn't exist.
    ErrNoSuchChannel Numeric = 403

    // ErrCannotSendToChan informs an user about failure to send
    // a message.
    // There are many situations when this can happen. In IRC, the
    // message is sent when the user is banned, channel has mode +n and
    // user is not in a channel, channel is moderated (+m) and user is
    // not a voice (+v).
    // On Showdown however, this can happen when moderated chat is
    // enabled and user doesn't have enough privileges, the user is
    // banned, or automatic chat filter prevented the message from being
    // submitted.
    ErrCannotSendToChan Numeric = 404

    // ErrTooManyChannels states that user joined too many channels.
    // There is no channel limitation on Showdown
    ErrTooManyChannels Numeric = 405

    // ErrWasNoSuchNick sent by WHOWAS says that the user is unknown.
    ErrWasNoSuchNick Numeric = 406

    // ErrTooManyTargets says that a given string matched too many
    // targets.
    // Too many targets depends on a particular command. Operators
    // are allowed to use wildcards and host masks as an argument of
    // PRIVMSG. This isn't a concern for showdown2irc, because this
    // program doesn't support existence of operator status.
    // JOIN command is allowed to return ErrTooManyTargets when in a
    // specific situation. The specification calls this situation to
    // be "joining a safe channel using the shortname when there are
    // than one such channel". I don't know what that means, but this
    // program doesn't support this.
    ErrTooManyTargets Numeric = 407

    // ErrNoOrigin says that PING or PONG lack the originator
    // parameter.
    ErrNoOrigin Numeric = 409

    // ErrNoRecipient says that recipient parameter was omitted in a
    // private message.
    ErrNoRecipient Numeric = 411

    // ErrNoTextToSend says that there was no text specified to send.
    ErrNoTextToSend Numeric = 412

    // ErrNoTopLevel is caused by trying to use wildcard PRIVMSG on a
    // domain without top level domain part.
    ErrNoTopLevel Numeric = 413

    // ErrWildTopLevel is caused by trying to use wildcard PRIVMSG on a
    // domain for which top level domain part is a wildcard (*).
    ErrWildTopLevel Numeric = 414

    // ErrUnknownCommand is caused by unrecognized command.
    ErrUnknownCommand Numeric = 421

    // ErrNoMOTD says that MOTD file is missing.
    ErrNoMOTD Numeric = 422

    // ErrNoAdminInfo says that administrator information is not
    // available.
    ErrNoAdminInfo Numeric = 423

    // ErrFileError is a generic file error message.
    ErrFileError Numeric = 424

    // ErrNoNicknameGiven is an error caused by not specifying nicknames.
    ErrNoNicknameGiven Numeric = 431

    // ErrErroneusNickname is an error caused by having a username
    // that doesn't follow IRC rules for nicknames.
    // Because that's the only nickname that is about invalid usernames
    // (other than ErrNoNicknameGiven which is explicitly about empty
    // usernames), showdown2irc uses it for purposes of marking
    // usernames that were explicitly rejected by server, such as
    // usernames starting with "Guest".
    ErrErroneusNickname Numeric = 432

    // ErrNicknameInUse says that the nickname is already used.
    ErrNicknameInUse Numeric = 433

    // ErrNickCollision informs about nickname collision between
    // multiple servers.
    ErrNickCollision Numeric = 436

    // ErrUserNotInChannel says that an user is not in a channel.
    ErrUserNotInChannel Numeric = 441

    // ErrNotOnChannel is caused by trying to use channel affecting
    // command while not on server.
    ErrNotOnChannel Numeric = 442

    // ErrUserOnChannel is caused by inviting an user into a room in
    // which an user is already in.
    ErrUserOnChannel Numeric = 443

    // ErrNoLogin is message from SUMMON that the administrator is not
    // logged in.
    ErrNoLogin Numeric = 444

    // ErrSummonDisabled is a message from SUMMON saying that the
    // command is disabled.
    ErrSummonDisabled Numeric = 445

    // ErrUsersDisabled says that USERS is disabled.
    ErrUsersDisabled Numeric = 446

    // ErrNotRegistered says that the user is not logged in.
    // This message is caused by trying to use an command before
    // properly authenticating on a server.
    ErrNotRegistered Numeric = 451

    // ErrNeedMoreParams is a message saying that a command needs more
    // parameters.
    ErrNeedMoreParams Numeric = 461

    // ErrAlreadyRegistered is caused by trying to log in when already
    // logged in.
    ErrAlreadyRegistered Numeric = 462

    // ErrNoPermForHost is a message saying that the server is not
    // configured to allow connections from current host.
    ErrNoPermForHost Numeric = 463

    // ErrPasswdMismatch says the password for an user is incorrect.
    // This can be also triggered by not specifying a password.
    ErrPasswdMismatch Numeric = 464

    // ErrYouAreBannedCreep is caused by trying to connect to a server
    // form which an user is banned.
    // In Showdown terms, this means /globalban.
    ErrYouAreBannedCreep Numeric = 465

    // ErrKeySet says that channel key was already set.
    // Showdown doesn't support channel keys.
    ErrKeySet Numeric = 467

    // ErrChannelIsFull says that channel exceeded its limits.
    // There are no user limits on Showdown.
    ErrChannelIsFull Numeric = 471

    // ErrUnknownMode says that the server doesn't recognize a mode.
    // On Showdown, this is also used for modes that technically are
    // part of IRC RFC, but aren't possible on Showdown.
    ErrUnknownMode Numeric = 472

    // ErrInviteOnlyChan says the joined channel is invite only.
    // This isn't used on Showdown, as failure to join a channel
    // because it's invite only looks exactly like failure to enter
    // a channel because it doesn't exist.
    ErrInviteOnlyChan Numeric = 473

    // ErrBannedFromChan is caused by trying to join a channel from
    // which an user is banned.
    ErrBannedFromChan Numeric = 474

    // ErrBadChannelKey is caused by specifying wrong channel key.
    // There are no channel keys on Showdown.
    ErrBadChannelKey Numeric = 475

    // ErrNoPrivileges is shown when command requires to be an IRC
    // operator.
    // As showdown2irc doesn't support IRC operator status, all IRC
    // operator only commands return this.
    ErrNoPrivileges Numeric = 481

    // ErrChanOpPrivIsNeeded is shown when a command that requires
    // operator privileges is used, and user doesn't have these.
    // Showdown has different privileges levels with different
    // permissions. For example, while an user may be allowed to mute
    // users, he may not be allowed to roomban. This is also used
    // in those cases.
    ErrChanOpPrivIsNeeded Numeric = 482

    // ErrCannotKillServer is caused by lack of permissions to run
    // /kill command.
    ErrCannotKillServer Numeric = 483

    // ErrNoOperHost is caused by trying to claim IRC operator status,
    // despite no permissions to do it.
    ErrNoOperHost Numeric = 491

    // ErrUmodeUnknownFlag is caused by trying to use an unknown user
    // mode flag.
    ErrUmodeUnknownFlag Numeric = 501

    // ErrUsersDoNotMatch is caused by trying to change flags of other
    // users.
    ErrUsersDoNotMatch Numeric = 502

    RplWelcome       Numeric = 1
    RplYourHost      Numeric = 2
    RplCreated       Numeric = 3
    RplMyInfo        Numeric = 4
    RplBounce        Numeric = 5
    RplUserhost      Numeric = 302
    RplIson          Numeric = 303
    RplAway          Numeric = 301
    RplUnaway        Numeric = 305
    RplNowAway       Numeric = 306
    RplWhoisUser     Numeric = 311
    RplWhoisServer   Numeric = 312
    RplWhoisOperator Numeric = 313
    RplWhoisIdle     Numeric = 317
    RplEndOfWhois    Numeric = 318
    RplWhoisChannels Numeric = 319
    RplWhowasUser    Numeric = 314
    RplEndOfWhowas   Numeric = 369
    RplListStart     Numeric = 321
    RplList          Numeric = 322
    RplListEnd       Numeric = 323
    RplChannelModeIs Numeric = 324
    RplNoTopic       Numeric = 331
    RplTopic         Numeric = 332
    RplInviting      Numeric = 341
    RplSummoning     Numeric = 342
    RplVersion       Numeric = 351
    RplWhoReply      Numeric = 352
    RplEndOfWho      Numeric = 315
    RplNamesReply    Numeric = 353
    RplEndOfNames    Numeric = 366
    RplLinks         Numeric = 364
    RplEndOfLinks    Numeric = 365
    RplBanList       Numeric = 367
    RplEndOfBanList  Numeric = 368
    RplInfo          Numeric = 371
    RplEndOfInfo     Numeric = 374
    RplMOTDStart     Numeric = 375
    RplMOTD          Numeric = 372
    RplEndOfMOTD     Numeric = 376
    RplYouAreOper    Numeric = 381
    RplRehashing     Numeric = 382
    RplTime          Numeric = 391
    RplUsersStart    Numeric = 392
    RplUsers         Numeric = 393
    RplEndOfUsers    Numeric = 394
    RplNoUsers       Numeric = 395

    RplTraceLink       Numeric = 200
    RplTraceConnecting Numeric = 201
    RplTraceHandshake  Numeric = 202
    RplTraceUnknown    Numeric = 203
    RplTraceOperator   Numeric = 204
    RplTraceUser       Numeric = 205
    RplTraceServer     Numeric = 206
    RplTraceNewType    Numeric = 208
    RplTraceLog        Numeric = 261

    RplStatsLinkInfo Numeric = 211
    RplStatsCommands Numeric = 212
    RplEndOfStats    Numeric = 219
    RplStatsUptime   Numeric = 242
    RplStatsOLine    Numeric = 243
    RplUmodeIs       Numeric = 221
    RplLuserClient   Numeric = 251
    RplLuserOp       Numeric = 252
    RplLuserUnknown  Numeric = 253
    RplLuserChannels Numeric = 254
    RplLuserMe       Numeric = 255
    RplAdminMe       Numeric = 256
    RplAdminLoc1     Numeric = 257
    RplAdminLoc2     Numeric = 258
    RplAdminEmail    Numeric = 259

var numericMessages = map[Numeric]string{
    ErrNoSuchNick:         "%s :No such nick/channel",
    ErrNoSuchServer:       "%s :No such server",
    ErrNoSuchChannel:      "%s :No such channel",
    ErrCannotSendToChan:   "%s :Cannot send to channel",
    ErrTooManyChannels:    "%s :You have joined too many channels",
    ErrWasNoSuchNick:      "%s :There was no such nickname",
    ErrTooManyTargets:     "%s :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered",
    ErrNoOrigin:           ":No origin specified",
    ErrNoRecipient:        ":No recipient given (%s)",
    ErrNoTextToSend:       ":No text to send",
    ErrNoTopLevel:         "%s :No toplevel domain specified",
    ErrWildTopLevel:       "%s :Wildcard in toplevel domain",
    ErrUnknownCommand:     "%s :Unknown command",
    ErrNoMOTD:             ":MOTD File is missing",
    ErrNoAdminInfo:        "%s :No administrative info available",
    ErrFileError:          ":File error doing %s on %s",
    ErrNoNicknameGiven:    ":No nickname given",
    ErrErroneusNickname:   "%s :Erroneus nickname",
    ErrNicknameInUse:      "%s :Nickname is already in use",
    ErrNickCollision:      "%s :Nickname collision KILL",
    ErrUserNotInChannel:   "%s %s :They aren't on that channel",
    ErrNotOnChannel:       "%s :You're not on that channel",
    ErrUserOnChannel:      "%s %s :is already on channel",
    ErrNoLogin:            "%s :User not logged in",
    ErrSummonDisabled:     ":SUMMON has been disabled",
    ErrUsersDisabled:      ":USERS has been disabled",
    ErrNotRegistered:      ":You have not registered",
    ErrNeedMoreParams:     "%s :Not enough parameters",
    ErrAlreadyRegistered:  ":You may not reregister",
    ErrNoPermForHost:      ":Your host isn't among the privileged",
    ErrPasswdMismatch:     ":Password incorrect",
    ErrYouAreBannedCreep:  ":You are banned from this server",
    ErrKeySet:             "%s :Channel key already set",
    ErrChannelIsFull:      "%s :Cannot join channel (+l)",
    ErrUnknownMode:        "%s :is unknown mode char to me",
    ErrInviteOnlyChan:     "%s :Cannot join channel (+i)",
    ErrBannedFromChan:     "%s :Cannot join channel (+b)",
    ErrBadChannelKey:      "%s :Cannot join channel (+k)",
    ErrNoPrivileges:       ":Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator",
    ErrChanOpPrivIsNeeded: "%s :You're not channel operator",
    ErrCannotKillServer:   ":You cant kill a server!",
    ErrNoOperHost:         ":No O-lines for your host",
    ErrUmodeUnknownFlag:   ":Unknown MODE flag",
    ErrUsersDoNotMatch:    ":Cant change mode for other users",

    RplWelcome:       ":%s",
    RplBounce:        "%s",
    RplUserhost:      ":%s",
    RplIson:          ":%s",
    RplAway:          "%s :%s",
    RplUnaway:        ":You are no longer marked as being away",
    RplNowAway:       ":You have been marked as being away",
    RplWhoisUser:     "%s %s %s * :%s",
    RplWhoisServer:   "%s %s :%s",
    RplWhoisOperator: "%s :is an IRC operator",
    RplWhoisIdle:     "%s %d :seconds idle",
    RplEndOfWhois:    "%s :End of /WHOIS list",
    RplWhoisChannels: "%s: %s",
    RplWhowasUser:    "%s %s %s * :%s",
    RplEndOfWhowas:   "%s :End of WHOWAS",
    RplListStart:     "Channel :Users  Name",
    RplList:          "%s %d :%s",
    RplListEnd:       ":End of /LIST",
    RplChannelModeIs: "%s %s %s",
    RplNoTopic:       "%s: No topic is set",
    RplTopic:         "%s :%s",
    RplInviting:      "%s %s",
    RplSummoning:     "%s :Summoning user to IRC",
    RplVersion:       "%s.%s %s :%s",
    RplWhoReply:      "%s %s %s %s %s %c%s :%d %s",
    RplEndOfWho:      "%s :End of /WHO list",
    RplNamesReply:    "%c %s :%s",
    RplEndOfNames:    "%s :End of /NAMES list",
    RplLinks:         "%s %s :%d %s",
    RplEndOfLinks:    "%s :End of /LINKS list",
    RplBanList:       "%s %s",
    RplEndOfBanList:  "%s :End of channel ban list",
    RplInfo:          ":%s",
    RplEndOfInfo:     ":End of /INFO list",
    RplMOTDStart:     ":- %s Message of the day - ",
    RplMOTD:          ":- %s",
    RplEndOfMOTD:     ":End of /MOTD command",
    RplYouAreOper:    ":You are now an IRC operator",
    RplRehashing:     "%s :Rehashing",
    RplTime:          "%s :%s",
    RplUsersStart:    ":UserID   Terminal  Host",
    RplUsers:         ":%-8s %-9s %-8s",
    RplEndOfUsers:    ":End of users",
    RplNoUsers:       ":Nobody logged in",