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# encoding: UTF-8

name             'system'
version          '0.12.0'
maintainer       'Xhost Australia'
maintainer_email 'cookbooks@xhost.com.au'
license          'Apache-2.0'
description      'Installs/Configures system elements such as the hostname and timezone.'
long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md'))
source_url       'https://github.com/xhost-cookbooks/system'
issues_url       'https://github.com/xhost-cookbooks/system/issues'
chef_version     '>= 11.12.0' if respond_to?(:chef_version)

recipe           'system::default',             "Sets the system's hostname and timezone, updates the system's installed packages."
recipe           'system::timezone',            "Sets the system's' timezone."
recipe           'system::hostname',            "Sets the system's hostname."
recipe           'system::profile',             "Manage the system's profile such as search path and scripts (/etc/profile)."
recipe           'system::upgrade_packages',    "Upgrades the system's installed packages."
recipe           'system::update_package_list', "Updates the system's list of packages in the package manager's cache."
recipe           'system::install_packages',    "Installs packages to the system with it's native package manager."
recipe           'system::reboot',              'Attempts to gracefully reboot the operating system.'
recipe           'system::shutdown',            'Attempts to gracefully shutdown the operating system.'

%w(ubuntu debian centos fedora redhat arch mac_os_x).each { |os| supports os }

depends 'apt'
depends 'cron'
depends 'hostsfile'

attribute 'system/timezone',
          display_name: 'Timezone',
          description: 'The system timezone, which must be a valid zoneinfo/tz database entry.',
          required: 'optional',
          default: 'UTC',
          recipes: ['system::timezone', 'system::default'],
          choice: [

attribute 'system/short_hostname',
          display_name: 'Short Hostname',
          description: 'The short hostname that you would like this node to have, e.g. kryten.',
          required: 'recommended',
          default: 'localhost',
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/domain_name',
          display_name: 'Domain Name',
          description: 'The domain name that you would like this node to have, e.g. domain.suf. Note: Only set a valid domain name '\
                       'to satisfy the resolution of a FQDN; use ignore:ignore for no domain name.',
          required: 'recommended',
          default: 'localdomain',
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/netbios_name',
          display_name: 'NetBIOS Name',
          description: 'The NetBIOS name to set on the node, default is the value of node/short_hostname upper-cased (OS X only).',
          required: 'optional',
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/workgroup',
          display_name: 'NetBIOS Workgroup',
          description: "The NetBIOS workgroup name to set on the node, default is 'WORKGROUP' (OS X only).",
          required: 'optional',
          default: 'WORKGROUP',
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/upgrade_packages',
          display_name: 'Upgrade Packages',
          description: "Whether or not the system::upgrade_packages recipe will physically update the system's installed packages.",
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'boolean',
          choice: [true, false],
          default: true,
          recipes: ['system::upgrade_packages']

attribute 'system/upgrade_packages_at_compile',
          display_name: 'Upgrade Packages at compile time',
          description: "Whether or not the system::upgrade_packages recipe will update the system's installed packages at compile time.",
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'boolean',
          choice: [true, false],
          default: true,
          recipes: ['system::upgrade_packages']

attribute 'system/manage_hostsfile',
          display_name: 'Manage Hostsfile',
          description: 'Whether or not to manage /etc/hostsfile (in any way).',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'boolean',
          choice: [true, false],
          default: true,
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/enable_cron',
          display_name: 'Enable cron recipe',
          description: 'Whether or not the system::timezone recipe will include the cron recipe.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'boolean',
          choice: [true, false],
          default: true,
          recipes: ['system::timezone']

attribute 'system/packages/install',
          display_name: 'Install Packages',
          description: 'An array of system packages to install with the package resource in execute phase.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'array',
          recipes: ['system::install_packages']

attribute 'system/packages/install_compile_time',
          display_name: 'Install Packages Compile Phase',
          description: 'An array of system packages to install with the package resource in compile phase.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'array',
          recipes: ['system::install_packages']

attribute 'system/permanent_ip',
          display_name: 'Permanent IP Address',
          description: 'Whether the system has a permenent IP address (http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch05.en.html#_the_hostname_resolution).',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'boolean',
          choice: [true, false],
          default: true,
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/static_hosts',
          display_name: 'Static Hosts',
          description: 'A hash of static hosts to add to /etc/hosts.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'hash',
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/primary_interface',
          display_name: 'Primary Network Interface',
          description: "Specify primary network interface, used by hostname to set the correct address in hostsfile. default is node['network']['default_interface'].",
          required: 'optional',
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/delay_network_restart',
          display_name: 'Delay Network Restart',
          description: 'Whether or not the system hostnamem provider will trigger a network restart as delayed vs. immediate.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'boolean',
          choice: [true, false],
          default: true,
          recipes: ['system::hostname', 'system::default']

attribute 'system/profile/path',
          display_name: 'System Profile Path',
          description: 'Overrides the default path for the system.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'array',
          recipes: ['system::profile']

attribute 'system/profile/path_append',
          display_name: 'System Profile Path Append',
          description: 'Append more paths to the base path.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'array',
          recipes: ['system::profile']

attribute 'system/profile/path_prepend',
          display_name: 'System Profile Path Prepend',
          description: 'Prepends more paths to the base path.',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'array',
          recipes: ['system::profile']

attribute 'system/profile/append_scripts',
          display_name: 'System Profile Path Append',
          description: 'An array of shell scripts to be appended to the system profile (include raw scripts without shebangs).',
          required: 'optional',
          type: 'array',
          recipes: ['system::profile']