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# upgreat

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**upgreat** is a CLI for a painless way to upgrade your package dependencies!

**upgreat** helps you upgrade the dependencies of your project. Have it plan and execute upgrades for you, making sure they don't cause any issues. It will run tests (or builds), attempt an upgrade for a package, then run the tests/build again to verify.

upgreat is smart:

- **it will roll back failed upgrades**: upgrading everything it can without breaking tests and builds
- **it knows about devDependencies**: it will run builds instead of tests
- **it understands peerDependencies**: it will attempt the least intrusive upgrades first, and warn you of missing ones
- **it supports yarn and npm**

It can plan based on:

- package type: `dependencies|devDependencies`
- include regex
- exclude regex

It can upgrade all dependencies:

- with yarn or npm
- using _test_ and _build_ scripts defined in your `package.json`

## usage

You can use this package directly via `npx`, or install it globally (`npm install @xmatters/upgreat -g`).

upgreat [COMMAND]
# eg: upgreat help
# eg: npx @xmatters/upgreat help
  help  # display help for upgreat
  plan  # create the upgrade plan for the package
  up    # execute the upgrade plan
### 1. upgreat plan
First, create an upgrade plan via the `plan` command. This will create a file `.upgreat/plan.json` with the details and order of upgrade for each package.
upgreat plan
# create the upgrade plan
# by default, plans upgrade of ALL dependencies
-i, --include=include                           # include packages by regex
-p, --packageType=dependencies|devDependencies  # limit to a specific package type
-x, --exclude=exclude                           # exclude packages by regex
### 2. upgreat up
Then, execute the upgrade plan via the `up` command. This will read `.upgreat/plan.json` and start upgrading packages and testing/building.
upgreat up
# execute the upgrade plan
-b, --buildScript=buildScriptName   # name of the npm script in package.json
                                    # used for building your app [default: build]

-t, --testScript=testScriptName     # name of the npm script in package.json
                                    # used for building your app [default: test]

--npm                               # use npm

You can pass `-b` or `--buildScript` to define which script in your `package.json` gets run after upgrading a `devDependency`. By default this is `build` so **upgreat** will use `yarn build` or `npm run build`.

Similarly, `-t` or `--testScript` defines the test script in `package.json` to run after upgrading a `dependency`. By default this is `test` so **upgreat** will use `yarn test` or `npm run test`.

You can customize both for your purposes: `npx @xmatters/upgreat up --npm -b build:prod -t test:ci` will use `npm` and use `build:prod` script for `devDependencies` and `test:ci` script for `dependencies`.

Sit back and watch it do it's thing. Any upgrades that cause failures will be rolled back. `.upgreat/` directory will contain any dependencies that failed with `stderr` info in separate files.

## usage example

Move to the folder of your package and create an upgrade plan

cd my-project
upgreat plan

# or

npx @xmatters/upgreat plan


upgreat up

# or

# yarn:
npx @xmatters/upgreat up
# npm:
npx @xmatters/upgreat up --npm

If you were using npm, and your test script was named `testTheProjectPls` you would invoke it as:
upgreat up --npm -t testTheProjectPls

## roadmap / todo

- html upgrade report with changelogs

## related

[Greenkeeper](https://greenkeeper.io), [Dependabot](https://dependabot.com/) and [Renovate](https://renovatebot.com/) address similar problems, but either need tight GitHub integration or are not free. Do you need to make sure all your dependencies are up to date, or merge PRs all day for `@babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators 7.0.0 -> 7.0.2` from bots? If the former, give upgreat a try!