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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package main

import (




// failureText is human readable text for the failure message
const failureText = `Unfortunately, your endpoint is not able to keep up with the ` +
    `traffic being sent to it.  Due to this circumstance, all notification traffic ` +
    `is being cut off and dropped for a period of time.  Please increase your ` +
    `capacity to handle notifications, or reduce the number of notifications ` +
    `you have requested.`

// FailureMessage is a helper that lets us easily create a json struct to send
// when we have to cut and endpoint off.
type FailureMessage struct {
    Text         string                `json:"text"`
    Original     ancla.InternalWebhook `json:"webhook_registration"`
    CutOffPeriod string                `json:"cut_off_period"`
    QueueSize    int                   `json:"queue_size"`
    Workers      int                   `json:"worker_count"`

// OutboundSenderFactory is a configurable factory for OutboundSender objects.
type OutboundSenderFactory struct {
    // The WebHookListener to service
    Listener ancla.InternalWebhook

    // The http client Do() function to use for outbound requests.
    // Sender func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    Sender httpClient

    ClientMiddleware func(httpClient) httpClient

    // The number of delivery workers to create and use.
    NumWorkers int

    // The queue depth to buffer events before we declare overflow, shut
    // off the message delivery, and basically put the endpoint in "timeout."
    QueueSize int

    // The amount of time to cut off the consumer if they don't keep up.
    // Must be greater then 0 seconds
    CutOffPeriod time.Duration

    // Number of delivery retries before giving up
    DeliveryRetries int

    // Time in between delivery retries
    DeliveryInterval time.Duration

    // Metrics registry.
    MetricsRegistry CaduceusMetricsRegistry

    // The logger to use.
    Logger *zap.Logger

    // CustomPIDs is a custom list of allowed PartnerIDs that will be used if a message
    // has no partner IDs.
    CustomPIDs []string

    // DisablePartnerIDs dictates whether or not to enforce the partner ID check.
    DisablePartnerIDs bool

    QueryLatency metrics.Histogram

type OutboundSender interface {
    Update(ancla.InternalWebhook) error
    RetiredSince() time.Time

// CaduceusOutboundSender is the outbound sender object.
type CaduceusOutboundSender struct {
    id                               string
    urls                             *ring.Ring
    listener                         ancla.InternalWebhook
    deliverUntil                     time.Time
    dropUntil                        time.Time
    sender                           httpClient
    events                           []*regexp.Regexp
    matcher                          []*regexp.Regexp
    queueSize                        int
    deliveryRetries                  int
    deliveryInterval                 time.Duration
    deliveryCounter                  metrics.Counter
    deliveryRetryCounter             metrics.Counter
    droppedQueueFullCounter          metrics.Counter
    droppedCutoffCounter             metrics.Counter
    droppedExpiredCounter            metrics.Counter
    droppedExpiredBeforeQueueCounter metrics.Counter
    droppedMessage                   metrics.Counter
    droppedInvalidConfig             metrics.Counter
    droppedPanic                     metrics.Counter
    cutOffCounter                    metrics.Counter
    queueDepthGauge                  metrics.Gauge
    renewalTimeGauge                 metrics.Gauge
    deliverUntilGauge                metrics.Gauge
    dropUntilGauge                   metrics.Gauge
    maxWorkersGauge                  metrics.Gauge
    currentWorkersGauge              metrics.Gauge
    deliveryRetryMaxGauge            metrics.Gauge
    wg                               sync.WaitGroup
    cutOffPeriod                     time.Duration
    workers                          semaphore.Interface
    maxWorkers                       int
    failureMsg                       FailureMessage
    logger                           *zap.Logger
    mutex                            sync.RWMutex
    queue                            atomic.Value
    customPIDs                       []string
    disablePartnerIDs                bool
    clientMiddleware                 func(httpClient) httpClient

// New creates a new OutboundSender object from the factory, or returns an error.
func (osf OutboundSenderFactory) New() (obs OutboundSender, err error) {
    if _, err = url.ParseRequestURI(osf.Listener.Webhook.Config.URL); nil != err {

    if nil == osf.ClientMiddleware {
        osf.ClientMiddleware = nopHTTPClient

    if nil == osf.Sender {
        err = errors.New("nil Sender()")

    if 0 == osf.CutOffPeriod.Nanoseconds() {
        err = errors.New("Invalid CutOffPeriod")

    if nil == osf.Logger {
        err = errors.New("Logger required")

    decoratedLogger := osf.Logger.With(zap.String("webhook.address", osf.Listener.Webhook.Address))

    caduceusOutboundSender := &CaduceusOutboundSender{
        id:               osf.Listener.Webhook.Config.URL,
        listener:         osf.Listener,
        sender:           osf.Sender,
        queueSize:        osf.QueueSize,
        cutOffPeriod:     osf.CutOffPeriod,
        deliverUntil:     osf.Listener.Webhook.Until,
        logger:           decoratedLogger,
        deliveryRetries:  osf.DeliveryRetries,
        deliveryInterval: osf.DeliveryInterval,
        maxWorkers:       osf.NumWorkers,
        failureMsg: FailureMessage{
            Original:     osf.Listener,
            Text:         failureText,
            CutOffPeriod: osf.CutOffPeriod.String(),
            QueueSize:    osf.QueueSize,
            Workers:      osf.NumWorkers,
        customPIDs:        osf.CustomPIDs,
        disablePartnerIDs: osf.DisablePartnerIDs,
        clientMiddleware:  osf.ClientMiddleware,

    // Don't share the secret with others when there is an error.
    caduceusOutboundSender.failureMsg.Original.Webhook.Config.Secret = "XxxxxX"

    CreateOutbounderMetrics(osf.MetricsRegistry, caduceusOutboundSender)

    // update queue depth and current workers gauge to make sure they start at 0

    caduceusOutboundSender.queue.Store(make(chan *wrp.Message, osf.QueueSize))

    if err = caduceusOutboundSender.Update(osf.Listener); nil != err {

    caduceusOutboundSender.workers = semaphore.New(caduceusOutboundSender.maxWorkers)
    go caduceusOutboundSender.dispatcher()

    obs = caduceusOutboundSender


// Update applies user configurable values for the outbound sender when a
// webhook is registered
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) Update(wh ancla.InternalWebhook) (err error) {

    // Validate the failure URL, if present
    if "" != wh.Webhook.FailureURL {
        if _, err = url.ParseRequestURI(wh.Webhook.FailureURL); nil != err {

    // Create and validate the event regex objects
    // nolint:prealloc
    var events []*regexp.Regexp
    for _, event := range wh.Webhook.Events {
        var re *regexp.Regexp
        if re, err = regexp.Compile(event); nil != err {

        events = append(events, re)
    if len(events) < 1 {
        err = errors.New("events must not be empty.")

    // Create the matcher regex objects
    matcher := []*regexp.Regexp{}
    for _, item := range wh.Webhook.Matcher.DeviceID {
        if ".*" == item {
            // Match everything - skip the filtering
            matcher = []*regexp.Regexp{}

        var re *regexp.Regexp
        if re, err = regexp.Compile(item); nil != err {
            err = fmt.Errorf("invalid matcher item: '%s'", item)
        matcher = append(matcher, re)

    // Validate the various urls
    urlCount := len(wh.Webhook.Config.AlternativeURLs)
    for i := 0; i < urlCount; i++ {
        _, err = url.Parse(wh.Webhook.Config.AlternativeURLs[i])
        if err != nil {
            obs.logger.Error("failed to update url", zap.Any("url", wh.Webhook.Config.AlternativeURLs[i]), zap.Error(err))


    // write/update obs

    obs.listener = wh

    obs.failureMsg.Original = wh
    // Don't share the secret with others when there is an error.
    obs.failureMsg.Original.Webhook.Config.Secret = "XxxxxX"

    obs.listener.Webhook.FailureURL = wh.Webhook.FailureURL
    obs.deliverUntil = wh.Webhook.Until

    obs.events = events


    // if matcher list is empty set it nil for Queue() logic
    obs.matcher = nil
    if 0 < len(matcher) {
        obs.matcher = matcher

    if 0 == urlCount {
        obs.urls = ring.New(1)
        obs.urls.Value = obs.id
    } else {
        r := ring.New(urlCount)
        for i := 0; i < urlCount; i++ {
            r.Value = wh.Webhook.Config.AlternativeURLs[i]
            r = r.Next()
        obs.urls = r

    // Randomize where we start so all the instances don't synchronize
    r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
    offset := r.Intn(obs.urls.Len())
    for 0 < offset {
        obs.urls = obs.urls.Next()

    // Update this here in case we make this configurable later



// Shutdown causes the CaduceusOutboundSender to stop its activities either gently or
// abruptly based on the gentle parameter.  If gentle is false, all queued
// messages will be dropped without an attempt to send made.
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) Shutdown(gentle bool) {
    if !gentle {
        // need to close the channel we're going to replace, in case it doesn't
        // have any events in it.
        close(obs.queue.Load().(chan *wrp.Message))
    close(obs.queue.Load().(chan *wrp.Message))

    obs.deliverUntil = time.Time{}
    obs.queueDepthGauge.Set(0) //just in case

// RetiredSince returns the time the CaduceusOutboundSender retired (which could be in
// the future).
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) RetiredSince() time.Time {
    deliverUntil := obs.deliverUntil
    return deliverUntil

func overlaps(sl1 []string, sl2 []string) bool {
    for _, s1 := range sl1 {
        for _, s2 := range sl2 {
            if s1 == s2 {
                return true
    return false

// Queue is given a request to evaluate and optionally enqueue in the list
// of messages to deliver.  The request is checked to see if it matches the
// criteria before being accepted or silently dropped.
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) Queue(msg *wrp.Message) {
    deliverUntil := obs.deliverUntil
    dropUntil := obs.dropUntil
    events := obs.events
    matcher := obs.matcher

    now := time.Now()

    if !obs.isValidTimeWindow(now, dropUntil, deliverUntil) {
        obs.logger.Debug("invalid time window for event", zap.Any("now", now), zap.Any("dropUntil", dropUntil), zap.Any("deliverUntil", deliverUntil))

    //check the partnerIDs
    if !obs.disablePartnerIDs {
        if len(msg.PartnerIDs) == 0 {
            msg.PartnerIDs = obs.customPIDs
        if !overlaps(obs.listener.PartnerIDs, msg.PartnerIDs) {
            obs.logger.Debug("parter id check failed", zap.Strings("webhook.partnerIDs", obs.listener.PartnerIDs), zap.Strings("event.partnerIDs", msg.PartnerIDs))

    var (
        matchEvent  bool
        matchDevice = true
    for _, eventRegex := range events {
        if eventRegex.MatchString(strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Destination, "event:")) {
            matchEvent = true
    if !matchEvent {
        obs.logger.Debug("destination regex doesn't match", zap.Strings("webhook.events", obs.listener.Webhook.Events), zap.String("event.dest", msg.Destination))

    if matcher != nil {
        matchDevice = false
        for _, deviceRegex := range matcher {
            if deviceRegex.MatchString(msg.Source) || deviceRegex.MatchString(strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Destination, "event:")) {
                matchDevice = true

    if !matchDevice {
        obs.logger.Debug("device regex doesn't match", zap.Strings("webhook.devices", obs.listener.Webhook.Matcher.DeviceID), zap.String("event.source", msg.Source))

    select {
    case obs.queue.Load().(chan *wrp.Message) <- msg:
        obs.logger.Debug("event added to outbound queue", zap.String("event.source", msg.Source), zap.String("event.destination", msg.Destination))
        obs.logger.Debug("queue full. event dropped", zap.String("event.source", msg.Source), zap.String("event.destination", msg.Destination))

func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) isValidTimeWindow(now, dropUntil, deliverUntil time.Time) bool {
    if !now.After(dropUntil) {
        // client was cut off
        return false

    if !now.Before(deliverUntil) {
        // outside delivery window
        return false

    return true

// Empty is called on cutoff or shutdown and swaps out the current queue for
// a fresh one, counting any current messages in the queue as dropped.
// It should never close a queue, as a queue not referenced anywhere will be
// cleaned up by the garbage collector without needing to be closed.
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) Empty(droppedCounter metrics.Counter) {
    droppedMsgs := obs.queue.Load().(chan *wrp.Message)
    obs.queue.Store(make(chan *wrp.Message, obs.queueSize))

func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) dispatcher() {
    defer obs.wg.Done()
    var (
        msg            *wrp.Message
        urls           *ring.Ring
        secret, accept string
        ok             bool

    for {
        // Always pull a new queue in case we have been cutoff or are shutting
        // down.
        msgQueue := obs.queue.Load().(chan *wrp.Message)
        // nolint:gosimple
        select {
        // The dispatcher cannot get stuck blocking here forever (caused by an
        // empty queue that is replaced and then Queue() starts adding to the
        // new queue) because:
        //     - queue is only replaced on cutoff and shutdown
        //  - on cutoff, the first queue is always full so we will definitely
        //    get a message, drop it because we're cut off, then get the new
        //    queue and block until the cut off ends and Queue() starts queueing
        //    messages again.
        //  - on graceful shutdown, the queue is closed and then the dispatcher
        //    will send all messages, then break the loop, gather workers, and
        //    exit.
        //  - on non graceful shutdown, the queue is closed and then replaced
        //    with a new, empty queue that is also closed.
        //      - If the first queue is empty, we immediately break the loop,
        //        gather workers, and exit.
        //      - If the first queue has messages, we drop a message as expired
        //        pull in the new queue which is empty and closed, break the
        //        loop, gather workers, and exit.
        case msg, ok = <-msgQueue:
            // This is only true when a queue is empty and closed, which for us
            // only happens on Shutdown().
            if !ok {
                break Loop
            urls = obs.urls
            // Move to the next URL to try 1st the next time.
            // This is okay because we run a single dispatcher and it's the
            // only one updating this field.
            obs.urls = obs.urls.Next()
            deliverUntil := obs.deliverUntil
            dropUntil := obs.dropUntil
            secret = obs.listener.Webhook.Config.Secret
            accept = obs.listener.Webhook.Config.ContentType

            now := time.Now()

            if now.Before(dropUntil) {
            if now.After(deliverUntil) {

            go obs.send(urls, secret, accept, msg)
    for i := 0; i < obs.maxWorkers; i++ {

// worker is the routine that actually takes the queued messages and delivers
// them to the listeners outside webpa
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) send(urls *ring.Ring, secret, acceptType string, msg *wrp.Message) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); nil != r {
            obs.logger.Error("goroutine send() panicked", zap.String("id", obs.id), zap.Any("panic", r))

    payload := msg.Payload
    body := payload
    var payloadReader *bytes.Reader

    // Use the internal content type unless the accept type is wrp
    contentType := msg.ContentType
    switch acceptType {
    case "wrp", wrp.MimeTypeMsgpack, wrp.MimeTypeWrp:
        // WTS - We should pass the original, raw WRP event instead of
        // re-encoding it.
        contentType = wrp.MimeTypeMsgpack
        buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
        encoder := wrp.NewEncoder(buffer, wrp.Msgpack)
        body = buffer.Bytes()
    payloadReader = bytes.NewReader(body)

    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls.Value.(string), payloadReader)
    if nil != err {
        // Report drop
        obs.logger.Error("Invalid URL", zap.String("url", urls.Value.(string)), zap.String("id", obs.id), zap.Error(err))

    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", contentType)

    // Add x-Midt-* headers
    wrphttp.AddMessageHeaders(req.Header, msg)

    // Provide the old headers for now
    req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Event", strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Destination, "event:"))
    req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Transaction-Id", msg.TransactionUUID)

    // Add the device id without the trailing service
    id, _ := device.ParseID(msg.Source)
    // Deprecated: X-Webpa-Device-Id should only be used for backwards compatibility.
    // Use X-Webpa-Source instead.
    req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Device-Id", string(id))
    // Deprecated: X-Webpa-Device-Name should only be used for backwards compatibility.
    // Use X-Webpa-Source instead.
    req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Device-Name", string(id))
    req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Source", msg.Source)
    req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Destination", msg.Destination)

    // Apply the secret

    if secret != "" {
        s := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(secret))
        sig := fmt.Sprintf("sha1=%s", hex.EncodeToString(s.Sum(nil)))
        req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Signature", sig)

    // find the event "short name"
    event := msg.FindEventStringSubMatch()

    retryOptions := xhttp.RetryOptions{
        Logger:   obs.logger,
        Retries:  obs.deliveryRetries,
        Interval: obs.deliveryInterval,
        Counter:  obs.deliveryRetryCounter.With(urlLabel, obs.id, eventLabel, event),
        // Always retry on failures up to the max count.
        ShouldRetry:       xhttp.ShouldRetry,
        ShouldRetryStatus: xhttp.RetryCodes,

    // update subsequent requests with the next url in the list upon failure
    retryOptions.UpdateRequest = func(request *http.Request) {
        urls = urls.Next()
        tmp, err := url.Parse(urls.Value.(string))
        if err != nil {
            obs.droppedMessage.With(urlLabel, req.URL.String(), reasonLabel, updateRequestURLFailedReason).Add(1)
            obs.logger.Error("failed to update url", zap.String("url", urls.Value.(string)), zap.Error(err))
        request.URL = tmp

    // Send it
    obs.logger.Debug("attempting to send event", zap.String("event.source", msg.Source), zap.String("event.destination", msg.Destination))

    retryer := xhttp.RetryTransactor(retryOptions, obs.sender.Do)
    client := obs.clientMiddleware(doerFunc(retryer))
    resp, err := client.Do(req)

    var deliveryCounterLabels []string
    code := messageDroppedCode
    reason := noErrReason
    l := obs.logger
    if nil != err {
        // Report failure
        reason = getDoErrReason(err)
        if resp != nil {
            code = strconv.Itoa(resp.StatusCode)

        l = obs.logger.With(zap.String(reasonLabel, reason), zap.Error(err))
        deliveryCounterLabels = []string{urlLabel, req.URL.String(), reasonLabel, reason, codeLabel, code, eventLabel, event}
        obs.droppedMessage.With(urlLabel, req.URL.String(), reasonLabel, reason).Add(1)
    } else {
        // Report Result
        code = strconv.Itoa(resp.StatusCode)
        // read until the response is complete before closing to allow
        // connection reuse
        if nil != resp.Body {
            io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body)

        deliveryCounterLabels = []string{urlLabel, req.URL.String(), reasonLabel, reason, codeLabel, code, eventLabel, event}

    l.Debug("event sent-ish", zap.String("event.source", msg.Source), zap.String("event.destination", msg.Destination), zap.String("code", code), zap.String("url", req.URL.String()))

// queueOverflow handles the logic of what to do when a queue overflows:
// cutting off the webhook for a time and sending a cut off notification
// to the failure URL.
func (obs *CaduceusOutboundSender) queueOverflow() {
    if time.Now().Before(obs.dropUntil) {
    obs.dropUntil = time.Now().Add(obs.cutOffPeriod)
    secret := obs.listener.Webhook.Config.Secret
    failureMsg := obs.failureMsg
    failureURL := obs.listener.Webhook.FailureURL


    // We empty the queue but don't close the channel, because we're not
    // shutting down.

    msg, err := json.Marshal(failureMsg)
    if nil != err {
        obs.logger.Error("Cut-off notification json.Marshal failed", zap.Any("failureMessage", obs.failureMsg), zap.String("for", obs.id), zap.Error(err))

    // if no URL to send cut off notification to, do nothing
    if "" == failureURL {

    // Send a "you've been cut off" warning message
    payload := bytes.NewReader(msg)
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", failureURL, payload)
    if nil != err {
        // Failure
        obs.logger.Error("Unable to send cut-off notification", zap.String("notification",
            failureURL), zap.String("for", obs.id), zap.Error(err))
    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", wrp.MimeTypeJson)

    if "" != secret {
        h := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(secret))
        sig := fmt.Sprintf("sha1=%s", hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)))
        req.Header.Set("X-Webpa-Signature", sig)

    resp, err := obs.sender.Do(req)
    if nil != err {
        // Failure
        obs.logger.Error("Unable to send cut-off notification", zap.String("notification", failureURL), zap.String("for", obs.id), zap.Error(err))

    if nil == resp {
        // Failure
        obs.logger.Error("Unable to send cut-off notification, nil response", zap.String("notification", failureURL))

    // Success

    if nil != resp.Body {
        io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body)
