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Test Coverage
package main

import (

    "github.com/xmidt-org/webpa-common/v2/xmetrics" // nolint: staticcheck

    "github.com/xmidt-org/webpa-common/v2/concurrent" // nolint: staticcheck
    "github.com/xmidt-org/webpa-common/v2/logging"    // nolint: staticcheck
    "github.com/xmidt-org/webpa-common/v2/server"     // nolint: staticcheck



const (
    applicationName = "heimdall"

var (
    GitCommit = "undefined"
    Version   = "undefined"
    BuildTime = "undefined"

type deviceGetter interface {
    GetDeviceList(time.Time, time.Time, int, int) ([]string, error)

type StatusConfig struct {
    Db           cassandra.Config
    CodexAddress string
    CodexSAT     acquire.RemoteBearerTokenAcquirerOptions
    XmidtAddress string
    XmidtSAT     acquire.RemoteBearerTokenAcquirerOptions
    ChannelSize  uint64
    MaxPoolSize  int
    Sender       SenderConfig

    // Rate is the number of devices to check
    Rate int

    // Tick is the time unit for the Rate field.  If Rate is set but this field is not set,
    // a tick of 1 second is used as the default.
    Tick time.Duration

    // Window, how long to look in the past to retrieve deviceIds.
    Window time.Duration

    // WindowLimit max number to get from a random time window
    WindowLimit int

type SenderConfig struct {
    ClientTimeout         time.Duration
    ResponseHeaderTimeout time.Duration
    IdleConnTimeout       time.Duration
    DeliveryRetries       int
    DeliveryInterval      time.Duration

func start(arguments []string) int {
    start := time.Now()
    codex, dbConn, confidence, config, metricsRegistry, logger, s := setup(arguments)
    if s != nil {
        return *s

    stopConfidence := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    stopPopulate := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    populateWG := sync.WaitGroup{}

    shuffler := shuffle.NewStreamShuffler(config.MaxPoolSize, metricsRegistry)

    go populate(dbConn, config.Window, config.WindowLimit, shuffler, stopPopulate, &populateWG, confidence.measures)

    interval := config.Tick / time.Duration(config.Rate)

    go confidence.handleConfidence(stopConfidence, interval, shuffler.Get)

    _, runnable, done := codex.Prepare(logger, nil, metricsRegistry, route.New())

    waitGroup, shutdown, err := concurrent.Execute(runnable)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unable to start device manager: %s\n", err)
        return 1

    logging.Info(logger).Log(logging.MessageKey(), fmt.Sprintf("%s is up and running!", applicationName), "elapsedTime", time.Since(start))
    signals := make(chan os.Signal, 10)
    for exit := false; !exit; {
        select {
        case s := <-signals:
            if s == os.Kill || s == os.Interrupt {
                logging.Error(logger).Log(logging.MessageKey(), "exiting due to signal", "signal", s)
                exit = true
        case <-done:
            exit = true

    stopPopulate <- struct{}{}
    stopConfidence <- struct{}{}
    err = dbConn.Close()
    if err != nil {
        logging.Error(logger, emperror.Context(err)...).Log(logging.MessageKey(), "closing database threads failed",
            logging.ErrorKey(), err.Error())

    return 0

func validate(config *StatusConfig) {
    // fix interval
    if config.Tick <= 0 {
        config.Tick = time.Second
    if config.Rate <= 0 {
        config.Rate = 5

    // fix window
    if config.Window == 0 {
        config.Window = 24 * time.Hour
    if config.WindowLimit == 0 {
        config.WindowLimit = 1024

func setupConfidence(c *StatusConfig, mr xmetrics.Registry, l log.Logger) (*Confidence, error) {
    tr := &http.Transport{
        ResponseHeaderTimeout: c.Sender.ResponseHeaderTimeout,
        IdleConnTimeout:       c.Sender.IdleConnTimeout,

    codexAuth, err := acquire.NewRemoteBearerTokenAcquirer(c.CodexSAT)
    if err != nil {
        logging.Error(l, emperror.Context(err)...).Log(logging.MessageKey(), "Failed to setup codex Remote Bearer Token Acquirer",
            logging.ErrorKey(), err.Error())
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "codex Remote Bearer Token Acquirer Initialize Failed: %#v\n", err)
        return nil, err

    xmidtAuth, err := acquire.NewRemoteBearerTokenAcquirer(c.XmidtSAT)
    if err != nil {
        logging.Error(l, emperror.Context(err)...).Log(logging.MessageKey(), "Failed to setup xmidt Remote Bearer Token Acquirer",
            logging.ErrorKey(), err.Error())
        return nil, err

    return &Confidence{
        codexAddress: c.CodexAddress,
        codexAuth:    codexAuth,
        xmidtAddress: c.XmidtAddress,
        xmidtAuth:    xmidtAuth,
        logger:       l,
        measures:     NewMeasures(mr),
        client: (&http.Client{
            Transport: tr,
            Timeout:   c.Sender.ClientTimeout,
    }, nil

func setup(arguments []string) (*server.WebPA, *cassandra.Connection, *Confidence, *StatusConfig, xmetrics.Registry, log.Logger, *int) {
    var (
        s                 *int
        f, v              = pflag.NewFlagSet(applicationName, pflag.ContinueOnError), viper.New()
        l, mr, codex, err = server.Initialize(applicationName, arguments, f, v, cassandra.Metrics, Metrics, shuffle.Metrics)
    printVer := f.BoolP("version", "v", false, "displays the version number")
    if err := f.Parse(arguments); err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to parse arguments: %s\n", err.Error())
        *s = 1
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, s

    if *printVer {
        *s = 0
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, s

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unable to initialize viper: %s\n", err.Error())
        *s = 1
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, s

    logging.Info(l).Log(logging.MessageKey(), "Successfully loaded config file", "configurationFile", v.ConfigFileUsed())

    c := new(StatusConfig)

    dbConn, err := cassandra.CreateDbConnection(c.Db, mr, nil)
    if err != nil {
        logging.Error(l, emperror.Context(err)...).Log(logging.MessageKey(), "Failed to initialize database connection",
            logging.ErrorKey(), err.Error())
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Database Initialize Failed: %#v\n", err)
        *s = 2
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, s

    confidence, err := setupConfidence(c, mr, l)
    if err != nil {
        *s = 2
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, s

    return codex, dbConn, confidence, c, mr, l, s

func printVersionInfo(writer io.Writer) {
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s:\n", applicationName)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "  version: \t%s\n", Version)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "  go version: \t%s\n", runtime.Version())
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "  built time: \t%s\n", BuildTime)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "  git commit: \t%s\n", GitCommit)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "  os/arch: \t%s/%s\n", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)

func main() {

func populate(conn deviceGetter, window time.Duration, windowLimit int, shuffler shuffle.Interface, stop chan struct{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup, measures *Measures) {
    // start worker pool
    jobs := make(chan string, windowLimit)
    for i := 0; i < windowLimit; i++ {
        go worker(jobs, shuffler)

    // start populater
    for {
        select {
        case <-stop:
            beginTime := time.Now().Add(-window).UnixNano()
            endTime := time.Now().UnixNano()

            windowLower := beginTime + rand.Int63n(endTime-beginTime)  // nolint: gosec
            windowHigher := beginTime + rand.Int63n(endTime-beginTime) // nolint: gosec
            if windowLower > windowHigher {
                temp := windowHigher
                windowHigher = windowLower
                windowLower = temp

            list, err := conn.GetDeviceList(time.Unix(0, windowLower), time.Unix(0, windowHigher), 0, windowLimit)
            if len(list) == 0 {
                fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "list is empty")
            } else if err != nil {
                fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err.Error())
            for _, elem := range list {
                if strings.HasPrefix(elem, "mac") {
                    jobs <- elem

func worker(jobs <-chan string, shuffler shuffle.Interface) {
    for device := range jobs {