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# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Svalinn-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
server: "svalinn-instance-123.example.com"

#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# Provides this build number to the X-Svalinn-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
build: "0.1.3-434"

# Provides the region information to the X-Svalinn-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Svalinn-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
flavor: "mint"

#   Primary Endpoint Configuration

# primary defines the details needed for the primary endpoint.  The
# primary endpoint accepts requests for events for a specific device id.
  # address provides the port number for the endpoint to bind to.
  # ":443" is ideal, but may require some special handling due to it being
  # a reserved (by the kernel) port.
  address: ":7100"
  # certificateFile provides the public key and CA chain in PEM format if
  # TLS is used.  Note: the certificate needs to match the fqdn for clients
  # to accept without issue.
  # keyFile provides the private key that matches the certificateFile
  # (Optional)
  # certificateFile: "/etc/svalinn/public.pem"
  # keyFile: "/etc/svalinn/private.pem"

#   Health Endpoint Configuration

# health defines the details needed for the health check endpoint.  The
# health check endpoint is generally used by services (like AWS Route53
# or consul) to determine if this particular machine is healthy or not.
  # port provides the port number for the endpoint to bind to.
  # ":80" is ideal, but may require some special handling due to it being
  # a reserved (by the kernel) port.
  port: ":7101"
  # endpoint provides the endpoint that will provide the health check
  # information.
  endpoint: "/health"

#   Debugging/Pprof Configuration

# pprof defines the details needed for the pprof debug endpoint.
# (Optional)
  # address provides the port number for the endpoint to bind to.
  address: ":7102"

#   Metrics Configuration

# metric defines the details needed for the prometheus metrics endpoint
# (Optional)
  # address provides the port number for the endpoint to bind to.  Port 9389
  # was chosen because it does not conflict with any of the other prometheus
  # metrics or other machines in the xmidt cluster.  You may use any port you
  # wish.
  address: ":7103"

  # metricsOptions provides the details needed to configure the prometheus
  # metric data.  Metrics generally have the form:
  # {namespace}_{subsystem}_{metric}
  # so if you use the suggested value below, your metrics are prefixed like
  # this:
  # codex_svalinn_{metric}
  # (Optional)
    # namespace is the namespace of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    namespace: "codex"
    # subsystem is the subsystem of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    subsystem: "svalinn"

#   Logging Related Configuration

# log configures the logging subsystem details
  # file is the name of the most recent log file.  If set to "stdout" this
  # will log to os.Stdout.
  # (Optional) defaults to os.TempDir()
  #file: "/var/log/svalinn/svalinn.log"
  file: "stdout"

  # level is the logging level to use - INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
  # (Optional) defaults to ERROR
  level: "ERROR"

  # maxsize is the maximum file size in MB
  # (Optional) defaults to max 100MB
  maxsize: 50

  # maxage is the maximum number of days to retain old log files
  # (Optional) defaults to ignore age limit (0)
  maxage: 30

  # maxbackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
  # (Optional) defaults to retain all (0)
  maxbackups: 10

  # json is a flag indicating whether JSON logging output should be used.
  # (Optional) defaults to false
  json: true

#   Database Related Configuration

# db provides the configuration for connecting to the database and database
# calls.
  # hosts is and array of address and port used to connect to the cluster.
    - "db"
  # database is the name of the database being connected to.
  database: "devices"
  # opTimeout is the timeout for database calls after svalinn is connected.
  # If the opTimeout is set to 0, it defaults to 10s.
  # (Optional) defaults to 10s
  opTimeout: 100ms

#  # username is the username to use when connecting to the database.
#  # (Optional)
#  username: "cassandra"
#  # password is the password to use when connecting to the database.
#  # (Optional)
#  password: "cassandra"
#  # SSLRootCert is the root cert to use when connecting to the database.
#  # The SSLKey and SSLCert must also be provided in order to connect securely.
#  # (Optional)
#  #sslRootCert: "/etc/svalinn/ca.crt"
#  # SSLKey is the SSL key to use when connecting to the database.  The
#  # SSLRootCert and SSLCert must also be provided in order to connect securely.
#  # (Optional)
#  #sslKey: "/etc/svalinn/node."
#  # SSLCert is the SSL cert to use when connecting to the database.  The SSLKey
#  # and SSLRootCert must also be provided in order to connect securely.
#  # (Optional)
#  #sslCert: "/etc/svalinn/node."
#  # If you want to verify the hostname and server cert (like a wildcard for cass cluster) then you should turn this on
#  # This option is basically the inverse of InSecureSkipVerify
#  # See InSecureSkipVerify in http://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/ for more info
#  # (Optional) defaults to false
#  #enableHostVerification: false

# insertRetries provides the information needed for making multiple attempts to
# insert the same batch of records.  This gets populated into the backoff
# package's ExponentialBackoff struct.  Read more about that here:
# https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/cenkalti/backoff.v3#ExponentialBackOff
  # initialInterval provides the initial amount of time to wait in between
  # attempts to query the database.  Has no effect if maxElapsedTime is less
  # than 0.
  # (Optional) defaults to 500ms
  initialInterval: 500ms

  # randomizationFactor provides the "jitter" amount to be used when
  # calculating the amount of time to wait before the next retry.  Has no
  # effect if maxElapsedTime is less than 0.
  # (Optional) defaults to 0.5
  randomizationFactor: 0.05

  # multiplier provides the number to multiply the initialInterval by between
  # each attempt.  Has no effect if maxElapsedTime is less than 0.
  # (Optional) defaults to 1.5
  multiplier: 5

  # maxInterval is the maximum amount of time that can be waited for between
  # each attempt.  Has no effect if maxElapsedTime is less than 0.
  # (Optional) defaults to 60s
  maxInterval: 11s

  # maxElapsedTime is the maximum amount of time to continue attempting to
  # insert into the database.  If an attempt is currently ongoing, it may
  # continue, but no new attempts will be started past the time given.  If
  # this value is set below 0, svalinn will attempt to insert only once, with
  # no retries.
  # defaults to 15m
  maxElapsedTime: 30s

# batchInserter provides the information needed for inserting multiple records
# in one query.
# (Optional)
  # queueSize provides the max number of records that can be stored on the
  # queue.  Once records are taken off the queue, they are batched together and
  # inserted.  If a value below 5 is chosen, it defaults to 5.
  # (Optional) defaults to 5
  queueSize: 3000

  # maxWorkers provides the maximum number of workers that can work on
  # inserting batches of records at one time.  If a value below 1 is chosen,
  # it defaults to 5.
  # (Optional) defaults to 5
  maxWorkers: 1000

  # maxBatchSize provides the maximum number of records that can be grouped
  # together in a single insert.  If a value below 0 is chosen, it defaults to
  # 1.  If the 0 value is chosen, there is no maximum and records are batched
  # together until the maxBatchWaitTime is reached.
  # (Optional) defaults to 1
  maxBatchSize: 30

  # maxBatchWaitTime provides the maximum amount of time to wait once the first
  # record in a batch is received.  If a value below 0s is chosen, it defaults to
  # 0s.
  # (Optional)
  maxBatchWaitTime: 10ms

#   Encryption Related Configuration

# cipher tells svalinn what type of encryption it should be prepared to
# encrypt.  This list is used to encrypt the events being inserted the database.
# If there is no encryption, use the "none" configuration below. Svalinn uses
# the first cipher on the list that loads successfully.
  - # type is the type of encryption.
    type: rsa-sym

    # kid is a further identifier for what kind of encryption should be used.
    kid: "basic-sha"

    # params are further information for a type of encryption.
    # (Optional)
      hash: SHA512

    # keys are the keys to use for this form of encryption.
    # (Optional)
      publicKey: "/etc/svalinn/public.pem"

  - # type is the type of encryption.
    type: none

    # kid is the a further identifier for what kind of encryption should be used.
    kid: none

#   Event Parsing Related Configuration

# endpoint provides the endpoint to listen for events at, which is added to the
# api base (a constant in the code).
endpoint: "/device-status"

# requestParser provides the information needed for starting the parser, which
# turns events into records.
# (Optional)
  # queueSize provides the maximum number of events that can be added to the
  # queue.  Once events are taken off the queue, they are parsed into records.
  # If a value below 5 is chosen, it defaults to 5.
  # (Optional) defaults to 5
  queueSize: 3000

  # maxWorkers provides the maximum number of workers parsing events at a
  # time.  If a value below 5 is chosen, it defaults to 5.
  # (Optional) defaults to 5
  maxWorkers: 10000

  # metadataMaxSize provides the number of bytes that the marshaled metadata of
  # an event must not exceed.  If the metadata is larger than that, it is removed
  # from the event before the event is put in a record.  If a value below 0 is
  # chosen, it defaults to 0.
  # (Optional)
  metadataMaxSize: 1000

  # payloadMaxSize provides the number of bytes that the payload of an event must
  # not exceed.  If the payload is larger than that, it is removed from the event
  # before the events is put in a record.  If a value below 0 is chosen, it
  # defaults to 0.
  # (Optional)
  payloadMaxSize: 1000

  # defaultTTL provides the amount of time a record is kept in the database
  # before it is removed.  This TTL is for any event that doesn't have a rule
  # with a TTL specified.  If 0 is chosen, it defaults to 5m.
  # (Optional) defaults to 5m
  defaultTTL: 5s

  # regexRules provides rules for events whose destinations match the regular
  # expression.  If the event matches the regex of a rule, Svalinn gets
  # instructions on whether or not to store the event's payload (storePayload),
  # what the event type should be (eventType), and how long the record should
  # live in the database (ruleTTL).  If no rules are provided, the payload isn't
  # stored, the event type is the default, and the record's TTL is the defaultTTL.
  # Svalinn uses the first rule whose regex matches an event's destination.
  # The eventType indicates where to find the device id in the event.  If the
  # event type is "State", the device id is parsed out of the event Destination.
  # Otherwise, the event Source is used as the device id.
  # eventType options: "State", "Default"
  # (Optional)
    - regex: ".*/online$"
      storePayload: true
      ruleTTL: 30s
      eventType: "State"
    - regex: ".*/offline$"
      storePayload: true
      ruleTTL: 30s
      eventType: "State"

# blacklistInterval provides how often Svalinn should get the blacklist from
# the database.  If a device id matches a regular expression on the blacklist,
# that event isn't inserted into the database.  If 0s is chosen, it defaults to
# 1m.
# (Oprional) defaults to 1m
blacklistInterval: 1m

#   Authorization Related Configuration

# secret contains information for finding the secret on incoming requests.  If
# both header and webhook secret are empty, no authentication is done on
# incoming requests to Svalinn.  Otherwise, the value at the header provided
# should hold a sha1 hash of the request body.  It should be in the format:
# Sha1<delimiter><hash>
# (Optional)
  # header provides the header key where the hash is expected.
  # (Optional)
  header: "X-Webpa-Signature"

  # delimiter provides the string that is expected between "Sha1" and the hash.
  # (Optional)
  delimiter: "="

#   Webhook Registration Related Configuration

# webhook provides the information needed to register to a webhook.  If the
# urls and event regex aren't empty and the interval is greater than 0,
# registration occurs.
# (Optional)
  # registrationInterval provides the time to wait between each registration to
  # the webhook.  If this is set to 0, no registration is done.
  # (Optional)
  registrationInterval: "4m"

  # timeout provides the length of time the request should wait before timing
  # out.
  timeout: "1m"

  # registrationURL provides the place to register the webhook.
  registrationURL: ""

  # request provides the information passed in the webhook registration request.
    # config provides configuration values for the requests to the webhook
    # receiver.
      # url provides the server the webhook should send the events to.  If this
      # value isn't set, no registration happens.
      url: "http://host.docker.internal:8181/api/v1/device-status"

      # contentType provides the content type Svalinn expects from the requests
      # it receives.
      # (Optional) defaults to "wrp"
      #contentType: "wrp"

      # secret provides the key for hashing the messages the webhook sends.
      # If this is empty, no authentication is done later for incoming requests
      # to Svalinn.
      # (Optional)
      secret: "super secret"

      # maxRetryCount is the number of times to retry on a failure.
      # (Optional)
      maxRetryCount: 3

      # alternativeURLs provides endpoints to round robin through on a failure
      # to send an event.  This is only used if the maxRetryCount is greater
      # than 0.
      # (Optional)
      #AlternativeURLs: []

    # events provides a list of regular expressions that tells the webhook
    # which endpoints to send to Svalinn.  If the destination of an event
    # matches a regular expression in this list, it is sent to Svalinn
    events: ["device-status.*"]

    # matcher provides regular expressions to match against the event source.
    # (Optional) default is [".*"]
    # matcher:
    #   deviceID: [".*"]

  # the below configuration values provide a way to add an Authorization header
  # to the request to the webhook.  If both basic and sat contain empty values,
  # no header is sent.  sat takes priority over basic if both are set.

  # basic provides a way to use Basic Authorization when registering to a
  # webhook.  If this value is provided and sat isn't, the following header is
  # added to the registration request:
  # Authorization Basic {basic}
  # (Optional)
  basic: ""

  # jwt provides a way to use Bearer Authorization when registering to a
  # webhook.  If the below values are all provided, a request is made to the
  # URL to get the token to be used in the registration request.  The
  # header would look like:
  # Authorization Bearer {token}
  # (Optional)
    # requestHeaders are added to the request for the token.
    # (Optional)
    # requestHeaders:
    #   "": ""

    # authURL is the URL to access for the token.
    authURL: ""

    # timeout is how long the request to get the token will take before
    # timing out.
    timeout: "1m"

    # buffer is the length of time before a token expires to get a new token.
    # (Optional)
    buffer: "5s"