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package token

import (


// RemoteClaims describes a remote HTTP endpoint that can produce claims given the
// metadata from a token request.
type RemoteClaims struct {
    // Method is the HTTP method used to invoke the URL
    Method string

    // URL is the remote endpoint that is expected to receive Request.Metadata and return a JSON document
    // which is merged into the token claims
    URL string

// Value represents information pulled from either the HTTP request or statically, via config.
type Value struct {
    // Header is an HTTP header from which the value is pulled
    Header string

    // Parameter is a URL query parameter (including form data) from which the value is pulled
    Parameter string

    // Variable is a URL gorilla/mux variable from with the value is pulled
    Variable string

    // Value is the statically assigned value from configuration
    Value interface{}

// PartnerID describes how to extract the partner id from an HTTP request.  Partner IDs
// require some special processing.
type PartnerID struct {
    // Claim is the name of the claim key for the partner id.  If unset, no claim is set.
    Claim string

    // Metadata is the name of the metadata key for the partner id.  If unset, no metadata
    // is set and thus the partner id won't be transmitted to remote systems.
    Metadata string

    // Header is the HTTP header containing the partner id
    Header string

    // Parameter is the HTTP parameter containing the partner id
    Parameter string

    // Default is the default value for the partner id
    Default string

// Options holds the configurable information for a token Factory
type Options struct {
    // Alg is the required JWT signing algorithm to use
    Alg string

    // Key describes the signing key to use
    Key key.Descriptor

    // Claims is an optional map of claims to add to every token emitted by this factory.
    // Any claims here can be overridden by claims within a token Request.
    // None of these claims receive any special processing.  They are copied as is from the HTTP request
    // or statically from configuration.  For special processing around the partner id, set the PartnerID field.
    Claims map[string]Value

    // Metadata describes non-claim data, which can be statically configured or supplied via a request
    Metadata map[string]Value

    // PartnerID is the optional partner id configuration.  If unset, no partner id processing is
    // performed, though a partner id may still be configured as part of the claims.
    PartnerID *PartnerID

    // Nonce indicates whether a nonce (jti) should be applied to each token emitted
    // by this factory.
    Nonce bool

    // DisableTime completely disables all time-based claims, such as iat.  Setting this to true
    // also causes Duration and NotBeforeDelta to be ignored.
    DisableTime bool

    // Duration specifies how long the token should be valid for.  An exp claim is set
    // using this duration from the current time if this field is positive.
    Duration time.Duration

    // DisableNotBefore specifically controls the nbf claim.
    DisableNotBefore bool

    // NotBeforeDelta is a golang duration that determines the nbf field.  This field
    // is parsed and added to the current time at the moment a token is issued.  The result
    // is set as an nbf claim.  Note that the duration may be zero or negative.
    // If either DisableTime or DisableNotBefore are true, this field is ignored and no nbf claim is emitted.
    NotBeforeDelta time.Duration

    // Remote specifies an optional external system that takes metadata from a token request
    // and returns a set of claims to be merged into tokens returned by the Factory.  Returned
    // claims from the remote system do not override claims configured on the Factory.
    Remote *RemoteClaims