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Test Coverage
package xhttpserver

import (



// ServerNotConfiguredError is returned when a required server has no configuration key
type ServerNotConfiguredError struct {
    Key string

func (e ServerNotConfiguredError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("No server with key %s is configured.", e.Key)

// ChainFactory is a creation strategy for server-specific alice.Chains that will decorate the
// server handler.  Chains created by this factory will be appended to the core chain created
// by NewServerChain.
// This interface is useful when particular servers need custom chains based on configuration.
// The most common example of this is metrics, as server metrics might need the name of the
// server as a label.
type ChainFactory interface {
    New(string, Options) (alice.Chain, error)

type ChainFactoryFunc func(string, Options) (alice.Chain, error)

func (cff ChainFactoryFunc) New(n string, o Options) (alice.Chain, error) {
    return cff(n, o)

// ServerIn holds the set of dependencies required to create an HTTP server in the context
// of a uber/fx application.
type ServerIn struct {

    Logger       log.Logger
    Unmarshaller config.Unmarshaller
    Shutdowner   fx.Shutdowner
    Lifecycle    fx.Lifecycle

    // ChainFactory is an optional component which is used to build an alice.Chain for each particular
    // server based on configuration.  Both this field and Chain may be used simultaneously.
    ChainFactory ChainFactory `optional:"true"`

    // ParameterBuiders is an optional component which is used to create contextual request loggers
    // for use by http.Handler code.
    ParameterBuilders xloghttp.ParameterBuilders `optional:"true"`

// Unmarshal describes how to unmarshal an HTTP server.  This type contains all the non-component information
// related to server instantiation.
type Unmarshal struct {
    // Key is the viper configuration key containing the server Options
    Key string

    // Name is the string that identifies this server from others within the same application.  If unset,
    // the Key is used.
    Name string

    // Optional indicates whether the configuration is required.  If this field is false (the default),
    // and there is no such configuration Key, an error is returned.
    Optional bool

    // Chain is an optional set of constructors that will decorate the *mux.Router.  This field is useful for static
    // decorators, such as inserting known headers into every response.
    // This chain cannot depend on components.  In order to leverage dependency injection, create a ChainFactory instead.
    Chain alice.Chain

func (u Unmarshal) name() string {
    if len(u.Name) > 0 {
        return u.Name

    return u.Key

// Provide unmarshals a server using the Key field and creates a *mux.Router which is the root handler for
// that server's requests.  This *mux.Router will be decorated with the constructors from NewServerChain as well
// as any ChainFactory's constructors.
func (u Unmarshal) Provide(in ServerIn) (*mux.Router, error) {
    if !in.Unmarshaller.IsSet(u.Key) {
        if !u.Optional {
            return nil, ServerNotConfiguredError{Key: u.Key}

        return nil, nil

    var o Options
    if err := in.Unmarshaller.UnmarshalKey(u.Key, &o); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var (
        serverName   = u.name()
        serverLogger = log.With(in.Logger, ServerKey(), serverName)
        serverChain  = NewServerChain(o, serverLogger, in.ParameterBuilders...)

    if in.ChainFactory != nil {
        more, err := in.ChainFactory.New(serverName, o)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        serverChain = serverChain.Extend(more)

    var (
        router = mux.NewRouter()
        server = New(

        OnStart: OnStart(o, server, serverLogger, func() { in.Shutdowner.Shutdown() }),
        OnStop:  OnStop(server, serverLogger),

    return router, nil

// Annotated is like Unmarshal, save that it emits a named *mux.Router.  This method is appropriate
// for applications with multiple servers.  The name of the returned *mux.Router is either the Name field (if set)
// or the Key field (if Name is empty).
func (u Unmarshal) Annotated() fx.Annotated {
    return fx.Annotated{
        Name:   u.name(),
        Target: u.Provide,