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Test Coverage
package xmetrics

import (
    kitprometheus "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics/prometheus"

// Options defines the configuration options for bootstrapping a prometheus-based metrics environment
// within an uber/fx App backed by Viper configuration.
type Options struct {
    // DefaultNamespace is the prometheus namespace to apply when a metric has no namespace
    DefaultNamespace string

    // DefaultSubsystem is the prometheus subsystem to apply when a metric has no subsystem
    DefaultSubsystem string

    // Pedantic controls whether a pedantic Registerer is used as the prometheus backend.
    // See https://godoc.org/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus#NewPedanticRegistry
    Pedantic bool

    // DisableGoCollector controls whether the go collector is registered on startup.
    // By default, the go collector is registered.
    // See https://godoc.org/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus#NewGoCollector
    DisableGoCollector bool

    // DisableProcessCollector controls whether the process collector is registered on startup.
    // By default, this collector is registered.
    // See https://godoc.org/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus#NewProcessCollector
    DisableProcessCollector bool

    // ConstLabels is an optional map of constant labels and values that are applied to all
    // registered metrics.  Useful for defining application-wide metrics, usually to distinguish
    // running instances in a cluster.
    ConstLabels map[string]string

// Factory is a creational strategy go-kit and prometheus metrics
type Factory interface {
    // NewCounter constructs a go-kit Counter backed by a prometheus counter.  The wrapped counter
    // will be registered if this implementation is also a Registerer (the default).
    NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts, []string) (metrics.Counter, error)

    // NewCounterVec constructs a prometheus counter.  This counter will be registered if this implementation
    // is also a Registerer (the default).
    // Use this method when lower level access to prometheus features are required, such as currying.
    NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts, []string) (*prometheus.CounterVec, error)

    // NewGauge constructs a go-kit Gauge backed by a prometheus gauge.  The wrapped gauge
    // will be registered if this implementation is also a Registerer (the default).
    NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts, []string) (metrics.Gauge, error)

    // NewGaugeVec constructs a prometheus gauge.  This gauge will be registered if this implementation
    // is also a Registerer (the default).
    // Use this method when lower level access to prometheus features are required, such as currying.
    NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts, []string) (*prometheus.GaugeVec, error)

    // NewHistogram constructs a go-kit Histogram backed by a prometheus histogram.  The wrapped histogram
    // will be registered if this implementation is also a Registerer (the default).
    NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts, []string) (metrics.Histogram, error)

    // NewHistogramVec constructs a prometheus histogram.  This histogram will be registered if this implementation
    // is also a Registerer (the default).
    // Use this method when lower level access to prometheus features are required, such as currying.
    NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts, []string) (*prometheus.HistogramVec, error)

    // NewSummary constructs a go-kit Histogram backed by a prometheus summary.  The wrapped summary
    // will be registered if this implementation is also a Registerer (the default).
    // Go-kit does not have a separate histogram vs summary interface.  Thus, client code wishing to stay
    // abstracted from prometheus needs to use go-kit's Histogram interface.
    NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts, []string) (metrics.Histogram, error)

    // NewSummaryVec constructs a prometheus summary.  This summary will be registered if this implementation
    // is also a Registerer (the default).
    // Use this method when lower level access to prometheus features are required, such as currying.
    NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts, []string) (*prometheus.SummaryVec, error)

// Registry is the central interface of this package.  It implements the appropriate prometheus interfaces
// and supplies factory methods that return go-kit metrics types.
type Registry interface {

type registry struct {

    defaultNamespace string
    defaultSubsystem string
    constLabels      map[string]string

func (r *registry) namespace(v string) string {
    if len(v) > 0 {
        return v

    return r.defaultNamespace

func (r *registry) subsystem(v string) string {
    if len(v) > 0 {
        return v

    return r.defaultSubsystem

func (r *registry) mergeConstLabels(original prometheus.Labels) prometheus.Labels {
    copy := make(prometheus.Labels, len(original)+len(r.constLabels))
    for k, v := range original {
        copy[k] = v

    for k, v := range r.constLabels {
        copy[k] = v

    return copy

func (r *registry) NewCounter(o prometheus.CounterOpts, labelNames []string) (metrics.Counter, error) {
    cv, err := r.NewCounterVec(o, labelNames)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return kitprometheus.NewCounter(cv), nil

func (r *registry) NewCounterVec(o prometheus.CounterOpts, labelNames []string) (*prometheus.CounterVec, error) {
    o.Namespace = r.namespace(o.Namespace)
    o.Subsystem = r.subsystem(o.Subsystem)
    o.ConstLabels = r.mergeConstLabels(o.ConstLabels)

    cv := prometheus.NewCounterVec(o, labelNames)
    if err := r.Register(cv); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return cv, nil

func (r *registry) NewGauge(o prometheus.GaugeOpts, labelNames []string) (metrics.Gauge, error) {
    gv, err := r.NewGaugeVec(o, labelNames)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return kitprometheus.NewGauge(gv), nil

func (r *registry) NewGaugeVec(o prometheus.GaugeOpts, labelNames []string) (*prometheus.GaugeVec, error) {
    o.Namespace = r.namespace(o.Namespace)
    o.Subsystem = r.subsystem(o.Subsystem)
    o.ConstLabels = r.mergeConstLabels(o.ConstLabels)

    gv := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(o, labelNames)
    if err := r.Register(gv); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return gv, nil

func (r *registry) NewHistogram(o prometheus.HistogramOpts, labelNames []string) (metrics.Histogram, error) {
    hv, err := r.NewHistogramVec(o, labelNames)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return kitprometheus.NewHistogram(hv), nil

func (r *registry) NewHistogramVec(o prometheus.HistogramOpts, labelNames []string) (*prometheus.HistogramVec, error) {
    o.Namespace = r.namespace(o.Namespace)
    o.Subsystem = r.subsystem(o.Subsystem)
    o.ConstLabels = r.mergeConstLabels(o.ConstLabels)

    hv := prometheus.NewHistogramVec(o, labelNames)
    if err := r.Register(hv); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return hv, nil

func (r *registry) NewSummary(o prometheus.SummaryOpts, labelNames []string) (metrics.Histogram, error) {
    sv, err := r.NewSummaryVec(o, labelNames)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return kitprometheus.NewSummary(sv), nil

func (r *registry) NewSummaryVec(o prometheus.SummaryOpts, labelNames []string) (*prometheus.SummaryVec, error) {
    o.Namespace = r.namespace(o.Namespace)
    o.Subsystem = r.subsystem(o.Subsystem)
    o.ConstLabels = r.mergeConstLabels(o.ConstLabels)

    sv := prometheus.NewSummaryVec(o, labelNames)
    if err := r.Register(sv); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return sv, nil

func New(o Options) (Registry, error) {
    var pr *prometheus.Registry
    if o.Pedantic {
        pr = prometheus.NewRegistry()
    } else {
        pr = prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()

    if !o.DisableGoCollector {
        if err := pr.Register(prometheus.NewGoCollector()); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if !o.DisableProcessCollector {
        pco := prometheus.ProcessCollectorOpts{
            Namespace: o.DefaultNamespace,

        if err := pr.Register(prometheus.NewProcessCollector(pco)); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return &registry{
        Registerer:       pr,
        Gatherer:         pr,
        defaultNamespace: o.DefaultNamespace,
        defaultSubsystem: o.DefaultSubsystem,
    }, nil