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        <nav id="help-menu">
            <ul data-layout="rows">
                <li><a href="#help-custom-block" class="button">Custom Blocks</a>
                <li><a href="#help-templates" class="button">Templates</a>
                <li><a href="#help-advanced" class="button">Advanced Templates</a>
                <li><a href="#help-language" class="button">Language</a>
                <li><a href="#help-development" class="button">Development</a>

<article id="help-module">

    <section id="help-overview">


        <p>This module aims to provide quick access to most common tasks of the application platform.
        <p>Altsys module (library) is required and installed by default with the core modules.
        <p>Permissions can be extended to trusted user groups.

        <p>Next we will give an overview of some common tasks you can do with the Administration.
            Each task will be used to highlight a particular function within the module.
        <p>Creation of custom blocks (HTML, PHP and BBCode), modules block management,
                advanced templates design, customization, localization and translation.


    <section id="help-custom-block">

        <h2>Blocks management</h2>

        <p>The building blocks of your site are single components of content like business information,
            advertisements, contact forms, images or media embeds from other platforms.</p>

        <h3>Block Settings</h3>
        <p>Each block has the following default properties :</p>
            <li>name (title)</li>
            <li>order or weight of display</li>
            <li>default block "side"</li>
            <li>enabled or disable</li>
            <li>Target module(s)</li>
            <li>User groups permissions</li>
            <li>Cache settings</li>
            <li><b>Custom Blocks</b></li>
            <li>+ Type of Block (Auto-Format, HTML, PHP)</li>
            <li>+ Copy/duplicate</li>
            <li>+ Edit the template</li>
            <li>+ Delete the custom block</li>

        <h3>Block Side</h3>

        <p>The block "side"" is just a legacy code convention to identify areas in the theme and organize the layout.
            Blocks are modular units of content that can be positioned almost anywhere on the page.</p>
        <p>For example, a theme can place the block-left "Main Menu" at the top of the page to create a navigation bar.</p>

        <div class="tips">The block template specifies the shape, and the global theme specifies the areas and appearance.
            The block's presentation layer can be replaced by a custom template design.</div>

        <h3>Types of blocks</h3>

        <h4>Custom blocks</h4>

        <p>A Custom block can be built with BBCode (Auto-Format), PHP, or HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
            Thus allowing to create reusable Components to create an effective website layout.</p>
        <p>BBCode is a simple and secure way to format your entries (like bold text, italic text, links). Nowadays, Markdown shares the same purpose as BBCode.</p>
        <p>Custom Blocks can also embed code or integrate with third-party features specific to a site's unique needs.</p>

        <div class="tips">The block editor will switch according to the type of content.</div>

        <h4>Modules blocks</h4>

        <p>Modules have several pre-built blocks that offer specific functionality and favor composition over inheritance.
            These blocks are made available in Block Management by enabling modules.
            Each module block has its own settings and customization options.</p>

        <p><a class="button" href="<{'index.php?action=Help&dirname=legacy&file=block.html'}>">Learn more about Blocks ⭢</a></p>



    <section id="help-templates">


        <p>Templates of modules and blocks shape content. While the frontend and backend Themes define the general appearance.</p>
        <p>A custom template can be created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Smarty variables to make a single file component.</p>

        <h3>Template Set</h3>

        <p>The list of Template Sets can be found in Template Management of module Renderer.
            When modules are installed, their templates become part of the Default Template Set.</p>

        <p>1. First, make a copy of the <b>Default Template Set</b> ( Base-File )</p>
        <p>2. Browse to templates »» Module</p>
        <p>3. Click "edit" next to the template of the new Set</p>
        <p>4. Make the changes you want</p>
        <p>5. Save the template</p>

        <div class="tips">In case of errors, check the box next to the template to easily copy from <b>Base-File Set</b> !</div>

        <h3>Find a Template</h3>

        <h4>Naming Convention</h4>

        <p>The template naming convention is a systematic method for naming files
            written in all-lowercase ASCII letters. The name specs might include the package name, action, event.</p>

        <p><a class="button" href="<{'index.php?action=Help&dirname=legacy&file=directory_structure.html'}>">Learn more about Naming Convention ⭢</a></p>

        <h3>Custom Templates</h3>
        <p>1. Create a custom template</p>
        <p>2. Add some content</p>
        <p>3. Name the template eg.: mycustom_template.html</p>
        <p>4. Save the custom template</p>

        <p>Then, you can create a custom block and load your custom template</p>
        <pre><code class="lang-php">
$xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
$test = $xoopsTpl->fetch('db:myblock_custom.html');
echo $test;

        <h3>Renderer Engine</h3>

        <p>The Renderer uses Smarty Template Engine —one of the most popular and mature template engines— with custom delimiters
            similar to HTML markup language that make easier to design and develop components for templates.</p>
        <p>From template Management you can enable a Set and check the list of templates that you can edit, copy, download or delete.</p>

        <p><a class="button" href="<{'index.php?action=Help&dirname=legacyRender'}>">Learn more about Themes and Templates ⭢</a></p>



    <section id="help-advanced">

        <h3>Advanced Templates</h3>

        <p>These features allow you to insert ruler guides and logic to collect template variables
            in order to help designers identify components during the design process.</p>

       <div class="tips">You can also generate a DreamWeaver extension with template variables.</div>



    <section id="help-language">


        <p>The default distribution comes with English, French, Japanese and Portuguese translations.
            You can change the 'Default Language' in <br>
        <div class="badge">System »» Preferences »» Settings</div>

        <p>Other local languages translations are available that you can download from the
        <a href="https://github.com/xoopscube/i18n-language" target="_blank">GitHub repository - i18n-language ⭧</a><p>

        <div class="confirm">
        Note that he translations of installation wizard, System and modules might not be up-to-date.
        However, you can translate and customize here any missing constants.


        <p>If your language files are not available, you’ll need to translate the files located in modules directories
            e.g. “/language/english/”</p>

        <div class="error">
            Some times you have a placeholder within a constant, for example, <b>%s</b> or <b>{0}</b>,
            it's important to keep them !<br>
            define( '_MSC_INTSITE' , 'Interesting Site: <b>%s</b>');<br>
            // Here <b>%s</b> is a placeholder for your site name

        <p>1. Click the module to translate
        <p>2. Select the local language, e.g. english</p>
        <p>3. Select the file to translate</p>
        <p>4. Add a new Custom Value</p>
        <p>5. Update to save the constants translated into your language</p>
        <p> This will save into the database and in a file under TRUST_PATH/cache/....</p>


        <p>Localisation (l10n) is the process of customizing your app and
            adapting your product's translation to a specific country or region.</p>

        <div class="tips">
            Keep your global voice consistent across all modules, branches, cultures, and language locales

        <p>It is the second phase of a larger process of product translation and cultural adaptation to account for
            differences in distinct markets, a process known as internationalisation and localisation.</p>



    <section id="help-development">

        <table class="outer">
                <th>Module name</th>
                <td>Trust Module [ D3 library ]</td>
                <td>🌐 Repository URL</td>
                <td><a href="https://github.com/xoopscube/altsys" target="_blank">https://github.com/xoopscube/altsys ⭧</a></td>

