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Test Coverage
 * Altsys library (UI-Components) for D3 modules
 * Language constants admin
 * @package    Altsys
 * @version    XCL 2.4.0
 * @author     Other authors Gigamaster, 2020 XCL PHP7
 * @author     Gijoe (Peak)
 * @copyright  (c) 2005-2024 Authors
 * @license    GPL v2.0

require_once __DIR__ . '/class/AltsysBreadcrumbs.class.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/gtickets.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/altsys_functions.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/lang_functions.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class/D3LanguageManager.class.php';

// only groups have 'module_admin' of 'altsys' can do that.
$module_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
$module         = $module_handler->getByDirname( 'altsys' );
if ( ! is_object( $module ) ) {
    die( 'install altsys' );
$moduleperm_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'groupperm' );
if ( ! is_object( @$xoopsUser ) || ! $moduleperm_handler->checkRight( 'module_admin', $module->getVar( 'mid' ), $xoopsUser->getGroups() ) ) {
    die( 'only admin of altsys can access this area' );

// initial
$db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
( method_exists( 'MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance' ) and $myts = MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance() ) || $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$langman = D3LanguageManager::getInstance();

// language file of this controller
altsys_include_language_file( 'mylangadmin' );

// check $xoopsModule
if ( ! is_object( $xoopsModule ) ) {
    redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/user.php', 1, _NOPERM );

// set target_module if specified by $_GET['dirname']
$module_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
if ( ! empty( $_GET['dirname'] ) ) {
    $dirname       = preg_replace( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', $_GET['dirname'] );
    $target_module = $module_handler->getByDirname( $dirname );

if ( ! empty( $target_module ) && is_object( $target_module ) ) {
    // specified by dirname (for langadmin as an independent module)
    $target_mid         = $target_module->getVar( 'mid' );
    $target_dirname     = $target_module->getVar( 'dirname' );
    $target_dirname4sql = addslashes( $target_dirname );
    $target_mname       = $target_module->getVar( 'name' ) . sprintf( '<span class="badge-count" style="font-size:14px;position:relative;bottom:.5em">v %2.2f </span>', $target_module->getVar( 'version' ) / 100.0 );
    //$query4redirect = '?dirname='.urlencode(strip_tags($_GET['dirname'])) ;
} else {
    // not specified by dirname (for 3rd party modules as mylangadmin)
    $target_mid         = $xoopsModule->getVar( 'mid' );
    $target_dirname     = $xoopsModule->getVar( 'dirname' );
    $target_dirname4sql = addslashes( $target_dirname );
    $target_mname       = $xoopsModule->getVar( 'name' );
    //$query4redirect = '' ;

// basic GET variables
$target_lang = preg_replace( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', @$_GET['target_lang'] );
if ( empty( $target_lang ) ) {
    $target_lang = $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'];
$target_lang4sql = addslashes( $target_lang );
$target_file     = preg_replace( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/', '', @$_GET['target_file'] );
if ( empty( $target_file ) ) {
    $target_file = 'main.php';

// get $target_trustdirname
$mytrustdirname = '';
if ( file_exists( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $target_dirname . '/mytrustdirname.php' ) ) {
    require XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $target_dirname . '/mytrustdirname.php';
$target_trustdirname = $mytrustdirname;

// get base directory
if ( empty( $target_trustdirname ) ) {
    // conventional module
    $base_dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $target_dirname . '/language';
} else {
    // D3 module
    $base_dir = XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/' . $target_trustdirname . '/language';

// make list of language and check $target_lang
$languages      = [];
$languages4disp = [];
if ( ! is_dir( $base_dir ) ) {
    altsys_mylangadmin_errordie( $target_mname, '<div class="confirm">'._MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODNOLANGUAGE.'</div>' );
$dh = opendir( $base_dir );
if ( $dh ) {
    while ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) {
        if ( '.' == mb_substr( $file, 0, 1 ) ) {
        if ( is_dir( "$base_dir/$file" ) ) {
            [ $count ] = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'altsys_language_constants' ) . " WHERE mid=$target_mid AND language='" . addslashes( $file ) . "'" ) );
            $languages[]      = $file;
            $languages4disp[] = $file . " ($count)";
closedir( $dh );
if ( ! in_array( $target_lang, $languages, true ) ) {
    $target_lang = $languages[0];

// get base directory seleced language
$lang_base_dir = $base_dir . '/' . $target_lang;
if ( ! is_dir( $lang_base_dir ) ) {
    altsys_mylangadmin_errordie( $target_mname, _MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODLANGINCOMPATIBLE );

// make list of files and check $target_file
$lang_files = [];
$dh         = opendir( $lang_base_dir );
if ( $dh ) {
    while ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) {
        if ( '.' == mb_substr( $file, 0, 1 ) ) {
        if ( 'index.html' == $file ) {
        //if( $file == 'modinfo.php' ) continue ; // TODO(?)
        //if( $file == 'global.php' ) continue ; // TODO(?)
        if ( is_file( "$lang_base_dir/$file" ) ) {
            $lang_files[] = $file;
closedir( $dh );
if ( empty( $lang_files ) ) {
    altsys_mylangadmin_errordie( $target_mname, _MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODEMPTYLANGDIR );
if ( ! in_array( $target_file, $lang_files, true ) ) {
    $target_file = $lang_files[0];

// get unique path of language_file
$langfile_unique_path = "$lang_base_dir/$target_file";

// get constants defined by the target_file
[$langfile_names, $constpref, $already_read] = altsys_mylangadmin_get_constant_names( $langfile_unique_path, $target_dirname );

// get user_values should be overridden
$langfile_constants = [];
foreach ( $langfile_names as $name ) {
    [ $value ] = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( 'SELECT value FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'altsys_language_constants' ) . " WHERE mid=$target_mid AND language='$target_lang4sql' AND name='" . addslashes( $name ) . "'" ) );
    $langfile_constants[ $name ] = $value;

// constants defined in XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/my_language/(dirname)/...
if ( $langman->my_language ) {
    $mylang_unique_path = $langman->my_language . '/modules/' . $target_dirname . '/' . $target_lang . '/' . $target_file;
    $mylang_constants   = array_map( 'htmlspecialchars', altsys_mylangadmin_get_constants_by_pcre( $mylang_unique_path ) );
    foreach ( $mylang_constants as $key => $val ) {
        if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $langfile_constants ) ) {
            $langfile_constants[ $key ] = null;
            define( $key, _MYLANGADMIN_NOTE_ADDEDBYMYLANG );
} else {
    $mylang_unique_path = '';
    $mylang_constants   = [];

// transaction stage

// Update language table and cache file
if ( ! empty( $_POST['do_update'] ) ) {
    // Ticket Check
    if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check( true, 'altsys' ) ) {
        redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors() );

    // read original file
    $file_contents = file_get_contents( $langfile_unique_path );

    // insert fingerprint of langfile_unique_path
    $langfile_fingerprint = '_MYLANGADMIN_' . md5( $langfile_unique_path );
    $file_contents        = str_replace( '<?php', "<?php\nif(!defined('$langfile_fingerprint'))define('$langfile_fingerprint',1);", $file_contents );

    // constants loop
    $overrides_counter = 0;
    foreach ( array_reverse( $langfile_names ) as $name ) {
        $user_value = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( @$_POST[ $name ] );
        $db->query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'altsys_language_constants' ) . " WHERE mid=$target_mid AND language='$target_lang4sql' AND name='" . addslashes( $name ) . "'" );
        if ( '' !== $user_value ) {
            $overrides_counter ++;
            // Update table
            $db->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix( 'altsys_language_constants' ) . " (mid,language,name,value) VALUES ($target_mid,'$target_lang4sql','" . addslashes( $name ) . "','" . addslashes( $user_value ) . "')" );
            // rewrite script for cache
            // comment-out the line of define()
            if ( empty( $constpref ) ) {
                $from = '/.*define\s?\(\s*(["\'])' . preg_quote( $name ) . '(\\1).*\;.*/';
            } else {
                $from = '/.*define\s?\(\s*\$constpref\s*\.\s*(["\'])' . preg_quote( substr( $name, strlen( $constpref ) ) ) . '(\\1).*\;.*/';
            $to            = '//$0' . "\ndefine('" . addslashes( $name ) . "','" . addslashes( $user_value ) . "');";
            $file_contents = preg_replace( $from, $to, $file_contents );

    // get the file name for caching
    $cache_file_name = $langman->getCacheFileName( $target_file, $target_dirname, $target_lang );

    // Create language cache file
    if ( $overrides_counter > 0 ) {
        $fp = fopen( $cache_file_name, 'wb' );
        if ( ! $fp ) {
            die( 'Invalid Cache Directory. (Set XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/cache writable)' );
        fwrite( $fp, $file_contents );
        fclose( $fp );
    } else {
        unlink( $cache_file_name );

    redirect_header( '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mylangadmin&dirname=' . $target_dirname . '&target_lang=' . rawurlencode( $target_lang ) . '&target_file=' . rawurlencode( $target_file ), 1, _MYLANGADMIN_CACHEUPDATED );

// form stage

// check cache file
$cache_file_name  = $langman->getCacheFileName( $target_file, $target_dirname, $target_lang );
$cache_file_mtime = file_exists( $cache_file_name ) ? filemtime( $cache_file_name ) : 0;

// check core version and generate message to enable D3LanguageManager
if ( ALTSYS_CORE_TYPE_XCL21 == altsys_get_core_type() ) {
    // XoopsCube Legacy without preload
    if ( class_exists( 'AltsysLangMgr_LanguageManager' ) ) {
        // the preload enabled
    } else {
        // the preload disabled
        $notice4disp = sprintf( _MYLANGADMIN_FMT_HOWTOENABLED3LANGMAN4XCL, 'SetupAltsysLangMgr.class.php', 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/preload' );

// display stage


// mymenu

// breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbsObj = AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance();
if ( $breadcrumbsObj->hasPaths() ) {
    $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath( XOOPS_URL . '/modules/altsys/admin/index.php?mode=admin&amp;lib=altsys&amp;page=mylangadmin', _MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYLANGADMIN );
    $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath( '', $target_mname );

require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php';

$tpl = new D3Tpl();

        'target_dirname'     => $target_dirname,
        'target_mname'       => $target_mname,
        'target_lang'        => $target_lang,
        'languages'          => $languages,
        'languages4disp'     => $languages4disp,
        'target_file'        => $target_file,
        'lang_files'         => $lang_files,
        'langfile_constants' => $langfile_constants,
        'mylang_constants'   => $mylang_constants,
        'use_my_language'    => strlen( $langman->my_language ) > 0,
        'mylang_file_name'   => htmlspecialchars( $mylang_unique_path, ENT_QUOTES ),
        'cache_file_name'    => htmlspecialchars( $cache_file_name, ENT_QUOTES ),
        'cache_file_mtime'   => (int) $cache_file_mtime,
        'timezone_offset'    => xoops_getUserTimestamp( 0 ),
        'notice'             => $notice4disp,
        'already_read'       => $already_read,
        'gticket_hidden'     => $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml( __LINE__, 1800, 'altsys' ),
$tpl->display( 'db:altsys_main_lang_admin.html' );
