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4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Altsys library (UI-Components)
 * Admin Templates for each module
 * @package    Altsys
 * @version    XCL 2.3.3
 * @author     Other authors Gigamaster, 2020 XCL PHP7
 * @author     Gijoe (Peak)
 * @copyright  (c) 2005-2023 Authors
 * @license    GPL v2.0

require_once __DIR__ . '/class/AltsysBreadcrumbs.class.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/gtickets.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/altsys_functions.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/tpls_functions.php';

// only groups with permissions 'module_admin' for 'altsys'
$module_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
$module         = $module_handler->getByDirname( 'altsys' );
if ( ! is_object( $module ) ) {
    die( 'install altsys' );
$moduleperm_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'groupperm' );
if ( ! is_object( @$xoopsUser ) || ! $moduleperm_handler->checkRight( 'module_admin', $module->getVar( 'mid' ), $xoopsUser->getGroups() ) ) {
    die( 'only admin of altsys can access this area' );

// initials
$db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
( method_exists( 'MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance' ) and $myts = MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance() ) || $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

// language file
altsys_include_language_file( 'mytplsadmin' );

// check $xoopsModule
if ( ! is_object( $xoopsModule ) ) {
    redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/user.php', 1, _NOPERM );

// set target_module if specified by $_GET['dirname']
$module_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
if ( ! empty( $_GET['dirname'] ) ) {
    $dirname       = preg_replace( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', $_GET['dirname'] );
    $target_module = $module_handler->getByDirname( $dirname );

if ( ! empty( $target_module ) && is_object( $target_module ) ) {
    // specified by dirname (for tplsadmin as an independent module)
    $target_mid         = $target_module->getVar( 'mid' );
    $target_dirname     = $target_module->getVar( 'dirname' );
    $target_dirname4sql = addslashes( $target_dirname );
    $target_mname       = $target_module->getVar( 'name' ) . sprintf( '<span class="badge-count" style="font-size:14px;position:relative;bottom:.5em">v %2.2f </span>', $target_module->getVar( 'version' ) / 100.0 );
    //$query4redirect = '?dirname='.urlencode(strip_tags($_GET['dirname'])) ;
} elseif ( @$_GET['dirname'] == '_custom' ) {
    // custom template
    $target_mid         = 0;
    $target_dirname     = '_custom';
    $target_dirname4sql = '_custom';
    $target_mname       = _MYTPLSADMIN_CUSTOMTEMPLATE;
    //$query4redirect = '' ;
} else {
    // not specified by dirname (for 3rd party modules as mytplsadmin)
    $target_mid         = $xoopsModule->getVar( 'mid' );
    $target_dirname     = $xoopsModule->getVar( 'dirname' );
    $target_dirname4sql = addslashes( $target_dirname );
    $target_mname       = $xoopsModule->getVar( 'name' );
    //$query4redirect = '' ;

// Create new template set (blank or clone)
if ( ! empty( $_POST['clone_tplset_do'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['clone_tplset_from'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['clone_tplset_to'] ) ) {
    // Ticket Check
    if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {
        redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors() );

    $tplset_from = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $_POST['clone_tplset_from'] );
    $tplset_to   = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $_POST['clone_tplset_to'] );

    // check tplset_name "from" and "to"
    if ( ! preg_match( '/^[0-9A-Za-z_-]{1,16}$/', $_POST['clone_tplset_from'] ) ) {
        tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDSETNAME, $target_dirname );
    if ( ! preg_match( '/^[0-9A-Za-z_-]{1,16}$/', $_POST['clone_tplset_to'] ) ) {
        tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDSETNAME, $target_dirname );
    list( $is_exist ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='" . addslashes( $tplset_to ) . "'" ) );
    if ( $is_exist ) {
        tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_DUPLICATEDSETNAME, $target_dirname );
    list( $is_exist ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplset' ) . " WHERE tplset_name='" . addslashes( $tplset_to ) . "'" ) );
    if ( $is_exist ) {
        tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_DUPLICATEDSETNAME, $target_dirname );
    // insert tplset table
    $db->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix( 'tplset' ) . " SET tplset_name='" . addslashes( $tplset_to ) . "', tplset_desc='Created by tplsadmin', tplset_created=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()" );
    tplsadmin_copy_templates_db2db( $tplset_from, $tplset_to, "tpl_module='$target_dirname4sql'" );
    redirect_header( '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $target_dirname, 1, _MYTPLSADMIN_DBUPDATED );

// DB to DB template copy (checked templates)
if ( is_array( @$_POST['copy_do'] ) ) {
    foreach ( $_POST['copy_do'] as $tplset_from_tmp => $val ) {
        if ( ! empty( $val ) ) {
            // Ticket Check
            if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {
                redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors() );

            $tplset_from = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $tplset_from_tmp );
            if ( empty( $_POST['copy_to'][ $tplset_from ] ) || $_POST['copy_to'][ $tplset_from ] == $tplset_from ) {
                tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDTPLSET, $target_dirname );
            if ( empty( $_POST["{$tplset_from}_check"] ) ) {
                tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_NOTPLFILE, $target_dirname );
            $tplset_to = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $_POST['copy_to'][ $tplset_from ] );
            foreach ( $_POST["{$tplset_from}_check"] as $tplfile_tmp => $val ) {
                if ( empty( $val ) ) {
                $tplfile = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $tplfile_tmp );
                tplsadmin_copy_templates_db2db( $tplset_from, $tplset_to, "tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tplfile ) . "'" );
            redirect_header( '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $target_dirname, 1, _MYTPLSADMIN_DBUPDATED );

// File to DB template - copy checked templates
if ( ! empty( $_POST['copyf2db_do'] ) ) {
    // Ticket Check
    if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {
        redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors() );

    if ( empty( $_POST['copyf2db_to'] ) ) {
        tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDTPLSET, $target_dirname );
    if ( empty( $_POST['basecheck'] ) ) {
        tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_NOTPLFILE, $target_dirname );
    $tplset_to = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $_POST['copyf2db_to'] );
    foreach ( $_POST['basecheck'] as $tplfile_tmp => $val ) {
        if ( empty( $val ) ) {
        $tplfile = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $tplfile_tmp );
        tplsadmin_copy_templates_f2db( $tplset_to, "tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tplfile ) . "'" );
    redirect_header( '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $target_dirname, 1, _MYTPLSADMIN_DBUPDATED );

// DB template remove - checked templates
if ( is_array( @$_POST['del_do'] ) ) {
    foreach ( $_POST['del_do'] as $tplset_from_tmp => $val ) {
        if ( ! empty( $val ) ) {
            // Ticket Check
            if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {
                redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors() );

            $tplset_from = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $tplset_from_tmp );
            if ( $tplset_from == 'default' && $target_dirname != '_custom' ) {
                tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_CANTREMOVEDEFAULT, $target_dirname );
            if ( empty( $_POST["{$tplset_from}_check"] ) ) {
                tplsadmin_die( _MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_NOTPLFILE, $target_dirname );

            require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
            $tpl                = new XoopsTpl();
            $tpl->force_compile = true;

            foreach ( $_POST["{$tplset_from}_check"] as $tplfile_tmp => $val ) {
                if ( empty( $val ) ) {
                $tplfile = $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $tplfile_tmp );
                $result  = $db->query( 'SELECT tpl_id FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='" . addslashes( $tplset_from ) . "' AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tplfile ) . "'" );
                while ( list( $tpl_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $result ) ) {
                    $tpl_id = (int) $tpl_id;
                    $db->query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_id=$tpl_id" );
                    $db->query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " WHERE tpl_id=$tpl_id" );
                // remove templates_c
                $tpl->clear_cache( 'db:' . $tplfile );
                $tpl->clear_compiled_tpl( 'db:' . $tplfile );
            redirect_header( '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $target_dirname, 1, _MYTPLSADMIN_DBUPDATED );

// GET stage

// javascript
$javascript                     = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript">
    function altsys_mytpladmin_check_copy_submit(msg, id, selcheck) {
        if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
            var checked = jQuery('form[name="MainForm"] input[name^="'+id+'check"]:checked').val();
            if (typeof checked == 'undefined') {
                return false;
            if (selcheck) {
                if (id == 'base') {
                    var select = 'copyf2db_to';
                } else {
                    var select = 'copy_to['+id.substr(0,id.length-1)+']'
                if (jQuery('form[name="MainForm"] select[name="'+select+'"]').val() == '') {
                    return false;
        return confirm(msg);

// get tplsets
$tplset_handler = xoops_gethandler( 'tplset' );
$tplsets        = array_keys( $tplset_handler->getList() );
$sql            = 'SELECT distinct tpl_tplset FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " ORDER BY tpl_tplset='default' DESC,tpl_tplset";
$srs            = $db->query( $sql );
while ( list( $tplset ) = $db->fetchRow( $srs ) ) {
    if ( ! in_array( $tplset, $tplsets ) ) {
        $tplsets[] = $tplset;

$tplsets_th4disp = '';
$tplset_options  = "<option value=''>----</option>\n";
foreach ( $tplsets as $tplset ) {
    $tplset4disp = htmlspecialchars( $tplset, ENT_QUOTES );

    // Active Template Set
    $active      = $th_attr = '';
    if ( $tplset == $xoopsConfig['template_set'] ) {
        $th_attr = "class='list_control active dbtplset_active'";
        $active  = '<sup>*</sup>';
    $tplsets_th4disp .= "<th $th_attr>"
        ."<input type='checkbox' title='" . _MYTPLSADMIN_TITLE_CHECKALL . "' onclick=\"with(document.MainForm){for(i=0;i<length;i++){if(elements[i].type=='checkbox'&&elements[i].name.indexOf('{$tplset4disp}_check')>=0){elements[i].checked=this.checked;}}}\">"
    $tplset_options  .= "<option value='$tplset4disp'>$tplset4disp</option>\n";

// get tpl_file owned by the module
$sql = 'SELECT tpl_file,tpl_desc,tpl_type,COUNT(tpl_id) FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_module='$target_dirname4sql' GROUP BY tpl_file ORDER BY tpl_type, tpl_file";
$frs = $db->query( $sql );

// Render

// css display
require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php';
$tpl = new D3Tpl();

/* echo '<style scoped="scoped">';
$tpl->display('db:altsys_inc_mytplsadmin.css') ;
echo '</style>'; */

// javascript
echo $javascript;

// MyMenu

// Breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbsObj = AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance();
if ( $breadcrumbsObj->hasPaths() ) {
    $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath( XOOPS_URL . '/modules/altsys/admin/index.php?mode=admin&amp;lib=altsys&amp;page=mytplsadmin', _MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYTPLSADMIN );
    $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath( '', $target_mname );

// Heading Title
echo '<div class="ui-dev-mode">file:mytplsadmin.php</div>';
echo "<h2>" . _MYTPLSADMIN_H3_MODULE . " » $target_mname</h2>\n";
echo '<div class="tips">' . _MYTPLSADMIN_TIPS . '</div>';

// Form
echo "<form name='MainForm' action='?mode=admin&amp;lib=altsys&amp;page=mytplsadmin&amp;dirname=" . htmlspecialchars( $target_dirname, ENT_QUOTES ) . "' method='post'>"
    . $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml( __LINE__ ) ;

////— ACTION-CONTROL —\\\\
echo '<section data-layout="row center-justify" class="action-control">
            <select name="clone_tplset_from">'. $tplset_options .'
            <option value="_blank_">' . _MYTPLSADMIN_OPT_BLANKSET . '</option>
            </select> ' . _MYTPLSADMIN_CAPTION_SETNAME . ' :
            <input type="text" name="clone_tplset_to" size="8" maxlength="16">
            <input class="button submit" type="submit" name="clone_tplset_do" value="' . _MYTPLSADMIN_BTN_NEWTPLSET . '">
        <div class="control-view">';
    // link to create a new custom template
    if ( $target_dirname == '_custom' ) {
        echo '<a class="button" href="index.php?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsform&tpl_tplset=default">' . _MYTPLSADMIN_CREATENEWCUSTOMTEMPLATE . '</a>';
echo '<a class="button" href="' .XOOPS_URL . '/modules/legacyRender/admin/index.php?action=TplsetList">Render</a>
        <button class="help-admin button" type="button" data-id="4" data-module="altsys" data-help-article="#help-templates" aria-label="'._HELP.'"><b>?</b></button>

echo "<table class='outer'>
            <th>" . _MYTPLSADMIN_TH_NAME . "</th>
            <th class='list_left'>" . _MYTPLSADMIN_TH_TYPE . "</th>
            <th class='list_left'>
            <input type='checkbox' title=" . _MYTPLSADMIN_TITLE_CHECKALL . " onclick=\"with(document.MainForm){for(i=0;i<length;i++){if(elements[i].type=='checkbox'&&elements[i].name.indexOf('basecheck')>=0){elements[i].checked=this.checked;}}}\">"
            . _MYTPLSADMIN_TH_FILE
            . "</th>

// STYLE to distinguish fingerprints
$fingerprint_classes = [
    ' fingerprint1',
    ' fingerprint2',
    ' fingerprint3',
    ' fingerprint4',
    ' fingerprint5',
    ' fingerprint6',
    ' fingerprint7'

// template ROWS
while ( list( $tpl_file, $tpl_desc, $type, $count ) = $db->fetchRow( $frs ) ) {

    $fingerprints = [];

     * information about the template
     * type  = module
     * count = total of templates
    echo "<tr>
            " . htmlspecialchars( $tpl_file, ENT_QUOTES ) . "<br>
            <em>" . htmlspecialchars( $tpl_desc, ENT_QUOTES ) . "</em>
        <td><span aria-label='"._MYTPLSADMIN_TH_SET." : " . $count . "'>" . $type . "</span></td>\n";

    // the base file template column
    $basefilepath = tplsadmin_get_basefilepath( $target_dirname, $type, $tpl_file );

    if ( file_exists( $basefilepath ) ) {
        $fingerprint                  = tplsadmin_get_fingerprint( file( $basefilepath ) );
        $fingerprints[ $fingerprint ] = '';
        echo "<td>"
            ."<input type='checkbox' name='basecheck[$tpl_file]' value='1'>"
            . formatTimestamp( filemtime( $basefilepath ), 'm' )
            . "<br><small>"
            . substr( $fingerprint, 0, 16 )
            . "</small></td>\n";
        $fingerprint_class_count = 0;
    } else {
        echo '<td><br></td>';
        $fingerprint_class_count = - 1;

    // db template columns
    foreach ( $tplsets as $tplset ) {
        $tplset4disp = htmlspecialchars( $tplset, ENT_QUOTES );

        // query for templates in db
        $drs = $db->query( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' )
            . ' f NATURAL LEFT JOIN '
            . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' )
            . " s WHERE tpl_file='"
            . addslashes( $tpl_file )
            . "' AND tpl_tplset='"
            . addslashes( $tplset ) . "'"
        $numrows = $db->getRowsNum( $drs );
        $tpl     = $db->fetchArray( $drs );
        if ( empty( $tpl['tpl_id'] ) ) {
            echo "<td class='list_control'>($numrows)</td>";
        } else {
            $fingerprint = tplsadmin_get_fingerprint( explode( "\n", $tpl['tpl_source'] ) );
            if ( isset( $fingerprints[ $fingerprint ] ) ) {
                $class = $fingerprints[ $fingerprint ];
            } else {
                // increase  fingerprint class count ++
                $class                        = $fingerprint_classes[ ++ $fingerprint_class_count ];
                $fingerprints[ $fingerprint ] = $class;
            echo "
                <td class='list_control {$class}'>
                <input type='checkbox' name='{$tplset4disp}_check[{$tpl_file}]' value='1'> 
                <a class='action-edit' href='?mode=admin&amp;lib=altsys&amp;page=mytplsform&amp;tpl_file="
                . htmlspecialchars( $tpl['tpl_file'], ENT_QUOTES )
                . "&amp;tpl_tplset="
                . htmlspecialchars( $tpl['tpl_tplset'], ENT_QUOTES )
                . "&amp;dirname=" . htmlspecialchars( $target_dirname, ENT_QUOTES )
                . " aria-label='"._EDIT."'>"
                . "<i class='i-edit'></i></a><br>"
                . "<span aria-label='Template : $numrows'>"
                . formatTimestamp( $tpl['tpl_lastmodified'], 'm' )
                . '</span><br><small>'
                . substr( $fingerprint, 0, 16 )
                . "</small></td>\n";

    echo "</tr>\n";

// command submit
echo "<tfoot>
        <tr class='foot'>
    . " <select name='clone_tplset_from'>
                <option value='_blank_'>" . _MYTPLSADMIN_OPT_BLANKSET . "</option>
    . " <input type='text' name='clone_tplset_to' size='8' maxlength='16'> <input type='submit' name='clone_tplset_do' value='" . _MYTPLSADMIN_BTN_NEWTPLSET . "'>
        <td class='list_left'>"
        <select name='copyf2db_to'>
        <input name='copyf2db_do' type='submit' value='" . _MYTPLSADMIN_BTN_COPY . "' onclick='return altsys_mytpladmin_check_copy_submit(\"" . _MYTPLSADMIN_CNF_COPY_SELECTED_TEMPLATES . "\", \"base\", true);'>

foreach ( $tplsets as $tplset ) {
    $tplset4disp = htmlspecialchars( $tplset, ENT_QUOTES );
    echo "\t<td class='list_left'>"
        . "<br>\n"
        . "<select name='copy_to[{$tplset4disp}]'>\n"
        . str_replace( '<option value=\'' . $tplset4disp . '\'>' . $tplset4disp . '</option>', '', $tplset_options )
        . "</select>\n"
        . "<input name='copy_do[{$tplset4disp}]' 
            value='" . _MYTPLSADMIN_BTN_COPY . "' 
            onclick='return altsys_mytpladmin_check_copy_submit(\"" . _MYTPLSADMIN_CNF_COPY_SELECTED_TEMPLATES . "\", \"{$tplset4disp}_\", true);'>\n"
        . ( 'default' == $tplset && '_custom' != $target_dirname ? ''
            : "<button class='button delete' 
            value='" . _DELETE . "' 
            onclick='return altsys_mytpladmin_check_copy_submit(\"" . _MYTPLSADMIN_CNF_DELETE_SELECTED_TEMPLATES . "\", \"{$tplset4disp}_\", false);' 
            title='" . _DELETE . "'><img class='svg' src='". XOOPS_URL ."/images/icons/delete.svg' width='1em' height='1em'></button>" )
        . "</td>\n";

echo '</tr></tfoot>';

echo '</table></form>';
// end of table & form
