
Test Coverage
Fixes #000.

Describe your approach and how it fixes the issue.

# Checklist

- [ ] Project documentation has been updated to reflect the changes in this pull request, if applicable.
- [ ] I have tested the changes in the local development environment (see `contributing.md`).
- [ ] I have added phpunit tests.

## Release Changelog

- Fix: Describe a bug fix included in this release.
- New: Describe a new feature in this release.

## Release Checklist

- [ ] This pull request is to the `master` branch.
- [ ] Release version follows [semantic versioning](https://semver.org). Does it include breaking changes?
- [ ] Update changelog in `readme.txt`.
- [ ] Bump version in `stream.php`.
- [ ] Bump `Stable tag` in `readme.txt`.
- [ ] Bump version in `classes/class-plugin.php`.
- [ ] Draft a release [on GitHub](https://github.com/xwp/stream/releases/new).

Change `[ ]` to `[x]` to mark the items as done.