

5 days
Test Coverage
 * Connector for BuddyPress
 * @package WP_Stream

namespace WP_Stream;

 * Class - Connector_BuddyPress
class Connector_BuddyPress extends Connector {

     * Connector slug
     * @var string
    public $name = 'buddypress';

     * Holds tracked plugin minimum version required
     * @const string
    const PLUGIN_MIN_VERSION = '2.0.1';

     * Actions registered for this connector
     * @var array
    public $actions = array(








     * Tracked option keys
     * @var array
    public $options = array(
        'bp-active-components' => null,
        'bp-pages'             => null,
        'buddypress'           => null,

     * Flag to stop logging update logic twice
     * @var bool
    public $is_update = false;

     * Stores an activity to be deleted for use across multiple callbacks.
     * @var bool
    public $deleted_activity = false;

     * Stores post data of an activity to be deleted for use across multiple callbacks.
     * @var array
    public $delete_activity_args = array();

     * Flag for ignoring irrelevant activity deletions.
     * @var bool
    public $ignore_activity_bulk_deletion = false;

     * Check if plugin dependencies are satisfied and add an admin notice if not
     * @return bool
    public function is_dependency_satisfied() {
        if ( class_exists( 'BuddyPress' ) && version_compare( \BuddyPress::instance()->version, self::PLUGIN_MIN_VERSION, '>=' ) ) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Return translated connector label
     * @return string Translated connector label
    public function get_label() {
        return esc_html_x( 'BuddyPress', 'buddypress', 'stream' );

     * Return translated action labels
     * @return array Action label translations
    public function get_action_labels() {
        return array(
            'created'     => esc_html_x( 'Created', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'updated'     => esc_html_x( 'Updated', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'activated'   => esc_html_x( 'Activated', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'deactivated' => esc_html_x( 'Deactivated', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'deleted'     => esc_html_x( 'Deleted', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'spammed'     => esc_html_x( 'Marked as spam', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'unspammed'   => esc_html_x( 'Unmarked as spam', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'promoted'    => esc_html_x( 'Promoted', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'demoted'     => esc_html_x( 'Demoted', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),

     * Return translated context labels
     * @return array Context label translations
    public function get_context_labels() {
        return array(
            'components'     => esc_html_x( 'Components', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'groups'         => esc_html_x( 'Groups', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'activity'       => esc_html_x( 'Activity', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'profile_fields' => esc_html_x( 'Profile fields', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),

     * Add action links to Stream drop row in admin list screen
     * @filter wp_stream_action_links_{connector}
     * @param  array  $links   Previous links registered.
     * @param  object $record  Stream record.
     * @return array Action links
    public function action_links( $links, $record ) {
        if ( in_array( $record->context, array( 'components' ), true ) ) {
            $option_key = $record->get_meta( 'option_key', true );

            if ( 'bp-active-components' === $option_key ) {
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                        'page' => 'bp-components',
                    admin_url( 'admin.php' )
            } elseif ( 'bp-pages' === $option_key ) {
                $page_id = $record->get_meta( 'page_id', true );

                $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit setting', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                        'page' => 'bp-page-settings',
                    admin_url( 'admin.php' )

                if ( $page_id ) {
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit Page', 'stream' ) ] = get_edit_post_link( $page_id );
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'View', 'stream' ) ]      = get_permalink( $page_id );
        } elseif ( in_array( $record->context, array( 'settings' ), true ) ) {
            $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit setting', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                    'page' => $record->get_meta( 'page', true ),
                admin_url( 'admin.php' )
        } elseif ( in_array( $record->context, array( 'groups' ), true ) ) {
            $group_id = $record->get_meta( 'id', true );
            $group    = \groups_get_group(
                    'group_id' => $group_id,

            if ( $group ) {
                // Build actions URLs.
                $base_url   = \bp_get_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=bp-groups&amp;gid=' . $group_id );
                $delete_url = wp_nonce_url( $base_url . '&amp;action=delete', 'bp-groups-delete' );
                $edit_url   = $base_url . '&amp;action=edit';
                $visit_url  = \bp_get_group_permalink( $group );

                $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit group', 'stream' ) ]   = $edit_url;
                $links[ esc_html__( 'View group', 'stream' ) ]   = $visit_url;
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Delete group', 'stream' ) ] = $delete_url;
        } elseif ( in_array( $record->context, array( 'activity' ), true ) ) {
            $activity_id = $record->get_meta( 'id', true );
            $activities  = \bp_activity_get(
                    'in'   => $activity_id,
                    'spam' => 'all',
            if ( ! empty( $activities['activities'] ) ) {
                $activity = reset( $activities['activities'] );

                $base_url   = \bp_get_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=bp-activity&amp;aid=' . $activity->id );
                $spam_nonce = esc_html( '_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce( 'spam-activity_' . $activity->id ) );
                $delete_url = $base_url . "&amp;action=delete&amp;$spam_nonce";
                $edit_url   = $base_url . '&amp;action=edit';
                $ham_url    = $base_url . "&amp;action=ham&amp;$spam_nonce";
                $spam_url   = $base_url . "&amp;action=spam&amp;$spam_nonce";

                if ( $activity->is_spam ) {
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Ham', 'stream' ) ] = $ham_url;
                } else {
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit', 'stream' ) ] = $edit_url;
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Spam', 'stream' ) ] = $spam_url;
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Delete', 'stream' ) ] = $delete_url;
        } elseif ( in_array( $record->context, array( 'profile_fields' ), true ) ) {
            $field_id = $record->get_meta( 'field_id', true );
            $group_id = $record->get_meta( 'group_id', true );

            if ( empty( $field_id ) ) { // is a group action.
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit', 'stream' ) ]   = add_query_arg(
                        'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
                        'mode'     => 'edit_group',
                        'group_id' => $group_id,
                    admin_url( 'users.php' )
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Delete', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                        'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
                        'mode'     => 'delete_group',
                        'group_id' => $group_id,
                    admin_url( 'users.php' )
            } else {
                $field = new \BP_XProfile_Field( $field_id );
                if ( empty( $field->type ) ) {
                    return $links;
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit', 'stream' ) ]   = add_query_arg(
                        'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
                        'mode'     => 'edit_field',
                        'group_id' => $group_id,
                        'field_id' => $field_id,
                    admin_url( 'users.php' )
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Delete', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                        'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
                        'mode'     => 'delete_field',
                        'field_id' => $field_id,
                    admin_url( 'users.php' )

        return $links;

     * Register the connector
    public function register() {

        $this->options = array_merge(
                'hide-loggedout-adminbar'       => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Toolbar', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                '_bp_force_buddybar'            => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Toolbar', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                'bp-disable-account-deletion'   => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Account Deletion', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                'bp-disable-profile-sync'       => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Profile Syncing', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                'bp_restrict_group_creation'    => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Group Creation', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                'bb-config-location'            => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'bbPress Configuration', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                'bp-disable-blogforum-comments' => array(
                    'label' => _x( 'Blog &amp; Forum Comments', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                '_bp_enable_heartbeat_refresh'  => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Activity auto-refresh', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                '_bp_enable_akismet'            => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Akismet', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',
                'bp-disable-avatar-uploads'     => array(
                    'label' => esc_html_x( 'Avatar Uploads', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                    'page'  => 'bp-settings',

     * Track buddyPress-specific option changes.
     * @param string $option Option key.
     * @param string $old    Old value.
     * @param string $new    New value.
    public function callback_update_option( $option, $old, $new ) {
        $this->check( $option, $old, $new );

     * Track buddyPress-specific option creations.
     * @param string $option Option key.
     * @param string $val    Value.
    public function callback_add_option( $option, $val ) {
        $this->check( $option, null, $val );

     * Track buddyPress-specific option deletions.
     * @param string $option Option key.
    public function callback_delete_option( $option ) {
        $this->check( $option, null, null );

     * Track buddyPress-specific site option changes
     * @param string $option Option key.
     * @param string $old    Old value.
     * @param string $new    New value.
    public function callback_update_site_option( $option, $old, $new ) {
        $this->check( $option, $old, $new );

     * Track buddyPress-specific site option creations.
     * @param string $option Option key.
     * @param string $val    Value.
    public function callback_add_site_option( $option, $val ) {
        $this->check( $option, null, $val );

     * Track buddyPress-specific site option deletions.
     * @param string $option Option key.
    public function callback_delete_site_option( $option ) {
        $this->check( $option, null, null );

     * Logs buddyPress-specific (site) option action.
     * @param string $option     Option key.
     * @param string $old_value  Old value.
     * @param string $new_value  New value.
    public function check( $option, $old_value, $new_value ) {
        if ( ! array_key_exists( $option, $this->options ) ) {

        $replacement = str_replace( '-', '_', $option );

        if ( method_exists( $this, 'check_' . $replacement ) ) {
                    'check_' . $replacement,
        } else {
            $data         = $this->options[ $option ];
            $option_title = $data['label'];
            $context      = isset( $data['context'] ) ? $data['context'] : 'settings';
            $page         = isset( $data['page'] ) ? $data['page'] : null;

                /* translators: %s: setting name (e.g. "Group Creation") */
                __( '"%s" setting updated', 'stream' ),
                compact( 'option_title', 'option', 'old_value', 'new_value', 'page' ),
                isset( $data['action'] ) ? $data['action'] : 'updated'

     * Log buddyPress' components' state.
     * @param array $old_value  Old value.
     * @param array $new_value  New value.
    public function check_bp_active_components( $old_value, $new_value ) {
        $options = array();

        if ( ! is_array( $old_value ) || ! is_array( $new_value ) ) {

        foreach ( $this->get_changed_keys( $old_value, $new_value, 0 ) as $field_key => $field_value ) {
            $options[ $field_key ] = $field_value;

        $components = \bp_core_admin_get_components();

        $actions = array(
            true  => esc_html__( 'activated', 'stream' ),
            false => esc_html__( 'deactivated', 'stream' ),

        foreach ( $options as $option => $option_value ) {
            if ( ! isset( $components[ $option ], $actions[ $option_value ] ) ) {

                    /* translators: %1$s: component title, %2$s: component action (e.g. "Members component deactivated") */
                    __( '"%1$s" component %2$s', 'stream' ),
                    $components[ $option ]['title'],
                    $actions[ $option_value ]
                    'option'     => $option,
                    'option_key' => 'bp-active-components',
                    'old_value'  => $old_value,
                    'value'      => $new_value,
                $option_value ? 'activated' : 'deactivated'

     * Log buddyPress' page assignment.
     * @param array $old_value  Old value.
     * @param array $new_value  New value.
    public function check_bp_pages( $old_value, $new_value ) {
        $options = array();

        if ( ! is_array( $old_value ) || ! is_array( $new_value ) ) {

        foreach ( $this->get_changed_keys( $old_value, $new_value, 0 ) as $field_key => $field_value ) {
            $options[ $field_key ] = $field_value;

        $pages = array_merge(
                'register' => esc_html_x( 'Register', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
                'activate' => esc_html_x( 'Activate', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),

        foreach ( $options as $option => $option_value ) {
            if ( ! isset( $pages[ $option ] ) ) {

            $page = ! empty( $new_value[ $option ] ) ? get_post( $new_value[ $option ] )->post_title : esc_html__( 'No page', 'stream' );

                    /* translators: %1$s: a directory page, %2$s: a page title (e.g. "Register", "Registration" ) */
                    __( '"%1$s" page set to "%2$s"', 'stream' ),
                    $pages[ $option ],
                    'option'     => $option,
                    'option_key' => 'bp-pages',
                    'old_value'  => $old_value,
                    'value'      => $new_value,
                    'page_id'    => empty( $new_value[ $option ] ) ? 0 : $new_value[ $option ],

     * Logs activity deletions
     * @action bp_before_activity_delete
     * @param array $args  Target activity data.
    public function callback_bp_before_activity_delete( $args ) {
        if ( empty( $args['id'] ) ) { // Bail if we're deleting in bulk.
            $this->delete_activity_args = $args;


        $activity = new \BP_Activity_Activity( $args['id'] );

        $this->deleted_activity = $activity;

     * Logs activity bulk deletions.
     * @action bp_activity_deleted_activities
     * @param array $activities_ids  Activity IDs of deleted activities.
    public function callback_bp_activity_deleted_activities( $activities_ids ) {
        if ( 1 === count( $activities_ids ) && isset( $this->deleted_activity ) ) { // Single activity deletion.
            $activity = $this->deleted_activity;
                    /* translators: %s: an activity title (e.g. "Update") */
                    __( '"%s" activity deleted', 'stream' ),
                    wp_strip_all_tags( $activity->action )
                    'id'      => $activity->id,
                    'item_id' => $activity->item_id,
                    'type'    => $activity->type,
                    'author'  => $activity->user_id,
        } else {
             * Bulk deletion
             * Sometimes some objects removal are followed by deleting relevant
             * activities, so we probably don't need to track those
            if ( $this->ignore_activity_bulk_deletion ) {
                $this->ignore_activity_bulk_deletion = false;

                    /* translators: %s: an activity title (e.g. "Update") */
                    __( '"%s" activities were deleted', 'stream' ),
                    count( $activities_ids )
                    'count' => count( $activities_ids ),
                    'args'  => $this->delete_activity_args,
                    'ids'   => $activities_ids,

     * Logs activates marked as spam
     * @action bp_activity_mark_as_spam
     * @param array $activity  Activity.
     * @param mixed $by        Marker.
    public function callback_bp_activity_mark_as_spam( $activity, $by ) {
        unset( $by );

                /* translators: %s an activity title (e.g. "Update") */
                __( 'Marked activity "%s" as spam', 'stream' ),
                wp_strip_all_tags( $activity->action )
                'id'      => $activity->id,
                'item_id' => $activity->item_id,
                'type'    => $activity->type,
                'author'  => $activity->user_id,

     * Log activities marked as ham
     * @action bp_activity_mark_as_ham
     * @param array $activity  Activity.
     * @param mixed $by        Marker.
    public function callback_bp_activity_mark_as_ham( $activity, $by ) {
        unset( $by );

                /* translators: %s: an activity title (e.g. "Update") */
                __( 'Unmarked activity "%s" as spam', 'stream' ),
                wp_strip_all_tags( $activity->action )
                'id'      => $activity->id,
                'item_id' => $activity->item_id,
                'type'    => $activity->type,
                'author'  => $activity->user_id,

     * Log activity changes made in the WP Admin.
     * @action bp_activity_admin_edit_after
     * @param array $activity  Activity.
     * @param mixed $error     Any errors.
    public function callback_bp_activity_admin_edit_after( $activity, $error ) {
        unset( $error );

                /* translators: %s: an activity title (e.g. "Update") */
                __( '"%s" activity updated', 'stream' ),
                wp_strip_all_tags( $activity->action )
                'id'      => $activity->id,
                'item_id' => $activity->item_id,
                'type'    => $activity->type,
                'author'  => $activity->user_id,

     * Logs group actions
     * @param int|object $group   Group object or group ID.
     * @param string     $action  Action.
     * @param array      $meta    Meta data.
     * @param string     $message Message.
    public function group_action( $group, $action, $meta = array(), $message = null ) {
        if ( is_numeric( $group ) ) {
            $group = \groups_get_group(
                    'group_id' => $group,

        $replacements = array(

        if ( ! $message ) {
            if ( 'created' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a group name (e.g. "Favourites") */
                $message = esc_html__( '"%s" group created', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'updated' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a group name (e.g. "Favourites") */
                $message = esc_html__( '"%s" group updated', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'deleted' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a group name (e.g. "Favourites") */
                $message = esc_html__( '"%s" group deleted', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'joined' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a group name (e.g. "Favourites") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Joined group "%s"', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'left' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a group name (e.g. "Favourites") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Left group "%s"', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'banned' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a user display name, %2$s: a group name (e.g. "Jane Doe", "Favourites") */
                $message        = esc_html__( 'Banned "%2$s" from "%1$s"', 'stream' );
                $replacements[] = get_user_by( 'id', $meta['user_id'] )->display_name;
            } elseif ( 'unbanned' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a user display name, %2$s: a group name (e.g. "Jane Doe", "Favourites") */
                $message        = esc_html__( 'Unbanned "%2$s" from "%1$s"', 'stream' );
                $replacements[] = get_user_by( 'id', $meta['user_id'] )->display_name;
            } elseif ( 'removed' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a user display name, %2$s: a group name (e.g. "Jane Doe", "Favourites") */
                $message        = esc_html__( 'Removed "%2$s" from "%1$s"', 'stream' );
                $replacements[] = get_user_by( 'id', $meta['user_id'] )->display_name;
            } else {

                    'id'   => $group->id,
                    'name' => $group->name,
                    'slug' => $group->slug,

     * Log creation of new group.
     * @action groups_create_group
     * @param int    $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param object $member    Group founder user object.
     * @param object $group     Group object.
    public function callback_groups_create_group( $group_id, $member, $group ) {
        unset( $group_id );
        unset( $member );

        $this->group_action( $group, 'created' );

     * Log update to existing group.
     * @action groups_update_group
     * @param int    $group_id Group ID.
     * @param object $group    Group object.
    public function callback_groups_update_group( $group_id, $group ) {
        unset( $group_id );

        $this->group_action( $group, 'updated' );

     * Log group deletion
     * @action groups_before_delete_group
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
    public function callback_groups_before_delete_group( $group_id ) {
        $this->ignore_activity_bulk_deletion = true;
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'deleted' );

     * Log change to group details
     * @action groups_details_updated
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
    public function callback_groups_details_updated( $group_id ) {
        $this->is_update = true;
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'updated' );

     * Log change to group settings
     * @action groups_settings_updated
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
    public function callback_groups_settings_updated( $group_id ) {
        if ( $this->is_update ) {
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'updated' );

     * Logs user leaving group
     * @action groups_leave_group
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int $user_id  User ID of member.
    public function callback_groups_leave_group( $group_id, $user_id ) {
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'left', compact( 'user_id' ) );

     * Logs user joining group
     * @action groups_join_group
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int $user_id  User ID of member.
    public function callback_groups_join_group( $group_id, $user_id ) {
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'joined', compact( 'user_id' ) );

     * Logs group member promotion.
     * @action groups_promote_member
     * @param int    $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int    $user_id   User ID of member.
     * @param string $status    Member's new user role.
    public function callback_groups_promote_member( $group_id, $user_id, $status ) {
        $group   = \groups_get_group(
                'group_id' => $group_id,
        $user    = new \WP_User( $user_id );
        $roles   = array(
            'admin' => esc_html_x( 'Administrator', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
            'mod'   => esc_html_x( 'Moderator', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
        $message = sprintf(
            /* translators: %1$s: a user's display name, %2$s: a user role, %3$s: a group name (e.g. "Jane Doe", "subscriber", "Favourites") */
            __( 'Promoted "%1$s" to "%2$s" in "%3$s"', 'stream' ),
            $roles[ $status ],
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'promoted', compact( 'user_id', 'status' ), $message );

     * Log group member demotion
     * @action groups_demote_member
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int $user_id   User ID of member.
    public function callback_groups_demote_member( $group_id, $user_id ) {
        $group   = \groups_get_group(
                'group_id' => $group_id,
        $user    = new \WP_User( $user_id );
        $message = sprintf(
            /* translators: %1$s: a user's display name, %2$s: a user role, %3$s: a group name (e.g. "Jane Doe", "Member", "Favourites") */
            __( 'Demoted "%1$s" to "%2$s" in "%3$s"', 'stream' ),
            _x( 'Member', 'buddypress', 'stream' ),
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'demoted', compact( 'user_id' ), $message );

     * Log member banning
     * @action groups_ban_member
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int $user_id   User ID of banned member.
    public function callback_groups_ban_member( $group_id, $user_id ) {
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'banned', compact( 'user_id' ) );

     * Log member reinstatement
     * @action groups_unban_member
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int $user_id   User ID of reinstated member.
    public function callback_groups_unban_member( $group_id, $user_id ) {
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'unbanned', compact( 'user_id' ) );

     * Log member removal.
     * @action groups_remove_member
     * @param int $group_id  Group ID.
     * @param int $user_id   User ID of removed member.
    public function callback_groups_remove_member( $group_id, $user_id ) {
        $this->group_action( $group_id, 'removed', compact( 'user_id' ) );

     * Logs user profile field actions
     * @param object $field    Field object.
     * @param string $action   Action.
     * @param array  $meta     Meta.
     * @param string $message  Message.
    public function field_action( $field, $action, $meta = array(), $message = null ) {
        $replacements = array(

        if ( ! $message ) {
            if ( 'created' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a user profile field (e.g. "Job Title") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Created profile field "%s"', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'updated' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a user profile field (e.g. "Job Title") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Updated profile field "%s"', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'deleted' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a user profile field (e.g. "Job Title") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Deleted profile field "%s"', 'stream' );
            } else {

                    'field_id'   => $field->id,
                    'field_name' => $field->name,
                    'group_id'   => $field->group_id,

     * Logs field writes
     * @action xprofile_field_after_save
     * @param object $field  Field object.
    public function callback_xprofile_field_after_save( $field ) {
        $action = isset( $field->id ) ? 'updated' : 'created';
        $this->field_action( $field, $action );

     * Logs field deletions
     * @action xprofile_fields_deleted_field
     * @param object $field  Field object.
    public function callback_xprofile_fields_deleted_field( $field ) {
        $this->field_action( $field, 'deleted' );

     * Logs user profile field group actions
     * @param int    $group    Field group object.
     * @param string $action   Action.
     * @param array  $meta     Meta.
     * @param string $message  Message.
    public function field_group_action( $group, $action, $meta = array(), $message = null ) {
        $replacements = array(

        if ( ! $message ) {
            if ( 'created' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a user profile field group (e.g. "Appearance") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Created profile field group "%s"', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'updated' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a user profile field group (e.g. "Appearance") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Updated profile field group "%s"', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( 'deleted' === $action ) {
                /* translators: %s: a user profile field group (e.g. "Appearance") */
                $message = esc_html__( 'Deleted profile field group "%s"', 'stream' );
            } else {

                    'group_id'   => $group->id,
                    'group_name' => $group->name,

     * Logs field group writes
     * @action xprofile_group_after_save
     * @param object $group  Field group.
    public function callback_xprofile_group_after_save( $group ) {
        global $wpdb;
         * A bit hacky, due to inconsistency with BP action scheme,
         * see callback_xprofile_field_after_save for correct behavior.
        $action = ( $group->id === $wpdb->insert_id ) ? 'created' : 'updated';
        $this->field_group_action( $group, $action );

     * Logs field group deletions
     * @action xprofile_groups_deleted_group
     * @param object $group  Field group object.
    public function callback_xprofile_groups_deleted_group( $group ) {
        $this->field_group_action( $group, 'deleted' );

     * Returns the directory pages
     * @return array
    private function bp_get_directory_pages() {
        $bp              = \buddypress();
        $directory_pages = array();

        // Loop through loaded components and collect directories.
        if ( is_array( $bp->loaded_components ) ) {
            foreach ( $bp->loaded_components as $component_slug => $component_id ) {
                // Only components that need directories should be listed here.
                if ( isset( $bp->{$component_id} ) && ! empty( $bp->{$component_id}->has_directory ) ) {
                    // component->name was introduced in BP 1.5, so we must provide a fallback.
                    $directory_pages[ $component_id ] = ! empty( $bp->{$component_id}->name ) ? $bp->{$component_id}->name : ucwords( $component_id );

        return $directory_pages;