

4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Connector for Editor
 * @package WP_Stream

namespace WP_Stream;

 * Class - Connector_Editor
class Connector_Editor extends Connector {
     * Connector slug
     * @var string
    public $name = 'editor';

     * Actions registered for this connector
     * @var array
    public $actions = array();

     * Actions registered for this connector
     * @var array
    private $edited_file = array();

     * Register connector in the WP Frontend
     * @var bool
    public $register_frontend = false;

     * Register all context hooks
     * @return void
    public function register() {
        add_action( 'load-theme-editor.php', array( $this, 'get_edition_data' ) );
        add_action( 'load-plugin-editor.php', array( $this, 'get_edition_data' ) );
        add_filter( 'wp_redirect', array( $this, 'log_changes' ) );

     * Return translated connector label
     * @return string Translated connector label
    public function get_label() {
        return esc_html__( 'Editor', 'stream' );

     * Return translated action labels
     * @return array Action label translations
    public function get_action_labels() {
        return array(
            'updated' => esc_html__( 'Updated', 'stream' ),

     * Return translated context labels
     * @return array Context label translations
    public function get_context_labels() {
         * Filter available context labels for the Editor connector
         * @return array Array of context slugs and their translated labels
        return apply_filters(
                'themes'  => esc_html__( 'Themes', 'stream' ),
                'plugins' => esc_html__( 'Plugins', 'stream' ),

     * Get the context based on wp_redirect location
     * @param  string $location The URL of the redirect.
     * @return string Context slug
    public function get_context( $location ) {
        $context = null;

        if ( false !== strpos( $location, 'theme-editor.php' ) ) {
            $context = 'themes';

        if ( false !== strpos( $location, 'plugin-editor.php' ) ) {
            $context = 'plugins';

         * Filter available contexts for the Editor connector
         * @param  string  $context  Context slug
         * @param  string  $location The URL of the redirect
         * @return string            Context slug
        return apply_filters( 'wp_stream_editor_context', $context, $location );

     * Get the message format for file updates
     * @return string Translated string
    public function get_message() {
        /* translators: %1$s: a file name, %2$s: a theme / plugin name (e.g. "index.php", "Stream") */
        return _x(
            '"%1$s" in "%2$s" updated',
            '1: File name, 2: Theme/plugin name',

     * Add action links to Stream drop row in admin list screen
     * @filter wp_stream_action_links_{connector}
     * @param array  $links   Previous links registered.
     * @param object $record  Stream record.
     * @return array Action links
    public function action_links( $links, $record ) {
        if ( current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) {
            $file_name = $record->get_meta( 'file', true );
            $file_path = $record->get_meta( 'file_path', true );

            if ( ! empty( $file_name ) && ! empty( $file_path ) ) {
                $theme_slug    = $record->get_meta( 'theme_slug', true );
                $plugin_slug   = $record->get_meta( 'plugin_slug', true );
                $theme_exists  = ( ! empty( $theme_slug ) && file_exists( $file_path ) );
                $plugin_exists = ( ! empty( $plugin_slug ) && file_exists( $file_path ) );

                if ( $theme_exists ) {
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit File', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                            'theme' => rawurlencode( $theme_slug ),
                            'file'  => rawurlencode( $file_name ),
                        self_admin_url( 'theme-editor.php' )

                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Theme Details', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                            'theme' => rawurlencode( $theme_slug ),
                        self_admin_url( 'themes.php' )

                if ( $plugin_exists ) {
                    $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit File', 'stream' ) ] = add_query_arg(
                            'plugin' => rawurlencode( $plugin_slug ),
                            'file'   => rawurlencode( str_ireplace( trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ), '', $file_path ) ),
                        self_admin_url( 'plugin-editor.php' )

        return $links;

     * Retrieves data submitted on the screen, and prepares it for the appropriate context type
     * @action load-theme-editor.php
     * @action load-plugin-editor.php
    public function get_edition_data() {
        if (
                isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] )
                'POST' !== sanitize_text_field( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] )
            'update' !== wp_stream_filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'action' )
        ) {

        $theme_slug = wp_stream_filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'theme' );
        if ( $theme_slug ) {
            $this->edited_file = $this->get_theme_data( $theme_slug );

        $plugin_slug = wp_stream_filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'plugin' );
        if ( $plugin_slug ) {
            $this->edited_file = $this->get_plugin_data( $plugin_slug );

     * Retrieve theme data needed for the log message
     * @param string $slug  The theme slug (e.g. twentyfourteen).
     * @return mixed $output Compacted variables
    public function get_theme_data( $slug ) {
        $theme = wp_get_theme( $slug );

        if ( ! $theme->exists() || ( $theme->errors() && 'theme_no_stylesheet' === $theme->errors()->get_error_code() ) ) {
            return false;

        $allowed_files = $theme->get_files( 'php', 1 );
        $style_files   = $theme->get_files( 'css' );
        $file          = wp_stream_filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'file' );

        $allowed_files['style.css'] = $style_files['style.css'];

        if ( empty( $file ) ) {
            $file_name = 'style.css';
            $file_path = $allowed_files['style.css'];
        } else {
            $file_name = $file;
            $file_path = sprintf( '%s/%s', $theme->get_stylesheet_directory(), $file_name );

        $file_md5 = md5_file( $file_path );
        $name     = $theme->get( 'Name' );

        $output = compact(

        return $output;

     * Retrieve plugin data needed for the log message
     * @param  string $slug    The plugin file base name (e.g. akismet/akismet.php).
     * @return mixed  $output  Compacted variables.
    public function get_plugin_data( $slug ) {
        $base      = null;
        $name      = null;
        $slug      = current( explode( '/', $slug ) );
        $file_name = wp_stream_filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'file' );
        $file_path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $file_name;
        $file_md5  = md5_file( $file_path );
        $plugins   = get_plugins();

        foreach ( $plugins as $key => $plugin_data ) {
            if ( 0 === strpos( $key, $slug ) ) {
                $base = $key;
                $name = $plugin_data['Name'];

        $file_name = str_ireplace( trailingslashit( $slug ), '', $file_name );
        $slug      = ! empty( $base ) ? $base : $slug;

        $output = compact(

        return $output;

     * Logs changes
     * @filter wp_redirect
     * @param string $location Location.
    public function log_changes( $location ) {
        if ( ! empty( $this->edited_file ) ) {
            // TODO: phpcs fix.
            if ( md5_file( $this->edited_file['file_path'] ) !== $this->edited_file['file_md5'] ) {
                $context = $this->get_context( $location );

                switch ( $context ) {
                    case 'themes':
                        $name_key = 'theme_name';
                        $slug_key = 'theme_slug';
                    case 'plugins':
                        $name_key = 'plugin_name';
                        $slug_key = 'plugin_slug';
                        $name_key = 'name';
                        $slug_key = 'slug';

                        'file'      => (string) $this->edited_file['file_name'],
                        $name_key   => (string) $this->edited_file['name'],
                        $slug_key   => (string) $this->edited_file['slug'],
                        'file_path' => (string) $this->edited_file['file_path'],

        return $location;