

1 wk
Test Coverage
 * Connector for Widgets
 * @package WP_Stream

namespace WP_Stream;

 * Class - Connector_Widgets
class Connector_Widgets extends Connector {

     * Whether or not 'created' and 'deleted' actions should be logged. Normally
     * the sidebar 'added' and 'removed' actions will correspond with these.
     * See note below with usage.
     * @var bool
    public $verbose_widget_created_deleted_actions = false;

     * Connector slug
     * @var string
    public $name = 'widgets';

     * Actions registered for this connector
     * @var array
    public $actions = array(

     * Store the initial sidebars_widgets option when the customizer does its
     * multiple rounds of saving to the sidebars_widgets option.
     * @var array
    protected $customizer_initial_sidebars_widgets = null;

     * Return translated connector label
     * @return string Translated connector label
    public function get_label() {
        return esc_html__( 'Widgets', 'stream' );

     * Return translated action labels
     * @return array Action label translations
    public function get_action_labels() {
        return array(
            'added'       => esc_html__( 'Added', 'stream' ),
            'removed'     => esc_html__( 'Removed', 'stream' ),
            'moved'       => esc_html__( 'Moved', 'stream' ),
            'created'     => esc_html__( 'Created', 'stream' ),
            'deleted'     => esc_html__( 'Deleted', 'stream' ),
            'deactivated' => esc_html__( 'Deactivated', 'stream' ),
            'reactivated' => esc_html__( 'Reactivated', 'stream' ),
            'updated'     => esc_html__( 'Updated', 'stream' ),
            'sorted'      => esc_html__( 'Sorted', 'stream' ),

     * Return translated context labels
     * @return array Context label translations
    public function get_context_labels() {
        global $wp_registered_sidebars;

        $labels = array();

        foreach ( $wp_registered_sidebars as $sidebar ) {
            $labels[ $sidebar['id'] ] = $sidebar['name'];

        $labels['wp_inactive_widgets'] = esc_html__( 'Inactive Widgets', 'stream' );
        $labels['orphaned_widgets']    = esc_html__( 'Orphaned Widgets', 'stream' );

        return $labels;

     * Add action links to Stream drop row in admin list screen
     * @filter wp_stream_action_links_{connector}
     * @param array  $links   Previous links registered.
     * @param Record $record  Stream record.
     * @return array Action links
    public function action_links( $links, $record ) {
        $sidebar = $record->get_meta( 'sidebar_id', true );
        if ( $sidebar ) {
            global $wp_registered_sidebars;

            if ( array_key_exists( $sidebar, $wp_registered_sidebars ) ) {
                $links[ esc_html__( 'Edit Widget Area', 'stream' ) ] = admin_url( 'widgets.php#' . $sidebar ); // xss ok (@todo fix WPCS rule).
            // @todo Also old_sidebar_id and new_sidebar_id.
            // @todo Add Edit Widget link.

        return $links;

     * Tracks addition/deletion/reordering/deactivation of widgets from sidebars
     * @action update_option_sidebars_widgets
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    public function callback_update_option_sidebars_widgets( $old, $new ) {
        // Disable listener if we're switching themes.
        if ( did_action( 'after_switch_theme' ) ) {

        if ( did_action( 'customize_save' ) ) {
            if ( is_null( $this->customizer_initial_sidebars_widgets ) ) {
                $this->customizer_initial_sidebars_widgets = $old;
                add_action( 'customize_save_after', array( $this, 'callback_customize_save_after' ) );
        } else {
            $this->handle_sidebars_widgets_changes( $old, $new );

     * Since the sidebars_widgets may get updated multiple times when saving
     * changes to Widgets in the Customizer, defer handling the changes until
     * customize_save_after.
     * @see callback_update_option_sidebars_widgets()
    public function callback_customize_save_after() {
        $old_sidebars_widgets = $this->customizer_initial_sidebars_widgets;
        $new_sidebars_widgets = get_option( 'sidebars_widgets' );

        $this->handle_sidebars_widgets_changes( $old_sidebars_widgets, $new_sidebars_widgets );

     * Processes tracked widget actions
     * @param array $old  Old sidebar widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebar widgets.
    protected function handle_sidebars_widgets_changes( $old, $new ) {
        unset( $old['array_version'] );
        unset( $new['array_version'] );

        if ( $old === $new ) {

        $this->handle_deactivated_widgets( $old, $new );
        $this->handle_reactivated_widgets( $old, $new );
        $this->handle_widget_removal( $old, $new );
        $this->handle_widget_addition( $old, $new );
        $this->handle_widget_reordering( $old, $new );
        $this->handle_widget_moved( $old, $new );

     * Track deactivation of widgets from sidebars
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    protected function handle_deactivated_widgets( $old, $new ) {
        $new_deactivated_widget_ids = array_diff( $new['wp_inactive_widgets'], $old['wp_inactive_widgets'] );

        foreach ( $new_deactivated_widget_ids as $widget_id ) {
            $sidebar_id = '';

            foreach ( $old as $old_sidebar_id => $old_widget_ids ) {
                if ( in_array( $widget_id, $old_widget_ids, true ) ) {
                    $sidebar_id = $old_sidebar_id;

            $action       = 'deactivated';
            $name         = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
            $title        = $this->get_widget_title( $widget_id );
            $labels       = $this->get_context_labels();
            $sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $sidebar_id ] : $sidebar_id;

            if ( $name && $title ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" from "%3$s" deactivated', '1: Name, 2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $name ) {
                // Empty title, but we have the name.
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget from "%3$s" deactivated', '1: Name, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $title ) {
                // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget title, %2$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" from "%3$s" deactivated', '2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } else {
                // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                /* translators: %4$s: a widget ID, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "42", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%4$s widget from "%3$s" deactivated', '4: Widget ID, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );

            $message = sprintf( $message, $name, $title, $sidebar_name, $widget_id );

                compact( 'title', 'name', 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id' ),

     * Track reactivation of widgets from sidebars
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    protected function handle_reactivated_widgets( $old, $new ) {
        $new_reactivated_widget_ids = array_diff( $old['wp_inactive_widgets'], $new['wp_inactive_widgets'] );

        foreach ( $new_reactivated_widget_ids as $widget_id ) {
            $sidebar_id = '';

            foreach ( $new as $new_sidebar_id => $new_widget_ids ) {
                if ( in_array( $widget_id, $new_widget_ids, true ) ) {
                    $sidebar_id = $new_sidebar_id;

            $action = 'reactivated';
            $name   = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
            $title  = $this->get_widget_title( $widget_id );

            if ( $name && $title ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title (e.g. "Archives", "Browse") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" reactivated', '1: Name, 2: Title', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $name ) {
                // Empty title, but we have the name.
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name (e.g. "Archives") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget reactivated', '1: Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $title ) {
                // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                /* translators: %2$s: a widget title (e.g. "Browse") */
                $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" reactivated', '2: Title', 'stream' );
            } else {
                // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                /* translators: %3$s: a widget ID (e.g. "42") */
                $message = _x( '%3$s widget reactivated', '3: Widget ID', 'stream' );

            $message = sprintf( $message, $name, $title, $widget_id );

                compact( 'title', 'name', 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id' ),

     * Track deletion of widgets from sidebars
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    protected function handle_widget_removal( $old, $new ) {
        $all_old_widget_ids = array_unique( call_user_func_array( 'array_merge', array_values( $old ) ) );
        $all_new_widget_ids = array_unique( call_user_func_array( 'array_merge', array_values( $new ) ) );
        // @todo In the customizer, moving widgets to other sidebars is problematic because each sidebar is registered as a separate setting; so we need to make sure that all $_POST['customized'] are applied?
        // @todo The widget option is getting updated before the sidebars_widgets are updated, so we need to hook into the option update to try to cache any deletions for future lookup

        $deleted_widget_ids = array_diff( $all_old_widget_ids, $all_new_widget_ids );

        foreach ( $deleted_widget_ids as $widget_id ) {
            $sidebar_id = '';

            foreach ( $old as $old_sidebar_id => $old_widget_ids ) {
                if ( in_array( $widget_id, $old_widget_ids, true ) ) {
                    $sidebar_id = $old_sidebar_id;

            $action       = 'removed';
            $name         = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
            $title        = $this->get_widget_title( $widget_id );
            $labels       = $this->get_context_labels();
            $sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $sidebar_id ] : $sidebar_id;

            if ( $name && $title ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" removed from "%3$s"', '1: Name, 2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $name ) {
                // Empty title, but we have the name.
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget removed from "%3$s"', '1: Name, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $title ) {
                // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                /* translators: %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" removed from "%3$s"', '2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } else {
                // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                /* translators: %4$s: a widget ID, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "42", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%4$s widget removed from "%3$s"', '4: Widget ID, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );

            $message = sprintf( $message, $name, $title, $sidebar_name, $widget_id );

                compact( 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id' ),

     * Track reactivation of widgets from sidebars
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    protected function handle_widget_addition( $old, $new ) {
        $all_old_widget_ids = array_unique( call_user_func_array( 'array_merge', array_values( $old ) ) );
        $all_new_widget_ids = array_unique( call_user_func_array( 'array_merge', array_values( $new ) ) );
        $added_widget_ids   = array_diff( $all_new_widget_ids, $all_old_widget_ids );

        foreach ( $added_widget_ids as $widget_id ) {
            $sidebar_id = '';

            foreach ( $new as $new_sidebar_id => $new_widget_ids ) {
                if ( in_array( $widget_id, $new_widget_ids, true ) ) {
                    $sidebar_id = $new_sidebar_id;

            $action       = 'added';
            $name         = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
            $title        = $this->get_widget_title( $widget_id );
            $labels       = $this->get_context_labels();
            $sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $sidebar_id ] : $sidebar_id;

            if ( $name && $title ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" added to "%3$s"', '1: Name, 2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $name ) {
                // Empty title, but we have the name.
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget added to "%3$s"', '1: Name, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $title ) {
                // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                /* translators: %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" added to "%3$s"', '2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } else {
                // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                /* translators: %4$s: a widget ID, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "42", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%4$s widget added to "%3$s"', '4: Widget ID, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );

            $message = sprintf( $message, $name, $title, $sidebar_name, $widget_id );

                compact( 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id' ), // @todo Do we care about sidebar_id in meta if it is already context? But there is no 'context' for what the context signifies

     * Track reordering of widgets
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    protected function handle_widget_reordering( $old, $new ) {
        $all_sidebar_ids = array_intersect( array_keys( $old ), array_keys( $new ) );

        foreach ( $all_sidebar_ids as $sidebar_id ) {
            if ( $old[ $sidebar_id ] === $new[ $sidebar_id ] ) {

            // Use intersect to ignore widget additions and removals.
            $all_widget_ids       = array_unique( array_merge( $old[ $sidebar_id ], $new[ $sidebar_id ] ) );
            $common_widget_ids    = array_intersect( $old[ $sidebar_id ], $new[ $sidebar_id ] );
            $uncommon_widget_ids  = array_diff( $all_widget_ids, $common_widget_ids );
            $new_widget_ids       = array_values( array_diff( $new[ $sidebar_id ], $uncommon_widget_ids ) );
            $old_widget_ids       = array_values( array_diff( $old[ $sidebar_id ], $uncommon_widget_ids ) );
            $widget_order_changed = ( $new_widget_ids !== $old_widget_ids );

            if ( $widget_order_changed ) {
                $labels         = $this->get_context_labels();
                $sidebar_name   = isset( $labels[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $sidebar_id ] : $sidebar_id;
                $old_widget_ids = $old[ $sidebar_id ];

                /* translators: %s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( 'Widgets reordered in "%s"', 'Sidebar name', 'stream' );
                $message = sprintf( $message, $sidebar_name );

                    compact( 'sidebar_id', 'old_widget_ids' ),


     * Track movement of widgets to other sidebars
     * @param array $old  Old sidebars widgets.
     * @param array $new  New sidebars widgets.
     * @return void
    protected function handle_widget_moved( $old, $new ) {
        $all_sidebar_ids = array_intersect( array_keys( $old ), array_keys( $new ) );

        foreach ( $all_sidebar_ids as $new_sidebar_id ) {
            if ( $old[ $new_sidebar_id ] === $new[ $new_sidebar_id ] ) {

            $new_widget_ids = array_diff( $new[ $new_sidebar_id ], $old[ $new_sidebar_id ] );

            foreach ( $new_widget_ids as $widget_id ) {
                // Now find the sidebar that the widget was originally located in, as long it is not wp_inactive_widgets.
                $old_sidebar_id = null;
                foreach ( $old as $sidebar_id => $old_widget_ids ) {
                    if ( in_array( $widget_id, $old_widget_ids, true ) ) {
                        $old_sidebar_id = $sidebar_id;

                if ( ! $old_sidebar_id || 'wp_inactive_widgets' === $old_sidebar_id || 'wp_inactive_widgets' === $new_sidebar_id ) {

                assert( $old_sidebar_id !== $new_sidebar_id );

                $name             = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
                $title            = $this->get_widget_title( $widget_id );
                $labels           = $this->get_context_labels();
                $old_sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $old_sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $old_sidebar_id ] : $old_sidebar_id;
                $new_sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $new_sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $new_sidebar_id ] : $new_sidebar_id;

                if ( $name && $title ) {
                    /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title, %4$s: a sidebar name, %5$s: another sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Browse", "Footer Area 1", "Footer Area 2") */
                    $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" moved from "%4$s" to "%5$s"', '1: Name, 2: Title, 4: Old Sidebar Name, 5: New Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
                } elseif ( $name ) {
                    // Empty title, but we have the name.
                    /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %4$s: a sidebar name, %5$s: another sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Footer Area 1", "Footer Area 2") */
                    $message = _x( '%1$s widget moved from "%4$s" to "%5$s"', '1: Name, 4: Old Sidebar Name, 5: New Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
                } elseif ( $title ) {
                    // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                    /* translators: %2$s: a widget title, %4$s: a sidebar name, %5$s: another sidebar name (e.g. "Browse", "Footer Area 1", "Footer Area 2") */
                    $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" moved from "%4$s" to "%5$s"', '2: Title, 4: Old Sidebar Name, 5: New Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
                } else {
                    // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                    /* translators: %3$s: a widget ID, %4$s: a sidebar name, %5$s: another sidebar name (e.g. "42", "Footer Area 1", "Footer Area 2") */
                    $message = _x( '%3$s widget moved from "%4$s" to "%5$s"', '3: Widget ID, 4: Old Sidebar Name, 5: New Sidebar Name', 'stream' );

                $message    = sprintf( $message, $name, $title, $widget_id, $old_sidebar_name, $new_sidebar_name );
                $sidebar_id = $new_sidebar_id;

                    compact( 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id', 'old_sidebar_id' ),


     * Track changes to widgets
     * @action updated_option
     * @param string $option_name  Option key.
     * @param array  $old_value    Old value.
     * @param array  $new_value    New value.
    public function callback_updated_option( $option_name, $old_value, $new_value ) {
        if ( ! preg_match( '/^widget_(.+)$/', $option_name, $matches ) || ! is_array( $new_value ) ) {

        $is_multi       = ! empty( $new_value['_multiwidget'] );
        $widget_id_base = $matches[1];

        $creates = array();
        $updates = array();
        $deletes = array();

        if ( $is_multi ) {
            $widget_id_format = "$widget_id_base-%d";

            unset( $new_value['_multiwidget'] );
            unset( $old_value['_multiwidget'] );

             * Created widgets
            $created_widget_numbers = array_diff( array_keys( $new_value ), array_keys( $old_value ) );

            foreach ( $created_widget_numbers as $widget_number ) {
                $instance   = $new_value[ $widget_number ];
                $widget_id  = sprintf( $widget_id_format, $widget_number );
                $name       = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
                $title      = ! empty( $instance['title'] ) ? $instance['title'] : null;
                $sidebar_id = $this->get_widget_sidebar_id( $widget_id ); // @todo May not be assigned yet

                $creates[] = compact( 'name', 'title', 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id', 'instance' );

             * Updated widgets
            $updated_widget_numbers = array_intersect( array_keys( $old_value ), array_keys( $new_value ) );

            foreach ( $updated_widget_numbers as $widget_number ) {
                $new_instance = $new_value[ $widget_number ];
                $old_instance = $old_value[ $widget_number ];

                if ( $old_instance !== $new_instance ) {
                    $widget_id    = sprintf( $widget_id_format, $widget_number );
                    $name         = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
                    $title        = ! empty( $new_instance['title'] ) ? $new_instance['title'] : null;
                    $sidebar_id   = $this->get_widget_sidebar_id( $widget_id );
                    $labels       = $this->get_context_labels();
                    $sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $sidebar_id ] : $sidebar_id;

                    $updates[] = compact( 'name', 'title', 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id', 'old_instance', 'sidebar_name' );

             * Deleted widgets
            $deleted_widget_numbers = array_diff( array_keys( $old_value ), array_keys( $new_value ) );

            foreach ( $deleted_widget_numbers as $widget_number ) {
                $instance   = $old_value[ $widget_number ];
                $widget_id  = sprintf( $widget_id_format, $widget_number );
                $name       = $this->get_widget_name( $widget_id );
                $title      = ! empty( $instance['title'] ) ? $instance['title'] : null;
                $sidebar_id = $this->get_widget_sidebar_id( $widget_id ); // @todo May not be assigned anymore

                $deletes[] = compact( 'name', 'title', 'widget_id', 'sidebar_id', 'instance' );
        } else {
            // Doing our best guess for tracking changes to old single widgets, assuming their options start with 'widget_'.
            $widget_id    = $widget_id_base;
            $name         = $widget_id; // There aren't names available for single widgets.
            $title        = ! empty( $new_value['title'] ) ? $new_value['title'] : null;
            $sidebar_id   = $this->get_widget_sidebar_id( $widget_id );
            $old_instance = $old_value;
            $labels       = $this->get_context_labels();
            $sidebar_name = isset( $labels[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $labels[ $sidebar_id ] : $sidebar_id;

            $updates[] = compact( 'widget_id', 'title', 'name', 'sidebar_id', 'old_instance', 'sidebar_name' );

         * Log updated actions
        foreach ( $updates as $update ) {
            if ( $update['name'] && $update['title'] ) {
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" in "%3$s" updated', '1: Name, 2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $update['name'] ) {
                // Empty title, but we have the name.
                /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Archives", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%1$s widget in "%3$s" updated', '1: Name, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } elseif ( $update['title'] ) {
                // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                /* translators: %2$s: a widget title, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "Browse", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" in "%3$s" updated', '2: Title, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );
            } else {
                // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                /* translators: %4$s: a widget ID, %3$s: a sidebar name (e.g. "42", "Footer Area 1") */
                $message = _x( '%4$s widget in "%3$s" updated', '4: Widget ID, 3: Sidebar Name', 'stream' );

            $message = sprintf( $message, $update['name'], $update['title'], $update['sidebar_name'], $update['widget_id'] );

            unset( $update['title'], $update['name'] );


         * In the normal case, widgets are never created or deleted in a vacuum.
         * Created widgets are immediately assigned to a sidebar, and deleted
         * widgets are immediately removed from their assigned sidebar. If,
         * however, widget instances get manipulated programmatically, it is
         * possible that they could be orphaned, in which case the following
         * actions would be useful to log.
        if ( $this->verbose_widget_created_deleted_actions ) {
            // We should only do these if not captured by an update to the sidebars_widgets option.
             * Log created actions
            foreach ( $creates as $create ) {
                if ( $create['name'] && $create['title'] ) {
                    /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title (e.g. "Archives", "Browse") */
                    $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" created', '1: Name, 2: Title', 'stream' );
                } elseif ( $create['name'] ) {
                    // Empty title, but we have the name.
                    /* translators: %1$s: a widget name (e.g. "Archives") */
                    $message = _x( '%1$s widget created', '1: Name', 'stream' );
                } elseif ( $create['title'] ) {
                    // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                    /* translators: %2$s: a widget title (e.g. "Browse") */
                    $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" created', '2: Title', 'stream' );
                } else {
                    // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                    /* translators: %3$s: a widget ID (e.g. "42") */
                    $message = _x( '%3$s widget created', '3: Widget ID', 'stream' );

                $message = sprintf( $message, $create['name'], $create['title'], $create['widget_id'] );

                unset( $create['title'], $create['name'] );


             * Log deleted actions
            foreach ( $deletes as $delete ) {
                if ( $delete['name'] && $delete['title'] ) {
                    /* translators: %1$s: a widget name, %2$s: a widget title (e.g. "Archives", "Browse") */
                    $message = _x( '%1$s widget named "%2$s" deleted', '1: Name, 2: Title', 'stream' );
                } elseif ( $delete['name'] ) {
                    // Empty title, but we have the name.
                    /* translators: %1$s: a widget name (e.g. "Archives") */
                    $message = _x( '%1$s widget deleted', '1: Name', 'stream' );
                } elseif ( $delete['title'] ) {
                    // Likely a single widget since no name is available.
                    /* translators: %2$s: a widget title (e.g. "Browse") */
                    $message = _x( 'Unknown widget type named "%2$s" deleted', '2: Title', 'stream' );
                } else {
                    // Neither a name nor a title are available, so use the widget ID.
                    /* translators: %3$s: a widget ID (e.g. "42") */
                    $message = _x( '%3$s widget deleted', '3: Widget ID', 'stream' );

                $message = sprintf( $message, $delete['name'], $delete['title'], $delete['widget_id'] );

                unset( $delete['title'], $delete['name'] );


     * Returns widget title.
     * @param string $widget_id  Widget instance ID.
     * @return string
    public function get_widget_title( $widget_id ) {
        $instance = $this->get_widget_instance( $widget_id );
        return ! empty( $instance['title'] ) ? $instance['title'] : null;

     * Returns widget name.
     * @param string $widget_id  Widget instance ID.
     * @return string|null
    public function get_widget_name( $widget_id ) {
        $widget_obj = $this->get_widget_object( $widget_id );
        return $widget_obj ? $widget_obj->name : null;

     * Parses widget instance ID and widget type data.
     * @param string $widget_id  Widget instance ID.
     * @return array|null
    public function parse_widget_id( $widget_id ) {
        if ( preg_match( '/^(.+)-(\d+)$/', $widget_id, $matches ) ) {
            return array(
                'id_base'       => $matches[1],
                'widget_number' => intval( $matches[2] ),
        } else {
            return null;

     * Returns widget object.
     * @param string $widget_id  Widget instance ID.
     * @return \WP_Widget|null
    public function get_widget_object( $widget_id ) {
        global $wp_widget_factory;

        $parsed_widget_id = $this->parse_widget_id( $widget_id );

        if ( ! $parsed_widget_id ) {
            return null;

        $id_base = $parsed_widget_id['id_base'];

        $id_base_to_widget_class_map = array_combine(
            wp_list_pluck( $wp_widget_factory->widgets, 'id_base' ),
            array_keys( $wp_widget_factory->widgets )

        if ( ! isset( $id_base_to_widget_class_map[ $id_base ] ) ) {
            return null;

        return $wp_widget_factory->widgets[ $id_base_to_widget_class_map[ $id_base ] ];

     * Returns widget instance settings
     * @param string $widget_id  Widget ID, ex: pages-1.
     * @return array|null Widget instance
    public function get_widget_instance( $widget_id ) {
        $instance         = null;
        $parsed_widget_id = $this->parse_widget_id( $widget_id );
        $widget_obj       = $this->get_widget_object( $widget_id );

        if ( $widget_obj && $parsed_widget_id ) {
            $settings     = $widget_obj->get_settings();
            $multi_number = $parsed_widget_id['widget_number'];

            if ( isset( $settings[ $multi_number ] ) && ! empty( $settings[ $multi_number ]['title'] ) ) {
                $instance = $settings[ $multi_number ];
        } else {
            // Single widgets, try our best guess at the option used.
            $potential_instance = get_option( "widget_{$widget_id}" );

            if ( ! empty( $potential_instance ) && ! empty( $potential_instance['title'] ) ) {
                $instance = $potential_instance;

        return $instance;

     * Get global sidebars widgets
     * @return array
    public function get_sidebars_widgets() {
         * Filter allows for insertion of sidebar widgets
         * @todo Do we need this filter?
         * @param  array  Sidebar Widgets in Options table
         * @param  array  Inserted Sidebar Widgets
         * @return array  Array of updated Sidebar Widgets
        return apply_filters( 'sidebars_widgets', get_option( 'sidebars_widgets', array() ) );

     * Return the sidebar of a certain widget, based on widget_id
     * @param string $widget_id  Widget id, ex: pages-1.
     * @return string Sidebar id
    public function get_widget_sidebar_id( $widget_id ) {
        $sidebars_widgets = $this->get_sidebars_widgets();

        unset( $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] );

        foreach ( $sidebars_widgets as $sidebar_id => $widget_ids ) {
            if ( in_array( $widget_id, $widget_ids, true ) ) {
                return $sidebar_id;

        return 'orphaned_widgets';