import type { FlexBoxProps } from '@xylabs/react-flexbox'
import { FlexRow } from '@xylabs/react-flexbox'
// eslint-disable-next-line depend/ban-dependencies
import md5 from 'md5'
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
const range = (n: number, in_min: number, in_max: number, out_min: number, out_max: number) => {
return ((n - in_min) * (out_max - out_min)) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
export interface IdenticonProps extends FlexBoxProps {
bg?: string
className?: string
count?: number
fg?: string
iconPadding?: number
palette?: string[]
size?: number
value?: string
const updateCanvas = (canvas: React.RefObject<HTMLCanvasElement>, props: IdenticonProps) => {
const {
value = '', size = 400, bg = 'transparent', count = 5, palette, iconPadding = 0,
} = props
let { fg } = props
const hash = md5(value)
const block = Math.floor(size / count)
const hashColor = hash.slice(0, 6)
const current = canvas.current
if (!current) {
if (palette && palette.length > 0) {
const index = Math.floor(range(Number.parseInt(hash.slice(-3), 16), 0, 4095, 0, palette.length))
fg = palette[index]
current.width = block * count + iconPadding
current.height = block * count + iconPadding
const arr = [...hash].map((el) => {
const parsedEl = Number.parseInt(el, 16)
return parsedEl < 8 ? 0 : 1
const map = []
map[0] = map[4] = arr.slice(0, 5)
map[1] = map[3] = arr.slice(5, 10)
map[2] = arr.slice(10, 15)
const ctx = current.getContext('2d')
if (ctx) {
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, current.width, current.height)
for (const [i, row] of map.entries()) {
for (const [j, el] of row.entries()) {
if (el) {
ctx.fillStyle = fg ?? '#' + hashColor
ctx.fillRect(block * i + iconPadding, block * j + iconPadding, block - iconPadding, block - iconPadding)
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = bg
ctx.fillRect(block * i + iconPadding, block * j + iconPadding, block - iconPadding, block - iconPadding)
export const Identicon: React.FC<IdenticonProps> = ({
size = 400,
className = 'identicon',
}) => {
const canvas = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null)
useEffect(() => {
updateCanvas(canvas, {
bg, className, count, fg, iconPadding, palette, size, value,
return (
<FlexRow {...props}>
? (
style={{ height: size, width: size }}
: null}