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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2014-2015 Yahoo! Inc.
// Copyrights licensed under the Mit License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

var assert = require('assert'),
    PNGImage = require('pngjs-image'),
    Promise = require('promise');

function load(value, defaultValue) {
    return (value == null) ? defaultValue : value;

 * Blink-diff comparison class
 * @constructor
 * @class BlinkDiff
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {PNGImage|Buffer} options.imageA Image object of first image
 * @param {string} options.imageAPath Path to first image
 * @param {PNGImage|Buffer} options.imageB Image object of second image
 * @param {string} options.imageBPath Path to second image
 * @param {string} [options.imageOutputPath=undefined] Path to output image file
 * @param {int} [options.imageOutputLimit=BlinkDiff.OUTPUT_ALL] Determines when an image output is created
 * @param {string} [options.thresholdType=BlinkDiff.THRESHOLD_PIXEL] Defines the threshold of the comparison
 * @param {int} [options.threshold=500] Threshold limit according to the comparison limit.
 * @param {number} [] Distance between the color coordinates in the 4 dimensional color-space that will not trigger a difference.
 * @param {int} [options.outputMaskRed=255] Value to set for red on difference pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputMaskGreen=0] Value to set for green on difference pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputMaskBlue=0] Value to set for blue on difference pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputMaskAlpha=255] Value to set for the alpha channel on difference pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {float} [options.outputMaskOpacity=0.7] Strength of masking the pixel. 1.0 means that the full color will be used; anything less will mix-in the original pixel.
 * @param {int} [options.outputShiftRed=255] Value to set for red on shifted pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputShiftGreen=165] Value to set for green on shifted pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputShiftBlue=0] Value to set for blue on shifted pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputShiftAlpha=255] Value to set for the alpha channel on shifted pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {float} [options.outputShiftOpacity=0.7] Strength of masking the shifted pixel. 1.0 means that the full color will be used; anything less will mix-in the original pixel.
 * @param {int} [options.outputBackgroundRed=0] Value to set for red as background. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputBackgroundGreen=0] Value to set for green as background. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputBackgroundBlue=0] Value to set for blue as background. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.outputBackgroundAlpha=undefined] Value to set for the alpha channel as background. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {float} [options.outputBackgroundOpacity=0.6] Strength of masking the pixel. 1.0 means that the full color will be used; anything less will mix-in the original pixel.
 * @param {object|object[]} [options.blockOut] Object or list of objects with coordinates of blocked-out areas.
 * @param {int} [options.blockOutRed=0] Value to set for red on blocked-out pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.blockOutGreen=0] Value to set for green on blocked-out pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.blockOutBlue=0] Value to set for blue on blocked-out pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {int} [options.blockOutAlpha=255] Value to set for the alpha channel on blocked-out pixel. 'Undefined' will not change the value.
 * @param {float} [options.blockOutOpacity=1.0] Strength of masking the blocked-out pixel. 1.0 means that the full color will be used; anything less will mix-in the original pixel.
 * @param {boolean} [options.copyImageAToOutput=true]  Copies the first image to the output image before the comparison begins. This will make sure that the output image will highlight the differences on the first image.
 * @param {boolean} [options.copyImageBToOutput=false] Copies the second image to the output image before the comparison begins. This will make sure that the output image will highlight the differences on the second image.
 * @param {string[]} [options.filter=[]] Filters that will be applied before the comparison. Available filters are: blur, grayScale, lightness, luma, luminosity, sepia
 * @param {boolean} [options.debug=false] When set, then the applied filters will be shown on the output image.
 * @param {boolean} [options.composition=true] Should a composition be created to compare?
 * @param {boolean} [options.composeLeftToRight=false] Create composition from left to right, otherwise let it decide on its own whats best
 * @param {boolean} [options.composeTopToBottom=false] Create composition from top to bottom, otherwise let it decide on its own whats best
 * @param {boolean} [options.hideShift=false] Hides shift highlighting by using the background color instead
 * @param {int} [options.hShift=2] Horizontal shift for possible antialiasing
 * @param {int} [options.vShift=2] Vertical shift for possible antialiasing
 * @param {object} [options.cropImageA=null] Cropping for first image (default: no cropping)
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageA.x=0] Coordinate for left corner of cropping region
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageA.y=0] Coordinate for top corner of cropping region
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageA.width] Width of cropping region (default: Width that is left)
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageA.height] Height of cropping region (default: Height that is left)
 * @param {object} [options.cropImageB=null] Cropping for second image (default: no cropping)
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageB.x=0] Coordinate for left corner of cropping region
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageB.y=0] Coordinate for top corner of cropping region
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageB.width] Width of cropping region (default: Width that is left)
 * @param {int} [options.cropImageB.height] Height of cropping region (default: Height that is left)
 * @param {boolean} [options.perceptual=false] Turns perceptual comparison on
 * @param {float} [options.gamma] Gamma correction for all colors
 * @param {float} [options.gammaR] Gamma correction for red
 * @param {float} [options.gammaG] Gamma correction for green
 * @param {float} [options.gammaB] Gamma correction for blue
 * @property {PNGImage} _imageA
 * @property {PNGImage} _imageACompare
 * @property {string} _imageAPath
 * @property {PNGImage} _imageB
 * @property {PNGImage} _imageBCompare
 * @property {string} _imageBPath
 * @property {PNGImage} _imageOutput
 * @property {string} _imageOutputPath
 * @property {int} _imageOutputLimit
 * @property {string} _thresholdType
 * @property {int} _threshold
 * @property {number} _delta
 * @property {int} _outputMaskRed
 * @property {int} _outputMaskGreen
 * @property {int} _outputMaskBlue
 * @property {int} _outputMaskAlpha
 * @property {float} _outputMaskOpacity
 * @property {int} _outputShiftRed
 * @property {int} _outputShiftGreen
 * @property {int} _outputShiftBlue
 * @property {int} _outputShiftAlpha
 * @property {float} _outputShiftOpacity
 * @property {int} _outputBackgroundRed
 * @property {int} _outputBackgroundGreen
 * @property {int} _outputBackgroundBlue
 * @property {int} _outputBackgroundAlpha
 * @property {float} _outputBackgroundOpacity
 * @property {object[]} _blockOut
 * @property {int} _blockOutRed
 * @property {int} _blockOutGreen
 * @property {int} _blockOutBlue
 * @property {int} _blockOutAlpha
 * @property {float} _blockOutOpacity
 * @property {boolean} _copyImageAToOutput
 * @property {boolean} _copyImageBToOutput
 * @property {string[]} _filter
 * @property {boolean} _debug
 * @property {boolean} _composition
 * @property {boolean} _composeLeftToRight
 * @property {boolean} _composeTopToBottom
 * @property {int} _hShift
 * @property {int} _vShift
 * @property {object} _cropImageA
 * @property {int} _cropImageA.x
 * @property {int} _cropImageA.y
 * @property {int} _cropImageA.width
 * @property {int} _cropImageA.height
 * @property {object} _cropImageB
 * @property {int} _cropImageB.x
 * @property {int} _cropImageB.y
 * @property {int} _cropImageB.width
 * @property {int} _cropImageB.height
 * @property {object} _refWhite
 * @property {boolean} _perceptual
 * @property {float} _gamma
 * @property {float} _gammaR
 * @property {float} _gammaG
 * @property {float} _gammaB
function BlinkDiff (options) {

    this._imageA = options.imageA;
    this._imageAPath = options.imageAPath;
    assert.ok(options.imageAPath || options.imageA, "Image A not given.");

    this._imageB = options.imageB;
    this._imageBPath = options.imageBPath;
    assert.ok(options.imageBPath || options.imageB, "Image B not given.");

    this._imageOutput = null;
    this._imageOutputPath = options.imageOutputPath;
    this._imageOutputLimit = load(options.imageOutputLimit, BlinkDiff.OUTPUT_ALL);

    // Pixel or Percent
    this._thresholdType = load(options.thresholdType, BlinkDiff.THRESHOLD_PIXEL);

    // How many pixels different to ignore.
    this._threshold = load(options.threshold, 500);

    this._delta = load(, 20);

    this._outputMaskRed = load(options.outputMaskRed, 255);
    this._outputMaskGreen = load(options.outputMaskGreen, 0);
    this._outputMaskBlue = load(options.outputMaskBlue, 0);
    this._outputMaskAlpha = load(options.outputMaskAlpha, 255);
    this._outputMaskOpacity = load(options.outputMaskOpacity, 0.7);

    this._outputBackgroundRed = load(options.outputBackgroundRed, 0);
    this._outputBackgroundGreen = load(options.outputBackgroundGreen, 0);
    this._outputBackgroundBlue = load(options.outputBackgroundBlue, 0);
    this._outputBackgroundAlpha = options.outputBackgroundAlpha;
    this._outputBackgroundOpacity = load(options.outputBackgroundOpacity, 0.6);

    if (options.hideShift) {
        this._outputShiftRed = this._outputBackgroundRed;
        this._outputShiftGreen = this._outputBackgroundGreen;
        this._outputShiftBlue = this._outputBackgroundBlue;
        this._outputShiftAlpha = this._outputBackgroundAlpha;
        this._outputShiftOpacity = this._outputBackgroundOpacity;

    } else {
        this._outputShiftRed = load(options.outputShiftRed, 200);
        this._outputShiftGreen = load(options.outputShiftGreen, 100);
        this._outputShiftBlue = load(options.outputShiftBlue, 0);
        this._outputShiftAlpha = load(options.outputShiftAlpha, 255);
        this._outputShiftOpacity = load(options.outputShiftOpacity, 0.7);

    this._blockOut = load(options.blockOut, []);
    if (typeof this._blockOut != 'object' && (this._blockOut.length !== undefined)) {
        this._blockOut = [this._blockOut];

    this._blockOutRed = load(options.blockOutRed, 0);
    this._blockOutGreen = load(options.blockOutGreen, 0);
    this._blockOutBlue = load(options.blockOutBlue, 0);
    this._blockOutAlpha = load(options.blockOutAlpha, 255);
    this._blockOutOpacity = load(options.blockOutOpacity, 1.0);

    this._copyImageAToOutput = load(options.copyImageAToOutput, true);
    this._copyImageBToOutput = load(options.copyImageBToOutput, false);

    this._filter = load(options.filter, []);

    this._debug = load(options.debug, false);

    this._composition = load(options.composition, true);
    this._composeLeftToRight = load(options.composeLeftToRight, false);
    this._composeTopToBottom = load(options.composeTopToBottom, false);

    this._hShift = load(options.hShift, 2);
    this._vShift = load(options.vShift, 2);

    this._cropImageA = options.cropImageA;
    this._cropImageB = options.cropImageB;

    // Prepare reference white
    this._refWhite = this._convertRgbToXyz({c1: 1, c2: 1, c3: 1, c4: 1});

    this._perceptual = load(options.perceptual, false);

    this._gamma = options.gamma;
    this._gammaR = options.gammaR;
    this._gammaG = options.gammaG;
    this._gammaB = options.gammaB;

 * Version of class
 * @static
 * @property version
 * @type {string}
BlinkDiff.version = require('./package.json').version;

 * Threshold-type for pixel
 * @static
 * @property THRESHOLD_PIXEL
 * @type {string}
BlinkDiff.THRESHOLD_PIXEL = 'pixel';

 * Threshold-type for percent of all pixels
 * @static
 * @type {string}
BlinkDiff.THRESHOLD_PERCENT = 'percent';

 * Unknown result of the comparison
 * @static
 * @property RESULT_UNKNOWN
 * @type {int}

 * The images are too different
 * @static
 * @type {int}

 * The images are very similar, but still below the threshold
 * @static
 * @property RESULT_SIMILAR
 * @type {int}

 * The images are identical (or near identical)
 * @static
 * @type {int}

 * Create output when images are different
 * @static
 * @type {int}

 * Create output when images are similar or different
 * @static
 * @property OUTPUT_SIMILAR
 * @type {int}
BlinkDiff.OUTPUT_SIMILAR = 20;

 * Force output of all comparisons
 * @static
 * @property OUTPUT_ALL
 * @type {int}
BlinkDiff.OUTPUT_ALL = 100;

BlinkDiff.prototype = {

     * Runs the comparison with a promise
     * @method runWithPromise
     * @example
     *     var blinkDiff = BlinkDiff(...);
     *     blinkDiff.runWithPromise().then(function (result) {
     *       ...
     *     });
     * @return {Promise}
    runWithPromise: function () {
        return Promise.denodeify(;

     * Runs the comparison in node-style
     * @method run
     * @example
     *     var blinkDiff = BlinkDiff(...);
     * (err, result) {
     *       if (err) {
     *         throw err;
     *       }
     *       ...
     *     });
     * @param {function} fn
    run: function (fn) {

        var promise = Promise.resolve(), result;

        PNGImage.log = function (text) {
            this.log('ERROR: ' + text);
            throw new Error('ERROR: ' + text);

        promise.then(function () {
            return this._loadImage(this._imageAPath, this._imageA);

        }.bind(this)).then(function (imageA) {
            this._imageA = imageA;
            return this._loadImage(this._imageBPath, this._imageB);

        }.bind(this)).then(function (imageB) {

            var gamma, i, len, rect, color;

            this._imageB = imageB;

            // Crop images if requested
            if (this._cropImageA) {
                this._correctDimensions(this._imageA.getWidth(), this._imageA.getHeight(), this._cropImageA);
                this._crop("Image-A", this._imageA, this._cropImageA);
            if (this._cropImageB) {
                this._correctDimensions(this._imageB.getWidth(), this._imageB.getHeight(), this._cropImageB);
                this._crop("Image-B", this._imageB, this._cropImageB);

            // Always clip
            this._clip(this._imageA, this._imageB);

            this._imageOutput = PNGImage.createImage(this._imageA.getWidth(), this._imageA.getHeight());

            // Make a copy when not in debug mode
            if (this._debug) {
                this._imageACompare = this._imageA;
                this._imageBCompare = this._imageB;
            } else {
                this._imageACompare = PNGImage.copyImage(this._imageA);
                this._imageBCompare = PNGImage.copyImage(this._imageB);

            // Block-out
            color = {
                red: this._blockOutRed,
                green: this._blockOutGreen,
                blue: this._blockOutBlue,
                alpha: this._blockOutAlpha,
                opacity: this._blockOutOpacity
            for (i = 0, len = this._blockOut.length; i < len; i++) {
                rect = this._blockOut[i];

                // Make sure the block-out parameters fit
                this._correctDimensions(this._imageACompare.getWidth(), this._imageACompare.getHeight(), rect);

                this._imageACompare.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, color);
                this._imageBCompare.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, color);

            // Copy image to composition
            if (this._copyImageAToOutput) {
                this._copyImage(this._debug ? this._imageACompare : this._imageA, this._imageOutput);
            } else if (this._copyImageBToOutput) {
                this._copyImage(this._debug ? this._imageBCompare : this._imageB, this._imageOutput);

            // Apply all filters

            // Gamma correction
            if (this._gamma || this._gammaR || this._gammaG || this._gammaB) {
                gamma = {
                    r: this._gammaR || this._gamma, g: this._gammaG || this._gamma, b: this._gammaB || this._gamma

            // Comparison
            result = this._compare(this._imageACompare, this._imageBCompare, this._imageOutput, this._delta, { // Output-Mask color
                    red: this._outputMaskRed,
                    green: this._outputMaskGreen,
                    blue: this._outputMaskBlue,
                    alpha: this._outputMaskAlpha,
                    opacity: this._outputMaskOpacity
                }, { // Output-Shift color
                    red: this._outputShiftRed,
                    green: this._outputShiftGreen,
                    blue: this._outputShiftBlue,
                    alpha: this._outputShiftAlpha,
                    opacity: this._outputShiftOpacity
                }, { // Background color
                    red: this._outputBackgroundRed,
                    green: this._outputBackgroundGreen,
                    blue: this._outputBackgroundBlue,
                    alpha: this._outputBackgroundAlpha,
                    opacity: this._outputBackgroundOpacity
                }, this._hShift, this._vShift, this._perceptual, gamma);

            // Create composition if requested
            if (this._debug) {
                this._imageOutput = this._createComposition(this._imageACompare, this._imageBCompare, this._imageOutput);
            } else {
                this._imageOutput = this._createComposition(this._imageA, this._imageB, this._imageOutput);

            // Need to write to the filesystem?
            if (this._imageOutputPath && this._withinOutputLimit(result.code, this._imageOutputLimit)) {
                this._imageOutput.writeImage(this._imageOutputPath, function (err) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
                        this.log("Wrote differences to " + this._imageOutputPath);
                        fn(undefined, result);
            } else {
                fn(undefined, result);

        }.bind(this)).then(null, function (err) {

     * Runs the comparison synchronously
     * @method runSync
     * @return {Object} Result of comparison { code, differences, dimension, width, height }
    runSync: function () {

        var result, gamma, i, len, rect, color;

        PNGImage.log = function (text) {
            this.log('ERROR: ' + text);
            throw new Error('ERROR: ' + text);

        try {
            this._imageA = this._loadImageSync(this._imageAPath, this._imageA);
            this._imageB = this._loadImageSync(this._imageBPath, this._imageB);

            // Crop images if requested
            if (this._cropImageA) {
                this._correctDimensions(this._imageA.getWidth(), this._imageA.getHeight(), this._cropImageA);
                this._crop("Image-A", this._imageA, this._cropImageA);
            if (this._cropImageB) {
                this._correctDimensions(this._imageB.getWidth(), this._imageB.getHeight(), this._cropImageB);
                this._crop("Image-B", this._imageB, this._cropImageB);

            // Always clip
            this._clip(this._imageA, this._imageB);

            this._imageOutput = PNGImage.createImage(this._imageA.getWidth(), this._imageA.getHeight());

            // Make a copy when not in debug mode
            if (this._debug) {
                this._imageACompare = this._imageA;
                this._imageBCompare = this._imageB;
            } else {
                this._imageACompare = PNGImage.copyImage(this._imageA);
                this._imageBCompare = PNGImage.copyImage(this._imageB);

            // Block-out
            color = {
                red: this._blockOutRed,
                green: this._blockOutGreen,
                blue: this._blockOutBlue,
                alpha: this._blockOutAlpha,
                opacity: this._blockOutOpacity
            for (i = 0, len = this._blockOut.length; i < len; i++) {
                rect = this._blockOut[i];

                // Make sure the block-out parameters fit
                this._correctDimensions(this._imageACompare.getWidth(), this._imageACompare.getHeight(), rect);

                this._imageACompare.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, color);
                this._imageBCompare.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, color);

            // Copy image to composition
            if (this._copyImageAToOutput) {
                this._copyImage(this._debug ? this._imageACompare : this._imageA, this._imageOutput);
            } else if (this._copyImageBToOutput) {
                this._copyImage(this._debug ? this._imageBCompare : this._imageB, this._imageOutput);

            // Apply all filters

            // Gamma correction
            if (this._gamma || this._gammaR || this._gammaG || this._gammaB) {
                gamma = {
                    r: this._gammaR || this._gamma, g: this._gammaG || this._gamma, b: this._gammaB || this._gamma

            // Comparison
            result = this._compare(this._imageACompare, this._imageBCompare, this._imageOutput, this._delta,
                { // Output-Mask color
                    red: this._outputMaskRed,
                    green: this._outputMaskGreen,
                    blue: this._outputMaskBlue,
                    alpha: this._outputMaskAlpha,
                    opacity: this._outputMaskOpacity
                }, { // Output-Shift color
                    red: this._outputShiftRed,
                    green: this._outputShiftGreen,
                    blue: this._outputShiftBlue,
                    alpha: this._outputShiftAlpha,
                    opacity: this._outputShiftOpacity
                }, { // Background color
                    red: this._outputBackgroundRed,
                    green: this._outputBackgroundGreen,
                    blue: this._outputBackgroundBlue,
                    alpha: this._outputBackgroundAlpha,
                    opacity: this._outputBackgroundOpacity
                this._hShift, this._vShift,

            // Create composition if requested
            if (this._debug) {
                this._imageOutput = this._createComposition(this._imageACompare, this._imageBCompare, this._imageOutput);
            } else {
                this._imageOutput = this._createComposition(this._imageA, this._imageB, this._imageOutput);

            // Need to write to the filesystem?
            if (this._imageOutputPath && this._withinOutputLimit(result.code, this._imageOutputLimit)) {
                this.log("Wrote differences to " + this._imageOutputPath);

            return result;

        } catch (err) {
            throw err;

     * Determines if result is within the output limit
     * @method _withinOutputLimit
     * @param {int} resultCode
     * @param {int} outputLimit
     * @return {boolean}
     * @private
    _withinOutputLimit: function (resultCode, outputLimit) {
        return this._convertResultCodeToRelativeValue(resultCode) <= outputLimit;

     * Converts the result-code to a relative value
     * @method _convertResultCodeToRelativeValue
     * @param {int} resultCode
     * @return {int}
     * @private
    _convertResultCodeToRelativeValue: function (resultCode) {

        var valueMap = {
            0: 0, 1: 10, 7: 20, 5: 30

        return valueMap[resultCode] !== undefined ? valueMap[resultCode] : 0;

     * Creates a comparison image
     * @method _createComposition
     * @param {PNGImage} imageA
     * @param {PNGImage} imageB
     * @param {PNGImage} imageOutput
     * @return {PNGImage}
     * @private
    _createComposition: function (imageA, imageB, imageOutput) {

        var width, height, image = imageOutput;

        if (this._composition) {
            width = Math.max(imageA.getWidth(), imageB.getWidth());
            height = Math.max(imageA.getHeight(), imageB.getHeight());

            if (((width > height) && !this._composeLeftToRight) || this._composeTopToBottom) {
                image = PNGImage.createImage(width, height * 3);

                imageA.getImage().bitblt(image.getImage(), 0, 0, imageA.getWidth(), imageA.getHeight(), 0, 0);
                imageOutput.getImage().bitblt(image.getImage(), 0, 0, imageOutput.getWidth(), imageOutput.getHeight(), 0, height);
                imageB.getImage().bitblt(image.getImage(), 0, 0, imageB.getWidth(), imageB.getHeight(), 0, height * 2);
            } else {
                image = PNGImage.createImage(width * 3, height);

                imageA.getImage().bitblt(image.getImage(), 0, 0, imageA.getWidth(), imageA.getHeight(), 0, 0);
                imageOutput.getImage().bitblt(image.getImage(), 0, 0, imageOutput.getWidth(), imageOutput.getHeight(), width, 0);
                imageB.getImage().bitblt(image.getImage(), 0, 0, imageB.getWidth(), imageB.getHeight(), width * 2, 0);

        return image;

     * Loads the image or uses the already available image
     * @method _loadImageSync
     * @param {string} path
     * @param {PNGImage} image
     * @return {PNGImage}
     * @private
    _loadImageSync: function (path, image) {

        if (image instanceof Buffer) {
            return PNGImage.loadImageSync(image);

        } else if ((typeof path === 'string') && !image) {
            return PNGImage.readImageSync(path);

        } else {
            return image;

     * Loads the image or uses the already available image
     * @method _loadImage
     * @param {string} path
     * @param {PNGImage} image
     * @return {PNGImage|Promise}
     * @private
    _loadImage: function (path, image) {

        if (image instanceof Buffer) {
            return Promise.denodeify(PNGImage.loadImage).call(PNGImage, image);

        } else if ((typeof path === 'string') && !image) {
            return Promise.denodeify(PNGImage.readImage).call(PNGImage, path);

        } else {
            return image;

     * Copies one image into another image
     * @method _copyImage
     * @param {PNGImage} imageSrc
     * @param {PNGImage} imageDst
     * @private
    _copyImage: function (imageSrc, imageDst) {
        imageSrc.getImage().bitblt(imageDst.getImage(), 0, 0, imageSrc.getWidth(), imageSrc.getHeight(), 0, 0);

     * Is the difference above the set threshold?
     * @method isAboveThreshold
     * @param {int} items
     * @param {int} [total]
     * @return {boolean}
    isAboveThreshold: function (items, total) {

        if ((this._thresholdType === BlinkDiff.THRESHOLD_PIXEL) && (this._threshold <= items)) {
            return true;

        } else if (this._threshold <= (items / total)) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Log method that can be overwritten to modify the logging behavior.
     * @method log
     * @param {string} text
    log: function (text) {
        // Nothing here; Overwrite this to add some functionality

     * Has comparison passed?
     * @method hasPassed
     * @param {int} result Comparison result-code
     * @return {boolean}
    hasPassed: function (result) {
        return ((result !== BlinkDiff.RESULT_DIFFERENT) && (result !== BlinkDiff.RESULT_UNKNOWN));

     * Clips the images to the lower resolution of both
     * @private
     * @method _clip
     * @param {PNGImage} imageA Source image
     * @param {PNGImage} imageB Destination image
    _clip: function (imageA, imageB) {

        var minWidth, minHeight;

        if ((imageA.getWidth() != imageB.getWidth()) || (imageA.getHeight() != imageB.getHeight())) {

            minWidth = imageA.getWidth();
            if (imageB.getWidth() < minWidth) {
                minWidth = imageB.getWidth();

            minHeight = imageA.getHeight();
            if (imageB.getHeight() < minHeight) {
                minHeight = imageB.getHeight();

            this.log("Clipping to " + minWidth + " x " + minHeight);

            imageA.clip(0, 0, minWidth, minHeight);
            imageB.clip(0, 0, minWidth, minHeight);

     * Crops the source image to the bounds of rect
     * @method _crop
     * @param {string} which Title of image to crop
     * @param {PNGImage} image Source image
     * @param {object} rect Values for rect
     * @param {int} rect.x X value of rect
     * @param {int} rect.y Y value of rect
     * @param {int} rect.width Width value of rect
     * @param {int} rect.height Height value of rect
     * @private
    _crop: function (which, image, rect) {

        this.log("Cropping " + which + " from " + rect.x + "," + rect.y + " by " + rect.width + " x " + rect.height);

        image.clip(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

     * Correcting area dimensions if necessary
     * Note:
     *  Priority is on the x/y coordinates, and not on the size since the size will then be removed anyways.
     * @method _correctDimensions
     * @param {int} width
     * @param {int} height
     * @param {object} rect Values for rect
     * @param {int} rect.x X value of rect
     * @param {int} rect.y Y value of rect
     * @param {int} rect.width Width value of rect
     * @param {int} rect.height Height value of rect
     * @private
    _correctDimensions: function (width, height, rect) {

        // Set values if none given
        rect.x = rect.x || 0;
        rect.y = rect.y || 0;
        rect.width = rect.width || width;
        rect.height = rect.height || height;

        // Check negative values
        rect.x = Math.max(0, rect.x);
        rect.y = Math.max(0, rect.y);
        rect.width = Math.max(0, rect.width);
        rect.height = Math.max(0, rect.height);

        // Check dimensions
        rect.x = Math.min(rect.x, width - 1); // -1 to make sure that there is an image
        rect.y = Math.min(rect.y, height - 1);
        rect.width = Math.min(rect.width, width - rect.x);
        rect.height = Math.min(rect.height, height - rect.y);

     * Calculates the distance of colors in the 4 dimensional color space
     * @method _colorDelta
     * @param {object} color1 Values for color 1
     * @param {int} color1.c1 First value of color 1
     * @param {int} color1.c2 Second value of color 1
     * @param {int} color1.c3 Third value of color 1
     * @param {int} color1.c4 Fourth value of color 1
     * @param {object} color2 Values for color 2
     * @param {int} color2.c1 First value of color 2
     * @param {int} color2.c2 Second value of color 2
     * @param {int} color2.c3 Third value of color 2
     * @param {int} color2.c4 Fourth value of color 2
     * @return {number} Distance
     * @private
    _colorDelta: function (color1, color2) {
        var c1, c2, c3, c4;

        c1 = Math.pow(color1.c1 - color2.c1, 2);
        c2 = Math.pow(color1.c2 - color2.c2, 2);
        c3 = Math.pow(color1.c3 - color2.c3, 2);
        c4 = Math.pow(color1.c4 - color2.c4, 2);

        return Math.sqrt(c1 + c2 + c3 + c4);

     * Gets the color of an image by the index
     * @method _getColor
     * @param {PNGImage} image Image
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel in image
     * @param {boolean} [perceptual=false]
     * @param {object} [gamma]
     * @return {object} Color
     * @private
    _getColor: function (image, idx, perceptual, gamma) {

        var color;

        color = {
            c1: image.getRed(idx), c2: image.getGreen(idx), c3: image.getBlue(idx), c4: image.getAlpha(idx)

        if (perceptual || gamma) {
            color = this._correctGamma(color, gamma);
            color = this._convertRgbToXyz(color);
            color = this._convertXyzToCieLab(color);

        return color;

     * Correct gamma and return color in [0, 1] range
     * @method _correctGamma
     * @param {object} color
     * @param {object} [gamma]
     * @return {{c1: number, c2: number, c3: number, c4: number}}
     * @private
    _correctGamma: function (color, gamma) {

        // Convert to range [0, 1]
        var result = {
            c1: color.c1 / 255, c2: color.c2 / 255, c3: color.c3 / 255, c4: color.c4

        if (gamma || gamma.R !== undefined || gamma.G !== undefined || gamma.B !== undefined) {
            if (gamma.R !== undefined) {
                result.c1 = Math.pow(result.c1, gamma.R);
            if (gamma.G !== undefined) {
                result.c2 = Math.pow(result.c2, gamma.G);
            if (gamma.B !== undefined) {
                result.c3 = Math.pow(result.c3, gamma.B);

        return result;

     * Converts the color from RGB to XYZ
     * @method _convertRgbToXyz
     * @param {object} color
     * @return {object}
     * @private
    _convertRgbToXyz: function (color) {
        var result = {};

        result.c1 = color.c1 * 0.4887180 + color.c2 * 0.3106803 + color.c3 * 0.2006017;
        result.c2 = color.c1 * 0.1762044 + color.c2 * 0.8129847 + color.c3 * 0.0108109;
        result.c3 = color.c2 * 0.0102048 + color.c3 * 0.9897952;
        result.c4 = color.c4;

        return result;

     * Converts the color from XYZ to CieLab
     * @method _convertXyzToCieLab
     * @param {object} color
     * @return {object}
     * @private
    _convertXyzToCieLab: function (color) {
        var result = {}, c1, c2, c3;

        function f (t) {
            return (t > 0.00885645167904) ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : 70.08333333333263 * t + 0.13793103448276;

        c1 = f(color.c1 / this._refWhite.c1);
        c2 = f(color.c2 / this._refWhite.c2);
        c3 = f(color.c3 / this._refWhite.c3);

        result.c1 = (116 * c2) - 16;
        result.c2 = 500 * (c1 - c2);
        result.c3 = 200 * (c2 - c3);
        result.c4 = color.c4;

        return result;

     * Calculates the lower limit
     * @method _calculateLowerLimit
     * @param {int} value
     * @param {int} min
     * @param {int} shift
     * @return {int}
     * @private
    _calculateLowerLimit: function (value, min, shift) {
        return (value - shift) < min ? -(shift + (value - shift)) : -shift;

     * Calculates the upper limit
     * @method _calculateUpperLimit
     * @param {int} value
     * @param {int} max
     * @param {int} shift
     * @return {int}
     * @private
    _calculateUpperLimit: function (value, max, shift) {
        return (value + shift) > max ? (max - value) : shift;

     * Checks if any pixel in the shift surrounding has a comparable color
     * @method _shiftCompare
     * @param {int} x
     * @param {int} y
     * @param {object} color
     * @param {number} deltaThreshold
     * @param {PNGImage} imageA
     * @param {PNGImage} imageB
     * @param {int} width
     * @param {int} height
     * @param {int} hShift
     * @param {int} vShift
     * @param {boolean} [perceptual=false]
     * @param {object} [gamma]
     * @return {boolean} Is pixel within delta found in surrounding?
     * @private
    _shiftCompare: function (x, y, color, deltaThreshold, imageA, imageB, width, height, hShift, vShift, perceptual, gamma) {

        var i, xOffset, xLow, xHigh, yOffset, yLow, yHigh, delta, color1, color2, localDeltaThreshold;

        if ((hShift > 0) || (vShift > 0)) {

            xLow = this._calculateLowerLimit(x, 0, hShift);
            xHigh = this._calculateUpperLimit(x, width - 1, hShift);

            yLow = this._calculateLowerLimit(y, 0, vShift);
            yHigh = this._calculateUpperLimit(y, height - 1, vShift);

            for (xOffset = xLow; xOffset <= xHigh; xOffset++) {
                for (yOffset = yLow; yOffset <= yHigh; yOffset++) {

                    if ((xOffset != 0) || (yOffset != 0)) {

                        i = imageB.getIndex(x + xOffset, y + yOffset);

                        color1 = this._getColor(imageA, i, perceptual, gamma);
                        localDeltaThreshold = this._colorDelta(color, color1);

                        color2 = this._getColor(imageB, i, perceptual, gamma);
                        delta = this._colorDelta(color, color2);

                        if ((Math.abs(delta - localDeltaThreshold) < deltaThreshold) && (localDeltaThreshold > deltaThreshold)) {
                            return true;

        return false;

     * Does a quick comparison between the supplied images
     * @method _pixelCompare
     * @param {PNGImage} imageA
     * @param {PNGImage} imageB
     * @param {PNGImage} imageOutput
     * @param {number} deltaThreshold
     * @param {int} width Width of image
     * @param {int} height Height of image
     * @param {object} outputMaskColor
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} [outputMaskColor.alpha]
     * @param {float} [outputMaskColor.opacity]
     * @param {object} outputShiftColor
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} [outputShiftColor.alpha]
     * @param {float} [outputShiftColor.opacity]
     * @param {object} backgroundColor
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} [backgroundColor.alpha]
     * @param {float} [backgroundColor.opacity]
     * @param {int} [hShift=0] Horizontal shift
     * @param {int} [vShift=0] Vertical shift
     * @param {boolean} [perceptual=false]
     * @param {object} [gamma]
     * @return {int} Number of pixel differences
     * @private
    _pixelCompare: function (imageA, imageB, imageOutput, deltaThreshold, width, height, outputMaskColor, outputShiftColor, backgroundColor, hShift, vShift, perceptual, gamma) {
        var difference = 0, i, x, y, delta, color1, color2;

        for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                i = imageA.getIndex(x, y);

                color1 = this._getColor(imageA, i, perceptual, gamma);
                color2 = this._getColor(imageB, i, perceptual, gamma);

                delta = this._colorDelta(color1, color2);

                if (delta > deltaThreshold) {

                    if (this._shiftCompare(x, y, color1, deltaThreshold, imageA, imageB, width, height, hShift, vShift, perceptual, gamma) && this._shiftCompare(x, y, color2, deltaThreshold, imageB, imageA, width, height, hShift, vShift, perceptual, gamma)) {
                        imageOutput.setAtIndex(i, outputShiftColor);
                    } else {
                        imageOutput.setAtIndex(i, outputMaskColor);

                } else {
                    imageOutput.setAtIndex(i, backgroundColor);

        return difference;

     * Compares the two images supplied
     * @method _compare
     * @param {PNGImage} imageA
     * @param {PNGImage} imageB
     * @param {PNGImage} imageOutput
     * @param {number} deltaThreshold
     * @param {object} outputMaskColor
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} [outputMaskColor.alpha]
     * @param {float} [outputMaskColor.opacity]
     * @param {object} outputShiftColor
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} [outputShiftColor.alpha]
     * @param {float} [outputShiftColor.opacity]
     * @param {object} backgroundColor
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} []
     * @param {int} [backgroundColor.alpha]
     * @param {float} [backgroundColor.opacity]
     * @param {int} [hShift=0] Horizontal shift
     * @param {int} [vShift=0] Vertical shift
     * @param {boolean} [perceptual=false]
     * @param {object} [gamma]
     * @return {object}
     * @private
    _compare: function (imageA, imageB, imageOutput, deltaThreshold, outputMaskColor, outputShiftColor, backgroundColor, hShift, vShift, perceptual, gamma) {

        var result = {
            code: BlinkDiff.RESULT_UNKNOWN,
            differences: undefined,
            dimension: undefined,
            width: undefined,
            height: undefined

        // Get some data needed for comparison
        result.width = imageA.getWidth();
        result.height = imageA.getHeight();
        result.dimension = result.width * result.height;

        // Check if identical
        result.differences = this._pixelCompare(imageA, imageB, imageOutput, deltaThreshold, result.width, result.height, outputMaskColor, outputShiftColor, backgroundColor, hShift, vShift, perceptual, gamma);

        // Result
        if (result.differences == 0) {
            this.log("Images are identical or near identical");
            result.code = BlinkDiff.RESULT_IDENTICAL;
            return result;

        } else if (this.isAboveThreshold(result.differences, result.dimension)) {
            this.log("Images are visibly different");
            this.log(result.differences + " pixels are different");
            result.code = BlinkDiff.RESULT_DIFFERENT;
            return result;

        } else {
            this.log("Images are similar");
            this.log(result.differences + " pixels are different");
            result.code = BlinkDiff.RESULT_SIMILAR;
            return result;

module.exports = BlinkDiff;