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5 hrs
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2014-2015, Yahoo! Inc.
// Copyrights licensed under the Mit License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

var nodePath = require('path');

var PNGImage = require('pngjs-image');
var Promise = require('promise');
var _ = require('underscore');

var Base = require('preceptor-core').Base;
var utils = require('preceptor-core').utils;

 * @class BaseObject
 * @extends Base
 * @property {Element} _context
 * @property {string[]} _loadSelectors
 * @property {object} _selectors
 * @property {int} _timeOut
 * @property {int} _waitInMs
var BaseObject = Base.extend(

     * Base-Object constructor
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} context
     * @param {int} [timeOut]
     * @param {int} [waitInMs]
    function (context, timeOut, waitInMs) {

        this._context = context;
        this._loadSelectors = [];
        this._selectors = {};
        this._timeOut = timeOut;
        this._waitInMs = waitInMs;


         * Initializes the base-object
         * @method initialize
        initialize: function () {
            this.verifyIsLoaded(this._timeOut, this._waitInMs);

         * Verifies that the page-object and its sub-dom-elements are loaded as expected
         * @method verifyIsLoaded
         * @param {int} [timeOut]
         * @param {int} [waitInMs]
         * @return {BaseObject}
        verifyIsLoaded: function (timeOut, waitInMs) {
            return this.waitForElements(this._loadSelectors, timeOut, waitInMs);

         * Adds multiple load selectors, elements that should be selected when object is loaded
         * @method addLoadSelectors
         * @param {string[]} selectors
         * @return {BaseObject}
        addLoadSelectors: function (selectors) {
            (selectors || []).forEach(function (selector) {
            return this;

         * Adds a single load selector, elements that should be selected when object is loaded
         * @method addLoadSelector
         * @param {string} selector
         * @return {BaseObject}
        addLoadSelector: function (selector) {
            if (!this.hasSelector) {
                throw new Error('Cannot add an unknown selector to the load selector list: ' + selector);
            return this;

         * Get the page-object context
         * @method getContext
         * @return {Element}
        getContext: function () {
            return this._context;

         * Gets the web-driver adapter
         * @method getAdapter
         * @return {DriverAdapter}
        getAdapter: function () {
            return BaseObject.getDriverAdapter();

         * Get a list of all selectors
         * @method getSelectors
         * @return {object}
        getSelectors: function () {
            return this._selectors;

         * Sets the selectors
         * @method setSelectors
         * @param {object} selectors
        setSelectors: function (selectors) {
            this._selectors = selectors;

         * Gets a specific selector by name
         * @method getSelector
         * @param {string} selectorName
         * @return {string}
        getSelector: function (selectorName) {
            var selectors = this.getSelectors();
            if (!selectors[selectorName]) {
                return selectorName;
            } else {
                return selectors[selectorName];

         * Does it have a specific selector by name
         * @method hasSelector
         * @param {string} selectorName
         * @return {boolean}
        hasSelector: function (selectorName) {
            var selectors = this.getSelectors();
            return !!selectors[selectorName];

         * Gets an element by a selector name
         * @method getElement
         * @param {string} selectorName
         * @return {Element}
        getElement: function (selectorName) {
            var context = this.getContext(),
                selector = this.getSelector(selectorName);

            return this.getAdapter().getElement(context, selector, 'css selector');

         * Gets a list of elements by a selector name
         * @method getElements
         * @param {string} selectorName
         * @return {Element[]}
        getElements: function (selectorName) {
            var context = this.getContext(),
                selector = this.getSelector(selectorName);

            return this.getAdapter().getElements(context, selector, 'css selector');

         * Checks if a selector name does exist in the selector list
         * @method hasElement
         * @param {string} selectorName
         * @return {boolean}
        hasElement: function (selectorName) {
            var context = this.getContext(),
                selector = this.getSelector(selectorName);

            return (this.getAdapter().getElements(context, selector, 'css selector').length !== 0);

         * Waits for the element to appear on the page
         * @method waitForElements
         * @param {string[]} selectors
         * @param {int} [timeOut=10000]
         * @param {int} [waitInMs=500]
         * @return {BaseObject}
        waitForElements: function (selectors, timeOut, waitInMs) {

            this.waitUntil(function () {

                var allLoaded = true;

                (selectors || []).forEach(function (selector) {
                    if (allLoaded) {
                        allLoaded = allLoaded && this.hasElement(selector);

                return allLoaded;

            }.bind(this), "Waited for selectors '" + selectors.join(', ') + "'", timeOut, waitInMs);

            return this;

         * Wait until a callback returns a truthy value
         * @method waitUntil
         * @param {function} fn
         * @param {string} message
         * @param {int} [timeOut=10000]
         * @param {int} [waitInMs=500]
         * @return {BaseObject}
        waitUntil: function (fn, message, timeOut, waitInMs) {

            var startTime = (+new Date()),

            timeOut = timeOut || 10000;
            waitInMs = waitInMs || 500;

            result = fn();
            if (result && result.then) {
                // TODO: Make it "Promise safe"
            } else {

                while (!fn()) {

                    if ((+new Date()) - startTime >= timeOut) {
                        throw new Error("Waited for an event, but timed-out. Message:" + message);


            return this;

         * Get the coordinates and size of an element
         * @method getFrame
         * @param {string} [selectorName] Defaults to current context
         * @return {object} `{x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int}`
        getFrame: function (selectorName) {
            var element;

            if (selectorName) {
                element = this.getElement(selectorName);
            } else {
                element = this.getContext();

            if (element.getFrame) {
                return element.getFrame();
            } else {
                return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };

         * List of blackout coordinates for the current page-object
         * @method blackOut
         * @return {object[]}
        blackOut: function () {
            return [];

         * Captures the current page-object
         * @method capture
         * @param {string} title Title of test or part of identifier
         * @param {string} [id='1'] Identifier for screenshot file
         * @param {int} [wait=1000] Wait before a screenshot is taken
         * @param {object[]} [additionalBlackOuts] Additional black-outs
         * @return {Promise}
        capture: function (title, id, wait, additionalBlackOuts) {

            var self = this, image, promise, blackOutList, frame, buffer, fileName, path, prefix;

            this.getAdapter().sleep(wait || 1000);

            blackOutList = this.blackOut().concat(additionalBlackOuts || []);

            blackOutList = (entry) {
                if (entry.x === undefined) {
                    return entry.getFrame();
                } else {
                    return entry;

            frame = this.getFrame();
            this.getAdapter().scrollTo(frame.x, frame.y);

            buffer = this.getAdapter().takeScreenshot();
            frame = this.getFrame();
            prefix = BaseObject.getScreenshotPrefix();

            fileName = utils.fileNameSafe(title) + '_' + utils.fileNameSafe(id || '1') + '.png';
            if (prefix) {
                fileName = utils.fileNameSafe(prefix) + '_' + fileName;
            path = nodePath.join(BaseObject.getScreenshotPath(), fileName);

            promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

                try {

                    image = PNGImage.loadImage(buffer, function (err) {

                        var i, len, ratio, offset, x, y, width, height;

                        if (err) {
                            throw err;

                        ratio = this.getAdapter().getDevicePixelRatio(image.getWidth());
                        offset = this.getAdapter().getScreenshotOffset(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

                        // Fill-in areas for black-out
                        for (i = 0, len = blackOutList.length; i < len; i++) {

                            x = (blackOutList[i].x - offset.x) * ratio;
                            y = (blackOutList[i].y - offset.y) * ratio;
                            width = Math.min(blackOutList[i].width * ratio, image.getWidth() - x);
                            height = Math.min(blackOutList[i].height * ratio, image.getHeight() - y);

                            if (x <= image.getWidth() && y <= image.getWidth() && width >= 1 && height >= 1) {
                                image.fillRect(x, y, width, height, { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 255 });

                        // Clip screenshot to the area of the context
                        if ((frame.width !== 0) && (frame.height !== 0)) {

                            x = (frame.x - offset.x) * ratio;
                            y = (frame.y - offset.y) * ratio;
                            width = Math.min(frame.width * ratio, image.getWidth() - x);
                            height = Math.min(frame.height * ratio, image.getHeight() - y);

                            if (x <= image.getWidth() && y <= image.getWidth() && width >= 1 && height >= 1) {
                                image.clip(x, y, width, height);

                        // Write to disk
                        image.writeImage(path, function (err) {

                            if (err) {
                                throw err;



                } catch (err) {

            return promise;

         * @property TYPE
         * @type {string}
         * @static
        TYPE: 'BaseObject',

         * Gets the path for the screenshot results
         * @method getScreenshotPath
         * @return {string}
         * @static
        getScreenshotPath: function () {
            return this.SCREENSHOT_PATH || global.SCREENSHOT_PATH || process.env.SCREENSHOT_PATH;

         * Gets the screenshot prefix
         * @method getScreenshotPrefix
         * @return {string}
         * @static
        getScreenshotPrefix: function () {
            return this.SCREENSHOT_PREFIX || global.SCREENSHOT_PREFIX || process.env.SCREENSHOT_PREFIX;

         * Gets the web-driver adapter
         * @method getDriverAdapter
         * @return {DriverAdapter}
         * @static
        getDriverAdapter: function () {
            return this.DRIVER_ADAPTER || global.DRIVER_ADAPTER;

module.exports = BaseObject;