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 * Pixel conversion functions - mostly used by filters
 * @class PNGImage
 * @submodule Core
 * @type {object}
module.exports = {

     * Gets the blurred value of a pixel with a gray-scale function
     * @method getBlurPixelAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index
     * @param {string} [funcName] Gray-scale function
     * @return {int}
    getBlurPixelAtIndex: function (idx, funcName) {

        var colors = 0,
            colorCounter = 0,
            width = this._image.width,
            height = this._image.height,
            dim = width * height,

        funcName = funcName || "getLuminosityAtIndex";

        fn = function (idx) {
            colors += this[funcName](idx);

        spaceOnRight = (idx % width < width - 1);
        spaceOnLeft = (idx % width > 0);
        spaceOnTop = (idx >= width);
        spaceOnBottom = (idx <= dim - width);

        if (spaceOnTop) {
            if (spaceOnLeft) {
                fn(idx - this._image.width - 1);
            fn(idx - this._image.width);
            if (spaceOnRight) {
                fn(idx - this._image.width + 1);

        if (spaceOnLeft) {
            fn(idx - 1);
        if (spaceOnRight) {
            fn(idx + 1);

        if (spaceOnBottom) {
            if (spaceOnLeft) {
                fn(idx + this._image.width - 1);
            fn(idx + this._image.width);
            if (spaceOnRight) {
                fn(idx + this._image.width + 1);

        return Math.floor(colors / colorCounter);

     * Gets the blur-value of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * @method getBlurPixel
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {string} [funcName] Gray-scale function
     * @return {int} blur-value
    getBlurPixel: function (x, y, funcName) {
        var idx = this.getIndex(x, y);
        return this.getBlurPixelAtIndex(idx, funcName);

     * Gets the YIQ-value of a pixel at a specific index
     * The values for RGB correspond afterwards to YIQ respectively.
     * @method getYIQAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel
     * @return {object} YIQ-value
    getYIQAtIndex: function (idx) {

        var r = this.getRed(idx),
            g = this.getGreen(idx),
            b = this.getBlue(idx),

        y = this.getLumaAtIndex(idx);
        i = Math.floor((0.595716 * r) - (0.274453 * g) - (0.321263 * b));
        q = Math.floor((0.211456 * r) - (0.522591 * g) + (0.311135 * b));

        y = y < 0 ? 0 : (y > 255 ? 255 : y);
        i = i < 0 ? 0 : (i > 255 ? 255 : i);
        q = q < 0 ? 0 : (q > 255 ? 255 : q);

        return {y: y, i: i, q: q};

     * Gets the YIQ-value of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * The values for RGB correspond afterwards to YIQ respectively.
     * @method getYIQ
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @return {object} YIQ-value
    getYIQ: function (x, y) {
        var idx = this.getIndex(x, y);
        return this.getYIQAtIndex(idx);

     * Gets the luma of a pixel at a specific index
     * @method getLumaAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel
     * @return {int} YIQ-value
    getLumaAtIndex: function (idx) {
        return Math.floor((0.299 * this.getRed(idx)) + (0.587 * this.getGreen(idx)) + (0.114 * this.getBlue(idx)));

     * Gets the luma of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * @method getLuma
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @return {int} YIQ-value
    getLuma: function (x, y) {
        var idx = this.getIndex(x, y);
        return this.getLumaAtIndex(idx);

     * Gets the sepia of a pixel at a specific index
     * @method getSepiaAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel
     * @return {object} Color
    getSepiaAtIndex: function (idx) {
        var r = this.getRed(idx),
            g = this.getGreen(idx),
            b = this.getBlue(idx);

        r = Math.floor((0.393 * r) + (0.769 * g) + (0.189 * b));
        g = Math.floor((0.349 * r) + (0.686 * g) + (0.168 * b));
        b = Math.floor((0.272 * r) + (0.534 * g) + (0.131 * b));

        r = r < 0 ? 0 : (r > 255 ? 255 : r);
        g = g < 0 ? 0 : (g > 255 ? 255 : g);
        b = b < 0 ? 0 : (b > 255 ? 255 : b);

        return {red: r, green: g, blue: b};

     * Gets the sepia of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * @method getSepia
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @return {object} Color
    getSepia: function (x, y) {
        return this.getSepiaAtIndex(this.getIndex(x, y));

     * Gets the luminosity of a pixel at a specific index
     * @method getLuminosityAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel
     * @return {int} Luminosity
    getLuminosityAtIndex: function (idx) {
        return Math.floor((0.2126 * this.getRed(idx)) + (0.7152 * this.getGreen(idx)) + (0.0722 * this.getBlue(idx)));

     * Gets the luminosity of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * @method getLuminosity
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @return {int} Luminosity
    getLuminosity: function (x, y) {
        var idx = this.getIndex(x, y);
        return this.getLuminosityAtIndex(idx);

     * Gets the lightness of a pixel at a specific index
     * @method getLightnessAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel
     * @return {int} Lightness
    getLightnessAtIndex: function (idx) {
        var r = this.getRed(idx),
            g = this.getGreen(idx),
            b = this.getBlue(idx);

        return Math.floor((Math.max(r, g, b) + Math.min(r, g, b)) / 2);

     * Gets the lightness of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * @method getLightness
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @return {int} Lightness
    getLightness: function (x, y) {
        var idx = this.getIndex(x, y);
        return this.getLightnessAtIndex(idx);

     * Gets the average of a pixel at a specific index
     * @method getGrayScaleAtIndex
     * @param {int} idx Index of pixel
     * @return {int} Average
    getGrayScaleAtIndex: function (idx) {
        return Math.floor((this.getRed(idx) + this.getGreen(idx) + this.getBlue(idx)) / 3);

     * Gets the average of a pixel at a specific coordinate
     * @method getGrayScale
     * @param {int} x X-coordinate of pixel
     * @param {int} y Y-coordinate of pixel
     * @return {int} Average
    getGrayScale: function (x, y) {
        var idx = this.getIndex(x, y);
        return this.getGrayScaleAtIndex(idx);