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// Copyright 2015 Yahoo! Inc.
// Copyrights licensed under the Mit License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

var Interlace = require('./interlace');
var Compressor = require('./compressor');

 * @class Filter
 * @module PNG
 * @submodule PNGCore
 * @param {Chunk} headerChunk Header chunk of data stream
 * @param {object} [options] Options for the compressor
 * @constructor
var Filter = function (headerChunk, options) {
    this._headerChunk = headerChunk;
    this._options = options || {};

 * Gets the options
 * @method getOptions
 * @return {object}
Filter.prototype.getOptions = function () {
    return this._options;

 * Gets the header chunk
 * @method getHeaderChunk
 * @return {Chunk}
Filter.prototype.getHeaderChunk = function () {
    return this._headerChunk;

 * Applies filters to the data
 * @method encode
 * @param {Buffer} image
 * @return {Buffer}
Filter.prototype.encode = function (image) {

    var headerChunk = this.getHeaderChunk(),
        interlace = new Interlace(headerChunk),

        bytesPerPixel = headerChunk.getBytesPerPixel(),
        bytesPerPosition = Math.max(1, bytesPerPixel),

        length = 0,
        info = {},
        options = this.getOptions();

    // Determine required size of buffer
    interlace.processPasses(function (width, height, scanLineLength) {
        length += (scanLineLength + 1) * height;

    outputData = new Buffer(length);

    // Process each interlace pass (or only one for non-interlaced images)
    interlace.processPasses(function (width, height, scanLineLength) {

        info = {
            inputData: image,
            inputOffset: info.inputOffset || 0,

            outputData: outputData,
            outputOffset: info.outputOffset || 0,

            bytesPerPosition: bytesPerPosition,

            scanLineLength: scanLineLength,
            scanLines: height,

            previousLineOffset: null

        this._encode(info, options);


    return outputData;

 * Applies filters to the data
 * @method _encode
 * @param {object} info Information for filtering process
 * @param {object} options Options for encoding
 * @private
Filter.prototype._encode = function (info, options) {

    var filterType = options.filter || 0,

    // Reverse mapping for filter-types
    filterMapping = {
        0: this._encodeNone,
        1: this._encodeSub,
        2: this._encodeUp,
        3: this._encodeAverage,
        4: this._encodePaeth,
        5: this._optimalEncode // Auto

    // Validate options given
    if (!filterMapping[filterType]) {
        throw new Error('Unknown filter-type ' + filterType + ' was selected.');

    // Run through all scanlines
    for (var y = 0; y < info.scanLines; y++) {

        // Reverse per filter-type
        filterMapping[filterType].call(this, info, options);

        info.previousLineOffset = info.inputOffset;
        info.inputOffset += info.scanLineLength;
        info.outputOffset += info.scanLineLength + 1;

 * Applies the optimal filter to the data
 * Note:
 *  Since it compresses only a subset of the data, this might not be really the optimal filter.
 *  But, it is close enough.
 * @method _optimalEncode
 * @param {object} info Information for filtering process
 * @param {object} options Options for encoding
 * @private
Filter.prototype._optimalEncode = function (info, options) {

    var filterList = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0],

        compressor = new Compressor(options),

        lowestSize = null,
        lowestFilter = 0,

        // Backup of real data
        originalOutputData = info.outputData,
        originalOutputOffset = info.outputOffset;

    // Reverse mapping for actual filter-types
    filterMapping = {
        0: this._encodeNone,
        1: this._encodeSub,
        2: this._encodeUp,
        3: this._encodeAverage,
        4: this._encodePaeth

    // Create temp buffer for size testing
    info.outputData = new Buffer(info.scanLineLength + 1);
    info.outputOffset = 0;

    // Walk through all filters to see which one is the best one
    while(filterList.length > 0) {

        // Use next filter in the list
        filterType = filterList.pop();
        filterMapping[filterType].call(this, info);

        // Trial compress
        length = compressor.encode(info.outputData).length;

        // Is this the best filter for the compression? (Prefer low complexity filters)
        if ((lowestSize === null) || (lowestSize > length)) {
            lowestSize = length;
            lowestFilter = filterType;

    // Recover original data
    info.outputData = originalOutputData;
    info.outputOffset = originalOutputOffset;

    // Apply optimal filter
    filterMapping[lowestFilter].call(this, info);

 * Applies no filter at all - this is just a pass-through
 * @method _encodeNone
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._encodeNone = function (info) {
    info.outputData[info.outputOffset] = 0;
    info.inputData.copy(info.outputData, info.outputOffset + 1, info.inputOffset, info.inputOffset + info.scanLineLength);

 * Applies the Sub filter
 * @method _encodeSub
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._encodeSub = function (info) {
    info.outputData[info.outputOffset] = 1;
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x + 1] = this._getInputPixel(info, x) - this._getLeftInputPixel(info, x);

 * Applies the Up filter
 * @method _encodeUp
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._encodeUp = function (info) {
    info.outputData[info.outputOffset] = 2;
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x + 1] = this._getInputPixel(info, x) - this._getTopInputPixel(info, x);

 * Applies the Average filter
 * @method _encodeAverage
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._encodeAverage = function (info) {
    info.outputData[info.outputOffset] = 3;
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x + 1] = this._getInputPixel(info, x) - Math.floor((this._getLeftInputPixel(info, x) + this._getTopInputPixel(info, x)) / 2);

 * Applies the Paeth filter
 * @method _encodePaeth
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._encodePaeth = function (info) {
    info.outputData[info.outputOffset] = 4;
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x + 1] = this._getInputPixel(info, x) - this._paethPredictor(
            this._getLeftInputPixel(info, x),
            this._getTopInputPixel(info, x),
            this._getTopLeftInputPixel(info, x)

 * Reverses all filters
 * @method decode
 * @param {Buffer} image
 * @return {Buffer} Reversed data
Filter.prototype.decode = function (image) {

    var headerChunk = this.getHeaderChunk(),
        interlace = new Interlace(headerChunk),

        bytesPerPixel = headerChunk.getBytesPerPixel(),
        bytesPerPosition = Math.max(1, bytesPerPixel),

        length = 0,
        info = {},
        options = this.getOptions();

    // Determine required size of buffer
    interlace.processPasses(function (width, height, scanLineLength) {
        length += scanLineLength * height;

    outputData = new Buffer(length);

    // Process each interlace pass (or only one for non-interlaced images)
    interlace.processPasses(function (width, height, scanLineLength) {

        info = {
            inputData: image,
            inputOffset: info.inputOffset || 0,

            outputData: outputData,
            outputOffset: info.outputOffset || 0,

            bytesPerPosition: bytesPerPosition,

            scanLineLength: scanLineLength,
            scanLines: height,

            previousLineOffset: null

        this._decode(info, options);


    return outputData;

 * Reverses all filters
 * @method _decode
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {object} options
 * @private
Filter.prototype._decode = function (info, options) {

    var filterType,

    // Reverse mapping for filter-types
    filterMapping = {
        0: this._decodeNone,
        1: this._decodeSub,
        2: this._decodeUp,
        3: this._decodeAverage,
        4: this._decodePaeth

    // Run through all scanlines
    for (var y = 0; y < info.scanLines; y++) {

        // Determine filter-type
        filterType = info.inputData[info.inputOffset]; info.inputOffset++;
        if ((filterType < 0) || (filterType > 4)) {
            throw new Error('Filter: Unknown filter-type ' + filterType);

        // Reverse per filter-type
        filterMapping[filterType].call(this, info);

        info.previousLineOffset = info.outputOffset;
        info.inputOffset += info.scanLineLength;
        info.outputOffset += info.scanLineLength;

 * Reverses nothing at all - this is just a pass-through
 * @method _decodeNone
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._decodeNone = function (info) {
    info.inputData.copy(info.outputData, info.outputOffset, info.inputOffset, info.inputOffset + info.scanLineLength);

 * Reverses the Sub filter
 * @method _decodeSub
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._decodeSub = function (info) {
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x] = (this._getInputPixel(info, x) + this._getLeftOutputPixel(info, x)) & 0xff;

 * Reverses the Up filter
 * @method _decodeUp
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._decodeUp = function (info) {
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x] = (this._getInputPixel(info, x) + this._getTopOutputPixel(info, x)) & 0xff;

 * Reverses the Average filter
 * @method _decodeAverage
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._decodeAverage = function (info) {
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x] = (this._getInputPixel(info, x) + Math.floor((this._getLeftOutputPixel(info, x) + this._getTopOutputPixel(info, x)) / 2)) & 0xff;

 * Reverses the Paeth filter
 * @method _decodePaeth
 * @param {object} info
 * @private
Filter.prototype._decodePaeth = function (info) {
    for (var x = 0; x < info.scanLineLength; x++) {
        info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x] =
            this._getInputPixel(info, x) + this._paethPredictor(
                this._getLeftOutputPixel(info, x),
                this._getTopOutputPixel(info, x),
                this._getTopLeftOutputPixel(info, x)
            ) & 0xff;

 * Paeth-predictor algorithm
 * @method _paethPredictor
 * @param {int} left Left pixel
 * @param {int} top Top pixel
 * @param {int} topLeft Top-left pixel
 * @return {int} Result of algorithm
 * @private
Filter.prototype._paethPredictor = function (left, top, topLeft) {

    var p = left + top - topLeft,
        pLeft = Math.abs(p - left),
        pTop = Math.abs(p - top),
        pTopLeft = Math.abs(p - topLeft);

    if ((pLeft <= pTop) && (pLeft <= pTopLeft)) {
        return left;

    } else if (pTop <= pTopLeft) {
        return top;

    } else {
        return topLeft;

 * Gets the current pixel
 * @method _getInputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getInputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return info.inputData[info.inputOffset + x];

 * Gets the pixel at the left from the current pixel from the output buffer
 * @method _getLeftOutputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getLeftOutputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return (x < info.bytesPerPosition) ? 0 : info.outputData[info.outputOffset + x - info.bytesPerPosition];

 * Gets the pixel at the top from the current pixel from the output buffer
 * @method _getTopOutputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getTopOutputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return (info.previousLineOffset === null) ? 0 : info.outputData[info.previousLineOffset + x];

 * Gets the pixel at the top-left from the current pixel from the output buffer
 * @method _getTopLeftOutputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getTopLeftOutputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return ((info.previousLineOffset === null) || (x < info.bytesPerPosition)) ? 0 : info.outputData[info.previousLineOffset + x - info.bytesPerPosition];

 * Gets the pixel at the left from the current pixel from the input buffer
 * @method _getLeftInputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getLeftInputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return (x < info.bytesPerPosition) ? 0 : info.inputData[info.inputOffset + x - info.bytesPerPosition];

 * Gets the pixel at the top from the current pixel from the input buffer
 * @method _getTopInputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getTopInputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return (info.previousLineOffset === null) ? 0 : info.inputData[info.previousLineOffset + x];

 * Gets the pixel at the top-left from the current pixel from the input buffer
 * @method _getTopLeftInputPixel
 * @param {object} info
 * @param {int} x X-coordinate in current scanline
 * @return {int}
 * @private
Filter.prototype._getTopLeftInputPixel = function (info, x) {
    return ((info.previousLineOffset === null) || (x < info.bytesPerPosition)) ? 0 : info.inputData[info.previousLineOffset + x - info.bytesPerPosition];

module.exports = Filter;