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// Copyright 2015 Yahoo! Inc.
// Copyrights licensed under the Mit License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

var interlace = require('../utils/constants').interlace;

 * @class Interlace
 * @module PNG
 * @submodule PNGCore
 * @param {Chunk} headerChunk Header chunk of data stream
 * @param {object} [options] Options for the compressor
 * @constructor
var Interlace = function (headerChunk, options) {
    this._headerChunk = headerChunk;
    this._options = options || {};

 * Gets the options
 * @method getOptions
 * @return {object}
Interlace.prototype.getOptions = function () {
    return this._options;

 * Gets the header chunk
 * @method getHeaderChunk
 * @return {Chunk}
Interlace.prototype.getHeaderChunk = function () {
    return this._headerChunk;

 * Applies the interlace encoding
 * Note:
 *  The input-buffer will be equal to output-buffer
 *  when there is no selected interlace-method.
 * @method encode
 * @param {Buffer} data Image data
 * @return {Buffer} Interlaces image data
Interlace.prototype.encode = function (data) {

    var headerChunk = this.getHeaderChunk(),
        output = data;

    if (headerChunk.getInterlaceMethod() === interlace.ADAM7) {
        output = this._adam7(data, headerChunk.getWidth(), headerChunk.getHeight(), false);

    return output;

 * Reverses the interlace encoding
 * Note:
 *  The input-buffer will be equal to output-buffer
 *  when there is no selected interlace-method.
 * @method decode
 * @param {Buffer} data Image data
 * @return {Buffer} Plain image data
Interlace.prototype.decode = function (data) {

    var headerChunk = this.getHeaderChunk(),
        output = data;

    if (headerChunk.getInterlaceMethod() === interlace.ADAM7) {
        output = this._adam7(data, headerChunk.getWidth(), headerChunk.getHeight(), true);

    return output;

 * Applies the adam-7 algorithm to the supplied data
 * @method _adam7
 * @param {Buffer} data Input data
 * @param {int} width Width of image
 * @param {int} height Height of image
 * @param {boolean} [revert=false] Should adam-7 be reverted? Otherwise applies it.
 * @return {Buffer}
 * @private
Interlace.prototype._adam7 = function (data, width, height, revert) {

    // Suggested implementation from the spec:

    var startingRow  = [0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1],
        startingCol  = [0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0],
        rowIncrement = [8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2],
        colIncrement = [8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1],
        pass, row, col,
        position = 0,
        sequential, jump;

    output = new Buffer(data.length);
    for (pass = 0; pass < 7; pass++) {
        for (row = startingRow[pass]; row < height; row += rowIncrement[pass]) {
            for (col = startingCol[pass]; col < width; col += colIncrement[pass]) {

                sequential = position;
                jump = ((row * width) + col) * 4;

                if (revert) {
                    output.writeUInt32BE(data.readUInt32BE(sequential, true), jump, true);
                } else {
                    output.writeUInt32BE(data.readUInt32BE(jump, true), sequential, true);

                position += 4;

    return output;

 * Processes scanlines according to the interlace mode
 * @method processPasses
 * @param {function} cb Function that will be called for each pass
Interlace.prototype.processPasses = function (cb) {

    var headerChunk = this.getHeaderChunk(),

        height = headerChunk.getHeight(),
        width = headerChunk.getWidth(),

        localWidth, localHeight,


    if (headerChunk.isInterlaced()) {

        passes = [
            { x: { start: 0, increment: 8 }, y: { start: 0, increment: 8 } }, // 1
            { x: { start: 4, increment: 8 }, y: { start: 0, increment: 8 } }, // 2
            { x: { start: 0, increment: 4 }, y: { start: 4, increment: 8 } }, // 3
            { x: { start: 2, increment: 4 }, y: { start: 0, increment: 4 } }, // 4
            { x: { start: 0, increment: 2 }, y: { start: 2, increment: 4 } }, // 5
            { x: { start: 1, increment: 2 }, y: { start: 0, increment: 2 } }, // 6
            { x: { start: 0, increment: 1 }, y: { start: 1, increment: 2 } }  // 7

    } else {

        passes = [
            { x: { start: 0, increment: 1 }, y: { start: 0, increment: 1 } }

    for (pass = 0; pass < passes.length; pass++) {

        currentPass = passes[pass];

        localWidth = Math.ceil((width - currentPass.x.start) / currentPass.x.increment);
        localHeight = Math.ceil((height - currentPass.y.start) / currentPass.y.increment);

        if (localWidth >= 1 && localHeight >= 1) {
            localScanLineLength = Math.ceil(headerChunk.getScanLineLengthForWidth(localWidth));

            cb(localWidth, localHeight, localScanLineLength);

module.exports = Interlace;