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// Copyright 2014-2015, Yahoo! Inc.
// Copyrights licensed under the Mit License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

var Base = require('../').Base;

 * @class Pet
 * @extends Base
 * @properties {string} _type Type of pet
 * @properties {string} _name Name of pet
var Pet = Base.extend(/**
     * Constructor of Pet
     * @constructor
     * @param {string} type Type of pet
     * @param {string} name Name of pet
    function (type, name) {

        // Call the parent constructor

        // Save property on the current object
        this._type = type;
        this._name = name;

        // Add instance descriptor
        this.NAME = type + ':' + name;

        // Define here all dynamic values, values that should not be shared between multiple instances of "Pet".

    /** @lends Pet.prototype */
    { // Properties assigned to the prototype of "Pet"

         * Make sound of pet
         * @method makeSound
         * @param {string} sound
         * @return {string}
        makeSound: function (sound) {
            this.emit('sound', this.getName(), sound);
            return this.getName() + " says: " + sound;

         * Gets the name of the pet
         * @return {string}
        getName: function () {
            return this._name;

        // ...
        // Any other functions and values assigned to the prototype.

        // These properties can be accessed after instantiation with ```petInstance.makeSound()```.

        // You can also define here all values that should be available in instances of "Pet" that should be shared
        // across all object instances.

    /** @lends Pet */
    { // Properties assigned to the constructor of "Pet"

         * @type {string}
        TYPE: "Pet"

        // ...
        // Any other constructor functions and values.

        // These properties can be accessed with ```Pet.TYPE```.

 * @class Cat
 * @extends Pet
var Cat = Pet.extend(/**
     * Constructor of Cat
     * @constructor
     * @param {string} name Name of pet
    function (name) {
        this.__super("cat", name);

    /** @lends Cat.prototype */
    { // Properties assigned to the prototype of "Cat"
         * Make sound of cat
         * @method makeSound
         * @return {string}
        makeSound: function () {
            return this.__super("miau");

    /** @lends Cat */
    { // Properties assigned to the constructor of "Cat"
         * @type {string}
        TYPE: "Cat"

 * @class Dog
 * @extends Pet
var Dog = Pet.extend(/**
     * Constructor of Dog
     * @constructor
     * @param {string} name Name of pet
    function (name) {
        this.__super("dog", name);

    /** @lends Dog.prototype */
    { // Properties assigned to the prototype of "Dog"
         * Make sound of cat
         * @method makeSound
         * @return {string}
        makeSound: function () {
            return this.__super("barf");

    /** @lends Dog */
    { // Properties assigned to the constructor of "Dog"
         * @type {string}
        TYPE: "Dog"

module.exports = {
    Pet: Pet, Cat: Cat, Dog: Dog