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## Brain-Games PHP:
This is a set of logical mini-games launched from the console. List of games: Game: "Calculator" Game: "Parity Check" Game "Is it a prime number?" Game "Arithmetic Progression.

## **Badges**
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/yanepenb/Brain-Games-PHP.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/yanepenb/Brain-Games-PHP)

## **How to install:**
composer global require yanepenb/1hbraingames

## **Description:**
* ```brain-even``` - the user is shown a random number. And he needs to answer "yes", if the number is even, or "no" - if it is odd.
* ```brain-calc``` - the user is shown a random mathematical expression, for example 35 + 16, which needs to be calculated and the *correct answer written down.
* ```brain-gcd``` - the user is shown two random numbers, for example, 25 50. The user must calculate and enter the greatest common divider of these numbers.
* ```brain-progression``` - the user is shown a series of numbers that form an arithmetic progression, one number is hidden. The user must define this number.
* ```brain-prime``` - the user is shown a random number. And he needs to answer “yes”, if the given number is simple. Otherwise, answer "no."

## **How to play games:**
### **Brain-even:**

### **Brain-calc:**

### **Brain-gcd:**

### **Brain-progression:**

### **Brain-prime:**