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# Disallow certain props on components (`react/forbid-component-props`)

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By default this rule prevents passing of [props that add lots of complexity](https://medium.com/brigade-engineering/don-t-pass-css-classes-between-components-e9f7ab192785) (`className`, `style`) to Components. This rule only applies to Components (e.g. `<Foo />`) and not DOM nodes (e.g. `<div />`). The list of forbidden props can be customized with the `forbid` option.

## Rule Details

This rule checks all JSX elements and verifies that no forbidden props are used
on Components. This rule is off by default.

Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule:

<Hello className='foo' />

<Hello style={{color: 'red'}} />

Examples of **correct** code for this rule:

<Hello name='Joe' />

<div className='foo' />

<div style={{color: 'red'}} />

## Rule Options

"react/forbid-component-props": [<enabled>, { "forbid": [<string>|<object>] }]

### `forbid`

An array specifying the names of props that are forbidden. The default value of this option is `['className', 'style']`.
Each array element can either be a string with the property name or object specifying the property name, an optional
custom message, and a component allowlist:

  "propName": "someProp",
  "allowedFor": ["SomeComponent", "AnotherComponent"],
  "message": "Avoid using someProp except SomeComponent and AnotherComponent"

Use `disallowedFor` as an exclusion list to warn on props for specific components. `disallowedFor` must have at least one item.

  "propName": "someProp",
  "disallowedFor": ["SomeComponent", "AnotherComponent"],
  "message": "Avoid using someProp for SomeComponent and AnotherComponent"

### Related rules

- [forbid-dom-props](./forbid-dom-props.md)