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# Disallow unescaped HTML entities from appearing in markup (`react/no-unescaped-entities`)

💼 This rule is enabled in the ☑️ `recommended` [config](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/#shareable-configs).

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This rule prevents characters that you may have meant as JSX escape characters
from being accidentally injected as a text node in JSX statements.

For example, if one were to misplace their closing `>` in a tag:

  foo="bar">  {/* oops! */}
  Body Text

The body text of this would render as `x="y"> Body Text`, which is probably not
what was intended. This rule requires that these special characters are
escaped if they appear in the body of a tag.

Another example is when one accidentally includes an extra closing brace.


The extra brace will be rendered, and the body text will be `Text}`.

This rule will also check for `"` and `'`, which might be accidentally included
when the closing `>` is in the wrong place.

  a="b">  {/* oops! */}
  Intended body text

The preferred way to include one of these characters is to use the HTML escape code.

- `>` can be replaced with `&gt;`
- `"` can be replaced with `&quot;`, `&ldquo;`, `&#34;` or `&rdquo;`
- `'` can be replaced with `&apos;`, `&lsquo;`, `&#39;` or `&rsquo;`
- `}` can be replaced with `&#125;`

Alternatively, you can include the literal character inside a subexpression
(such as `<div>{'>'}</div>`.

The characters `<` and `{` should also be escaped, but they are not checked by this
rule because it is a syntax error to include those tokens inside of a tag.

## Rule Details

Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule:

<div> > </div>

Examples of **correct** code for this rule:

<div> &gt; </div>

<div> {'>'} </div>

## Rule Options

"react/no-unescaped-entities": [<enabled>, { "forbid": Array<string> }]

### `forbid`

Overwrite the default forbidden entities array `['>', '"', '\'', '}']` with your own:

"react/no-unescaped-entities": ["error", {"forbid": [">", "}"]}],
// or
"react/no-unescaped-entities": ["error", {"forbid": [{
  char: ">",
  alternatives: ['&gt;']
}, {
  char: "}",
  alternatives: ['&#125;']

Where `char` is a special character and `alternatives` is the correct escapes.