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5 days
Test Coverage
 * @fileoverview Enforce props alphabetical sorting
 * @author Ilya Volodin, Yannick Croissant

'use strict';

const propName = require('jsx-ast-utils/propName');
const includes = require('array-includes');
const toSorted = require('array.prototype.tosorted');

const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl');
const jsxUtil = require('../util/jsx');
const report = require('../util/report');

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function isCallbackPropName(name) {
  return /^on[A-Z]/.test(name);

function isMultilineProp(node) {
  return node.loc.start.line !== node.loc.end.line;

const messages = {
  noUnreservedProps: 'A customized reserved first list must only contain a subset of React reserved props. Remove: {{unreservedWords}}',
  listIsEmpty: 'A customized reserved first list must not be empty',
  listReservedPropsFirst: 'Reserved props must be listed before all other props',
  listCallbacksLast: 'Callbacks must be listed after all other props',
  listShorthandFirst: 'Shorthand props must be listed before all other props',
  listShorthandLast: 'Shorthand props must be listed after all other props',
  listMultilineFirst: 'Multiline props must be listed before all other props',
  listMultilineLast: 'Multiline props must be listed after all other props',
  sortPropsByAlpha: 'Props should be sorted alphabetically',


function isReservedPropName(name, list) {
  return list.indexOf(name) >= 0;

let attributeMap;
// attributeMap = { end: endrange, hasComment: true||false if comment in between nodes exists, it needs to be sorted to end }

function shouldSortToEnd(node) {
  const attr = attributeMap.get(node);
  return !!attr && !!attr.hasComment;

function contextCompare(a, b, options) {
  let aProp = propName(a);
  let bProp = propName(b);

  const aSortToEnd = shouldSortToEnd(a);
  const bSortToEnd = shouldSortToEnd(b);
  if (aSortToEnd && !bSortToEnd) {
    return 1;
  if (!aSortToEnd && bSortToEnd) {
    return -1;

  if (options.reservedFirst) {
    const aIsReserved = isReservedPropName(aProp, options.reservedList);
    const bIsReserved = isReservedPropName(bProp, options.reservedList);
    if (aIsReserved && !bIsReserved) {
      return -1;
    if (!aIsReserved && bIsReserved) {
      return 1;

  if (options.callbacksLast) {
    const aIsCallback = isCallbackPropName(aProp);
    const bIsCallback = isCallbackPropName(bProp);
    if (aIsCallback && !bIsCallback) {
      return 1;
    if (!aIsCallback && bIsCallback) {
      return -1;

  if (options.shorthandFirst || options.shorthandLast) {
    const shorthandSign = options.shorthandFirst ? -1 : 1;
    if (!a.value && b.value) {
      return shorthandSign;
    if (a.value && !b.value) {
      return -shorthandSign;

  if (options.multiline !== 'ignore') {
    const multilineSign = options.multiline === 'first' ? -1 : 1;
    const aIsMultiline = isMultilineProp(a);
    const bIsMultiline = isMultilineProp(b);
    if (aIsMultiline && !bIsMultiline) {
      return multilineSign;
    if (!aIsMultiline && bIsMultiline) {
      return -multilineSign;

  if (options.noSortAlphabetically) {
    return 0;

  const actualLocale = options.locale === 'auto' ? undefined : options.locale;

  if (options.ignoreCase) {
    aProp = aProp.toLowerCase();
    bProp = bProp.toLowerCase();
    return aProp.localeCompare(bProp, actualLocale);
  if (aProp === bProp) {
    return 0;
  if (options.locale === 'auto') {
    return aProp < bProp ? -1 : 1;
  return aProp.localeCompare(bProp, actualLocale);

 * Create an array of arrays where each subarray is composed of attributes
 * that are considered sortable.
 * @param {Array<JSXSpreadAttribute|JSXAttribute>} attributes
 * @param {Object} context The context of the rule
 * @return {Array<Array<JSXAttribute>>}
function getGroupsOfSortableAttributes(attributes, context) {
  const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();

  const sortableAttributeGroups = [];
  let groupCount = 0;
  function addtoSortableAttributeGroups(attribute) {
    sortableAttributeGroups[groupCount - 1].push(attribute);

  for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
    const attribute = attributes[i];
    const nextAttribute = attributes[i + 1];
    const attributeline = attribute.loc.start.line;
    let comment = [];
    try {
      comment = sourceCode.getCommentsAfter(attribute);
    } catch (e) { /**/ }
    const lastAttr = attributes[i - 1];
    const attrIsSpread = attribute.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute';

    // If we have no groups or if the last attribute was JSXSpreadAttribute
    // then we start a new group. Append attributes to the group until we
    // come across another JSXSpreadAttribute or exhaust the array.
    if (
      || (lastAttr.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute' && !attrIsSpread)
    ) {
      groupCount += 1;
      sortableAttributeGroups[groupCount - 1] = [];
    if (!attrIsSpread) {
      if (comment.length === 0) {
        attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: attribute.range[1], hasComment: false });
      } else {
        const firstComment = comment[0];
        const commentline = firstComment.loc.start.line;
        if (comment.length === 1) {
          if (attributeline + 1 === commentline && nextAttribute) {
            attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: nextAttribute.range[1], hasComment: true });
            i += 1;
          } else if (attributeline === commentline) {
            if (firstComment.type === 'Block' && nextAttribute) {
              attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: nextAttribute.range[1], hasComment: true });
              i += 1;
            } else if (firstComment.type === 'Block') {
              attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: firstComment.range[1], hasComment: true });
            } else {
              attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: firstComment.range[1], hasComment: false });
        } else if (comment.length > 1 && attributeline + 1 === comment[1].loc.start.line && nextAttribute) {
          const commentNextAttribute = sourceCode.getCommentsAfter(nextAttribute);
          attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: nextAttribute.range[1], hasComment: true });
          if (
            commentNextAttribute.length === 1
            && nextAttribute.loc.start.line === commentNextAttribute[0].loc.start.line
          ) {
            attributeMap.set(attribute, { end: commentNextAttribute[0].range[1], hasComment: true });
          i += 1;
  return sortableAttributeGroups;

function generateFixerFunction(node, context, reservedList) {
  const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
  const attributes = node.attributes.slice(0);
  const configuration = context.options[0] || {};
  const ignoreCase = configuration.ignoreCase || false;
  const callbacksLast = configuration.callbacksLast || false;
  const shorthandFirst = configuration.shorthandFirst || false;
  const shorthandLast = configuration.shorthandLast || false;
  const multiline = configuration.multiline || 'ignore';
  const noSortAlphabetically = configuration.noSortAlphabetically || false;
  const reservedFirst = configuration.reservedFirst || false;
  const locale = configuration.locale || 'auto';

  // Sort props according to the context. Only supports ignoreCase.
  // Since we cannot safely move JSXSpreadAttribute (due to potential variable overrides),
  // we only consider groups of sortable attributes.
  const options = {
  const sortableAttributeGroups = getGroupsOfSortableAttributes(attributes, context);
  const sortedAttributeGroups = sortableAttributeGroups
    .map((group) => toSorted(group, (a, b) => contextCompare(a, b, options)));

  return function fixFunction(fixer) {
    const fixers = [];
    let source = sourceCode.getText();

    sortableAttributeGroups.forEach((sortableGroup, ii) => {
      sortableGroup.forEach((attr, jj) => {
        const sortedAttr = sortedAttributeGroups[ii][jj];
        const sortedAttrText = source.slice(sortedAttr.range[0], attributeMap.get(sortedAttr).end);
          range: [attr.range[0], attributeMap.get(attr).end],
          text: sortedAttrText,

    fixers.sort((a, b) => b.range[0] - a.range[0]);

    const firstFixer = fixers[0];
    const lastFixer = fixers[fixers.length - 1];
    const rangeStart = lastFixer ? lastFixer.range[0] : 0;
    const rangeEnd = firstFixer ? firstFixer.range[1] : -0;

    fixers.forEach((fix) => {
      source = `${source.slice(0, fix.range[0])}${fix.text}${source.slice(fix.range[1])}`;

    return fixer.replaceTextRange([rangeStart, rangeEnd], source.slice(rangeStart, rangeEnd));

 * Checks if the `reservedFirst` option is valid
 * @param {Object} context The context of the rule
 * @param {Boolean|Array<String>} reservedFirst The `reservedFirst` option
 * @return {Function|undefined} If an error is detected, a function to generate the error message, otherwise, `undefined`
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
function validateReservedFirstConfig(context, reservedFirst) {
  if (reservedFirst) {
    if (Array.isArray(reservedFirst)) {
      // Only allow a subset of reserved words in customized lists
      const nonReservedWords = reservedFirst.filter((word) => !isReservedPropName(

      if (reservedFirst.length === 0) {
        return function Report(decl) {
          report(context, messages.listIsEmpty, 'listIsEmpty', {
            node: decl,
      if (nonReservedWords.length > 0) {
        return function Report(decl) {
          report(context, messages.noUnreservedProps, 'noUnreservedProps', {
            node: decl,
            data: {
              unreservedWords: nonReservedWords.toString(),

const reportedNodeAttributes = new WeakMap();
 * Check if the current node attribute has already been reported with the same error type
 * if that's the case then we don't report a new error
 * otherwise we report the error
 * @param {Object} nodeAttribute The node attribute to be reported
 * @param {string} errorType The error type to be reported
 * @param {Object} node The parent node for the node attribute
 * @param {Object} context The context of the rule
 * @param {Array<String>} reservedList The list of reserved props
function reportNodeAttribute(nodeAttribute, errorType, node, context, reservedList) {
  const errors = reportedNodeAttributes.get(nodeAttribute) || [];

  if (includes(errors, errorType)) {


  reportedNodeAttributes.set(nodeAttribute, errors);

  report(context, messages[errorType], errorType, {
    node: nodeAttribute.name,
    fix: generateFixerFunction(node, context, reservedList),

/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */
module.exports = {
  meta: {
    docs: {
      description: 'Enforce props alphabetical sorting',
      category: 'Stylistic Issues',
      recommended: false,
      url: docsUrl('jsx-sort-props'),
    fixable: 'code',


    schema: [{
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        // Whether callbacks (prefixed with "on") should be listed at the very end,
        // after all other props. Supersedes shorthandLast.
        callbacksLast: {
          type: 'boolean',
        // Whether shorthand properties (without a value) should be listed first
        shorthandFirst: {
          type: 'boolean',
        // Whether shorthand properties (without a value) should be listed last
        shorthandLast: {
          type: 'boolean',
        // Whether multiline properties should be listed first or last
        multiline: {
          enum: ['ignore', 'first', 'last'],
          default: 'ignore',
        ignoreCase: {
          type: 'boolean',
        // Whether alphabetical sorting should be enforced
        noSortAlphabetically: {
          type: 'boolean',
        reservedFirst: {
          type: ['array', 'boolean'],
        locale: {
          type: 'string',
          default: 'auto',
      additionalProperties: false,

  create(context) {
    const configuration = context.options[0] || {};
    const ignoreCase = configuration.ignoreCase || false;
    const callbacksLast = configuration.callbacksLast || false;
    const shorthandFirst = configuration.shorthandFirst || false;
    const shorthandLast = configuration.shorthandLast || false;
    const multiline = configuration.multiline || 'ignore';
    const noSortAlphabetically = configuration.noSortAlphabetically || false;
    const reservedFirst = configuration.reservedFirst || false;
    const reservedFirstError = validateReservedFirstConfig(context, reservedFirst);
    const reservedList = Array.isArray(reservedFirst) ? reservedFirst : RESERVED_PROPS_LIST;
    const locale = configuration.locale || 'auto';

    return {
      Program() {
        attributeMap = new WeakMap();

      JSXOpeningElement(node) {
        // `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` is only "reserved" on DOM components
        const nodeReservedList = reservedFirst && !jsxUtil.isDOMComponent(node) ? reservedList.filter((prop) => prop !== 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') : reservedList;

        node.attributes.reduce((memo, decl, idx, attrs) => {
          if (decl.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
            return attrs[idx + 1];

          let previousPropName = propName(memo);
          let currentPropName = propName(decl);
          const previousValue = memo.value;
          const currentValue = decl.value;
          const previousIsCallback = isCallbackPropName(previousPropName);
          const currentIsCallback = isCallbackPropName(currentPropName);

          if (ignoreCase) {
            previousPropName = previousPropName.toLowerCase();
            currentPropName = currentPropName.toLowerCase();

          if (reservedFirst) {
            if (reservedFirstError) {
              return memo;

            const previousIsReserved = isReservedPropName(previousPropName, nodeReservedList);
            const currentIsReserved = isReservedPropName(currentPropName, nodeReservedList);

            if (previousIsReserved && !currentIsReserved) {
              return decl;
            if (!previousIsReserved && currentIsReserved) {
              reportNodeAttribute(decl, 'listReservedPropsFirst', node, context, nodeReservedList);

              return memo;

          if (callbacksLast) {
            if (!previousIsCallback && currentIsCallback) {
              // Entering the callback prop section
              return decl;
            if (previousIsCallback && !currentIsCallback) {
              // Encountered a non-callback prop after a callback prop
              reportNodeAttribute(memo, 'listCallbacksLast', node, context, nodeReservedList);

              return memo;

          if (shorthandFirst) {
            if (currentValue && !previousValue) {
              return decl;
            if (!currentValue && previousValue) {
              reportNodeAttribute(decl, 'listShorthandFirst', node, context, nodeReservedList);

              return memo;

          if (shorthandLast) {
            if (!currentValue && previousValue) {
              return decl;
            if (currentValue && !previousValue) {
              reportNodeAttribute(memo, 'listShorthandLast', node, context, nodeReservedList);

              return memo;

          const previousIsMultiline = isMultilineProp(memo);
          const currentIsMultiline = isMultilineProp(decl);
          if (multiline === 'first') {
            if (previousIsMultiline && !currentIsMultiline) {
              // Exiting the multiline prop section
              return decl;
            if (!previousIsMultiline && currentIsMultiline) {
              // Encountered a non-multiline prop before a multiline prop
              reportNodeAttribute(decl, 'listMultilineFirst', node, context, nodeReservedList);

              return memo;
          } else if (multiline === 'last') {
            if (!previousIsMultiline && currentIsMultiline) {
              // Entering the multiline prop section
              return decl;
            if (previousIsMultiline && !currentIsMultiline) {
              // Encountered a non-multiline prop after a multiline prop
              reportNodeAttribute(memo, 'listMultilineLast', node, context, nodeReservedList);

              return memo;

          if (
            && (
              (ignoreCase || locale !== 'auto')
                ? previousPropName.localeCompare(currentPropName, locale === 'auto' ? undefined : locale) > 0
                : previousPropName > currentPropName
          ) {
            reportNodeAttribute(decl, 'sortPropsByAlpha', node, context, nodeReservedList);

            return memo;

          return decl;
        }, node.attributes[0]);