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Inst-Finish Scripts

They are called by the inst_finish.ycp installation client at the end of the
first stage installation.

Part of these clients are called with SCR connected to inst-sys, the others
are called after SCR gets switched to the installed system (chrooted).

Script inst_finish.ycp contains several stages, every has
  * label - visible in the writing progress
  * steps - list of additional inst_finish scripts that are called
            ("bingo" -> "bingo_finish.ycp")

Important script is "switch_scr", after that call, SCR is connected to the
just installed system.

Finish Scripts
Every single finish script is a non-interactive script (write-only). It's
basically called twice:

  * At first "Info" returns in which modes "Write" should be called
  * Then "Write" should be called to do the job

Simple Example

    textdomain "$job";

    any ret = nil;
    string func = "";
    map param = $[];

    if(size(WFM::Args()) > 0 && is(WFM::Args(0), string)) {
    func = (string)WFM::Args(0);
    if(size(WFM::Args()) > 1 && is(WFM::Args(1), map))
    param = (map)WFM::Args(1);

    // nice to have
    y2milestone ("starting job_finish");
    y2debug("func=%1", func);
    y2debug("param=%1", param);

    if (func == "Info") {
    return (any)$[
        "steps" : 1,
        "title" : _("Doing the job..."),

        // list contains only those steps when the client should be called
        // it can be even empty or dynamically considering the current status
        // "when" : (is_it_needed ? [`installation, `update]:[])
        "when" : [ `installation, `update, `autoinst ],
    } else if (func == "Write") {
    // Write will be called in case we run it in
    // `installation, `update or `autoinst (defined in "Info")
    ... do the job ...
    } else {
    y2error ("unknown function: %1", func);

    // nice to have
    y2debug("ret=%1", ret);
    y2milestone("job_finish finished");

    return ret;