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The YaST2.First-Stage script is the first script called for any
installation process. linuxrc will call /sbin/yast which is a link
to the YaST2.First-Stage script. Usually the system will reboot after
this script has finished. 

\section{First-Stage Hooks}
The following First-Stage hook directories are checked:

\item \textbf{\underline{preFirstStage}}\\
      Within the ins-sys each script stored in the preFirstStage directory is
      called directly in front of the YaST2.First-Stage script
\item \textbf{\underline{postFirstStage}}\\
      Within the ins-sys each script stored in the postFirstStage directory is
      called directly after the YaST2.First-Stage script has been finished

\section{First-Stage main script}
The following tasks are handled in the YaST2.First-Stage script

\item Include common used and stage functions
\item Source \textbf{/etc/install.inf}
\item Setup ARCH\_* variables
\item Export important variables for use in subshells
\item Initialize y2start.log
\item Create stage list and call level scripts


\section{First-Stage level scripts}
The following tasks are handled in the specified level scripts

\item Start hardware detection
\item Set Language environment
\item Start Unicode mode
\item Handle kernel parameters
\item Init virtual consoles (initviocons)
\item Create mtab according to /proc/mounts
\item Set logging size
\item \textbf{Call YaST2.call (initial)}
\item Save log file y2start.log to installed system
\item Clean sweep (umount, etc...)
\item Write YaST2 exit code to /tmp/YaST2-First-Stage-Exit-Code