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Test Coverage
textdomain "registration"

<%# TRANSLATORS: dialog heading %>
<h2><%= _("Secure Connection Error") %></h2>

  <%# TRANSLATORS: label followed by error details %>
  <%= _("Details:") %> <%= h(@url) %>: <%= h(@msg) %>

<%# display a special help with description how to install the certificate manually %>
<% if error_code == SslErrorCodes::NO_LOCAL_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE %>

  <%# TRANSLATORS: error description %>
  <%= _("The issuer certificate cannot be found, "\
    "it needs to be installed manually.") %>

      <%# TRANSLATORS: %{file} is replaced by the certificate file name %>
      <%= _("Save the server certificate in PEM format to file %{file}") %
            { file: "<tt>#{h(SslCertificate::INSTSYS_SERVER_CERT_FILE)}</tt>" } %>

      <%# TRANSLATORS: suggestion for user, followed by a command to run %>
      <%= _("Run command:") %> <tt><%= h(import_command) %></tt>

      <%# TRANSLATORS: suggestion to run the registration again %>
      <%= _("Run registration again") %>


<% end %>

<%# TRANSLATORS: dialog sub-heading %>
<h3><%= _("Failed Certificate Details") %></h3>

<%= SslCertificateDetails.new(certificate).richtext_summary %>