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# Copyright (c) [2017-2019] SUSE LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC.
# To contact SUSE LLC about this file by physical or electronic mail, you may
# find current contact information at www.suse.com.

require "yast"
require "installation/autoinst_profile/section_with_attributes"
require "installation/autoinst_profile/element_path"
require "y2storage/autoinst_profile/skip_list_section"
require "y2storage/autoinst_profile/partition_section"
require "y2storage/autoinst_profile/raid_options_section"
require "y2storage/autoinst_profile/bcache_options_section"
require "y2storage/autoinst_profile/btrfs_options_section"

Yast.import "Arch"

# FIXME: class too long, refactoring needed.
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
module Y2Storage
  module AutoinstProfile
    # Thin object oriented layer on top of a <drive> section of the
    # AutoYaST profile.
    # More information can be found in the 'Partitioning' section of the AutoYaST documentation:
    # https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-12/singlehtml/book_autoyast/book_autoyast.html#CreateProfile.Partitioning
    # Check that document for details about the semantic of every attribute.
    class DriveSection < ::Installation::AutoinstProfile::SectionWithAttributes
      def self.attributes
          { name: :device },
          { name: :disklabel },
          { name: :enable_snapshots },
          { name: :imsmdriver },
          { name: :initialize_attr, xml_name: :initialize },
          { name: :keep_unknown_lv },
          { name: :lvm2 },
          { name: :is_lvm_vg },
          { name: :partitions },
          { name: :pesize },
          { name: :type },
          { name: :use },
          { name: :skip_list },
          { name: :raid_options },
          { name: :bcache_options },
          { name: :btrfs_options }


      # @!attribute device
      #   @return [String] device name

      # @!attribute disklabel
      #   @return [String] partition table type

      # @!attribute enable_snapshots
      #   @return [Boolean] undocumented attribute

      # @!attribute imsmdriver
      #   @return [Symbol] undocumented attribute

      # @!attribute initialize_attr
      #   @return [Boolean] value of the 'initialize' attribute in the profile
      #     (reserved name in Ruby). Whether the partition table must be wiped
      #     out at the beginning of the AutoYaST process.

      # @!attribute keep_unknown_lv
      #   @return [Boolean] whether the existing logical volumes should be
      #   kept. Only makes sense if #type is :CT_LVM and there is a volume group
      #   to reuse.

      # @!attribute lvm2
      #   @return [Boolean] undocumented attribute

      # @!attribute is_lvm_vg
      #   @return [Boolean] undocumented attribute

      # @!attribute partitions
      #   @return [Array<PartitionSection>] a list of <partition> entries

      # @!attribute pesize
      #   @return [String] size of the LVM PE

      # @!attribute type
      #   @return [Symbol] :CT_DISK or :CT_LVM

      # @!attribute use
      #   @return [String,Array<Integer>] strategy AutoYaST will use to partition the disk

      # @!attribute skip_list
      #   @return [Array<SkipListSection] collection of <skip_list> entries

      # @!attribute raid_options
      #   @return [RaidOptionsSection] RAID options
      #   @see RaidOptionsSection

      # @!attribute bcache_options
      #   @return [BcacheOptionsSection] bcache options
      #   @see BcacheOptionsSection

      # @!attribute btrfs_options
      #   @return [BtrfsOptionsSection] Btrfs options
      #   @see BtrfsOptionsSection

      # Constructor
      # @param parent [#parent,#section_name] parent section
      def initialize(parent = nil)

        @partitions = []
        @skip_list = SkipListSection.new([])

      # Method used by {.new_from_hashes} to populate the attributes.
      # It only enforces default values for #type (:CT_DISK) and #use ("all")
      # since the {AutoinstProposal} algorithm relies on them.
      # @param hash [Hash] see {.new_from_hashes}
      def init_from_hashes(hash)
        @type ||= default_type_for(hash)
        @use = use_value_from_string(hash["use"]) if hash["use"]
        @partitions = partitions_from_hash(hash)
        @skip_list = SkipListSection.new_from_hashes(hash.fetch("skip_list", []), self)
        if hash["raid_options"]
          @raid_options = RaidOptionsSection.new_from_hashes(hash["raid_options"], self)
          @raid_options.raid_name = nil # This element is not supported here
        if hash["bcache_options"]
          @bcache_options = BcacheOptionsSection.new_from_hashes(hash["bcache_options"], self)
        if hash["btrfs_options"]
          @btrfs_options = BtrfsOptionsSection.new_from_hashes(hash["btrfs_options"], self)


      # Default drive type depending on the device name
      # For NFS, the default type can only be inferred when using the old format. With the new
      # format, type attribute is mandatory.
      # @param hash [Hash]
      # @return [Symbol]
      def default_type_for(hash)
        device_name = hash["device"].to_s

        if md_name?(device_name)
        elsif bcache_name?(device_name)
        elsif nfs_name?(device_name)

      # Clones a drive into an AutoYaST profile section by creating an instance
      # of this class from the information in a block device.
      # @see PartitioningSection.new_from_storage for more details
      # @param device [BlkDevice] a block device that can be cloned into a
      #   <drive> section, like a disk, a DASD or an LVM volume group.
      # @param parent [SectionWithAttributes,nil] Parent section
      # @return [DriveSection, nil] nil if the device cannot be exported
      def self.new_from_storage(device, parent = nil)
        result = new(parent)
        # So far, only disks (and DASD) are supported
        initialized = result.init_from_device(device)
        initialized ? result : nil

      # Mapping of device to clone and method that read attributes of it
        bcache:           :init_from_bcache,
        btrfs:            :init_from_btrfs,
        lvm_vg:           :init_from_vg,
        nfs:              :init_from_nfs,
        software_raid:    :init_from_md,
        stray_blk_device: :init_from_stray_blk_device,
        tmpfs:            :init_from_tmpfs
      private_constant :FACTORY_MAPPING

      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when
      # cloning a device.
      # As usual, it keeps the behavior of the old clone functionality, check
      # the implementation of this class for details.
      # @param device [Device] a device that can be cloned into a <drive> section, like a disk, a DASD,
      #   an LVM volume group, etc.
      # @return [Boolean] true if attributes were successfully read; false otherwise.
      def init_from_device(device)
        _id, method = FACTORY_MAPPING.find { |k, _| device.is?(k) }
        method ||= :init_from_disk
        send(method, device)
      # rubocop:enable all

      # Device name to be used for the real MD device
      # @see PartitionSection#name_for_md for details
      # @return [String] MD RAID device name
      def name_for_md
        return partitions.first.name_for_md if device == "/dev/md"


      # Content of the section in the format used by the AutoYaST modules
      # @return [Hash] each element of the hash corresponds to one of the
      #     attributes defined in the section. Blank attributes are not
      #     included.
      def to_hashes
        hash = super
        hash["use"] = use.join(",") if use.is_a?(Array)

      # Returns the section path
      # The <drive> section is an special case of a collection, so
      # we need to redefine the #section_path method completely.
      # @return [Installation::AutoinstProfile::ElementPath] Section path or
      #   nil if the parent is not set
      def section_path
        return nil unless parent

        idx = parent.drives.index(self)

      # @return [String] disklabel value which indicates that no partition table is wanted.
      NO_PARTITION_TABLE = "none".freeze

      # Determine whether the partition table is explicitly not wanted
      # This method only makes sense for drive sections describing block devices that could be
      # partitioned or not (like disks, RAIDs, etc.). For a more general method see
      # {#master_partition_drive?}.
      # @note When the disklabel is set to 'none', a partition table should not be created.
      #   For backward compatibility reasons, setting partition_nr to 0 has the same effect.
      #   When no disklabel is set, this method returns false.
      # @return [Boolean] Returns true when a partition table is wanted; false otherwise.
      def unwanted_partitions?
        disklabel == NO_PARTITION_TABLE || partitions.any? { |i| i.partition_nr == 0 }

      # Determines whether a partition table is explicitly wanted
      # @note When the disklabel is set to some value which does not disable partitions,
      #   a partition table is expected. When no disklabel is set, this method returns
      #   false.
      # @see unwanted_partitions?
      # @return [Boolean] Returns true when a partition table is wanted; false otherwise.
      def wanted_partitions?
        !(disklabel.nil? || unwanted_partitions?)

      # Returns the partition which contains the configuration for the whole disk
      # @return [PartitionSection,nil] Partition section for the whole disk; it returns nil if
      #   the device will use a partition table or if the drive contains no partition sections
      # @see #partition_table?
      def master_partition
        return unless master_partition_drive?

        partitions.find { |i| i.partition_nr == 0 } || partitions.first


      # Whether the given name is a Md name
      # @param device_name [String]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def md_name?(device_name)

      # Whether the given name is a Bcache name
      # @param device_name [String]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def bcache_name?(device_name)

      # Whether the given name is a NFS name
      # Note that this method only recognizes a NFS name when the old format is used,
      # that is, device attribute contains "/dev/nfs". With the new format, device
      # contains the NFS share name (server:path), but in this case the type attribute
      # is mandatory to identify the drive type.
      # @param device_name [String]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def nfs_name?(device_name)
        device_name == "/dev/nfs"

      # Whether this drive section is expected to contain only one partition subsection
      # containing the configuration of the whole disk
      # @return [Boolean] true for non-partitioned block devices and also for drives
      #   describing a concrete filesystem
      def master_partition_drive?
        # In the old undocumented format, NFS mounts were represented by partition sections
        return false if nfs_name?(device)

        # In the new NFS format and in btrfs, only one partition section makes sense
        return true if [:CT_NFS, :CT_BTRFS].include?(type)


      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when
      # cloning a disk or DASD device.
      # As usual, it keeps the behavior of the old clone functionality, check
      # the implementation of this class for details.
      # @param disk [Y2Storage::Disk, Y2Storage::Dasd] Disk
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_disk(disk)
        return false unless used?(disk)

        @type = :CT_DISK
        # s390 prefers udev by-path device names (bsc#591603)
        @device = Yast::Arch.s390 ? disk.udev_full_paths.first : disk.name
        # if disk.udev_full_paths.first is nil go for disk.name anyway
        @device ||= disk.name
        @disklabel = disklabel_from_disk(disk)

        @partitions = partitions_from_disk(disk)
        return false if @partitions.empty?

        filesystems = disk.filesystem ? [disk.filesystem] : disk.partitions.map(&:filesystem).compact
        @enable_snapshots = enabled_snapshots?(filesystems)
        @partitions.each { |i| i.create = false } if reuse_partitions?(disk)

        # Same logic followed by the old exporter
        @use = use_value_from_storage(disk, @partitions)


      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when
      # cloning a volume group.
      # @param vg [Y2Storage::LvmVg] Volume group
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_vg(vg)
        return false if vg.lvm_lvs.empty?

        @type = :CT_LVM
        @device = vg.name

        @partitions = partitions_from_collection(vg.all_lvm_lvs)
        return false if @partitions.empty?

        @enable_snapshots = enabled_snapshots?(vg.lvm_lvs.map(&:filesystem).compact)
        @pesize = vg.extent_size.to_i.to_s

      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when
      # cloning a MD RAID.
      # @param md [Y2Storage::Md] RAID
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_md(md)
        @type = :CT_MD
        @device = md.name
        @disklabel = disklabel_from_disk(md)
        collection =
          if md.filesystem || md.component_of.any?
        @partitions = partitions_from_collection(collection)
        @enable_snapshots = enabled_snapshots?(collection.map(&:filesystem).compact)
        @raid_options = RaidOptionsSection.new_from_storage(md)
        @raid_options.raid_name = nil if @raid_options # This element is not supported here

      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when
      # cloning a bcache.
      # @param bcache [Y2Storage::Bcache] bcache device
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_bcache(bcache)
        @type = :CT_BCACHE
        @device = bcache.name
        collection =
          if bcache.filesystem
        @partitions = partitions_from_collection(collection)
        @enable_snapshots = enabled_snapshots?(collection.map(&:filesystem).compact)
        @bcache_options = BcacheOptionsSection.new_from_storage(bcache)

      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when
      # cloning stray block device.
      # @param device [Y2Storage::StrayBlkDevice] Stray block device to clone
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_stray_blk_device(device)
        return false unless used?(device)

        @type = :CT_DISK
        @device = device.name
        @enabled_snapshots = enabled_snapshots?([device.filesystem]) if device.filesystem
        @use = "all"
        @disklabel = "none"
        @partitions = [PartitionSection.new_from_storage(device, self)]


      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when cloning a multi-device Btrfs
      # @param filesystem [Y2Storage::Filesystems::Btrfs]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_btrfs(filesystem)
        @type = :CT_BTRFS
        @use = "all"
        @disklabel = "none"
        @partitions = [PartitionSection.new_from_storage(filesystem, self)]
        @device = @partitions.first.name_for_btrfs(filesystem)
        @enable_snapshots = enabled_snapshots?([filesystem])
        @btrfs_options = BtrfsOptionsSection.new_from_storage(filesystem)


      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when cloning a Nfs
      # @param device [Y2Storage::Filesystems::Nfs]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_nfs(device)
        @type = :CT_NFS
        @device = device.share
        @use = "all"
        @disklabel = "none"
        @partitions = [PartitionSection.new_from_storage(device, self)]


      # Method used by {.new_from_storage} to populate the attributes when cloning a tmpfs
      # @param device [Y2Storage::Filesystems::Tmpfs]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def init_from_tmpfs(device)
        @type = :CT_TMPFS
        @partitions = [PartitionSection.new_from_storage(device, self)]


      def partitions_from_hash(hash)
        return [] unless hash["partitions"]

        hash["partitions"].map { |part| PartitionSection.new_from_hashes(part, self) }

      # Return the partition sections for the given disk
      # @note If there is no partition table, an array containing a single section
      #   (which represents the whole disk) will be returned.
      # @return [Array<AutoinstProfile::PartitionSection>] List of partition sections
      def partitions_from_disk(disk)
        if disk.partition_table
          collection = disk.partitions.reject { |p| skip_partition?(p) }
          [PartitionSection.new_from_storage(disk, self)]

      def partitions_from_collection(collection)
        collection.each_with_object([]) do |storage_partition, result|
          partition = PartitionSection.new_from_storage(storage_partition, self)
          next unless partition

          result << partition

      # Whether AutoYaST considers a partition to be part of a Windows
      # installation and not directly relevant for the system being
      # cloned.
      # NOTE: to ensure backward compatibility, this method implements the
      # logic present in the old AutoYaST exporter that used to live in
      # AutoinstPartPlan#ReadHelper.
      # https://github.com/yast/yast-autoinstallation/blob/47c24fb98e074f5b6432f3a4f8b9421362ee29cc/src/modules/AutoinstPartPlan.rb#L345
      # Check the comments in the code to know more about what is checked
      # and why.
      # @param partition [Y2Storage::Partition]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def windows?(partition)
        # Only partitions with a typical Windows ID are considered
        return false unless partition.id.is?(:windows_system)

        # If the partition is mounted in /boot*, then it doesn't fully
        # belong to Windows, it's also relevant for the current system
        return false if partition.filesystem_mountpoint&.include?("/boot")

        # Surprinsingly enough, partitions with the boot flag are discarded
        # as Windows partitions (btw, we expect better compatibility checking
        # only for the corresponding flag on MSDOS partition tables, leaving
        # out Partition#legacy_boot?, although we cannot be sure).
        # This extra criteria of checking the boot flag was introduced in
        # commit 795a18a795cd45d7e5f4d (January 2017) in order to fix
        # bsc#192342. The PPC bootloader was switching the id of the partition
        # from id 0x41 (PReP) to id 0x06 (FAT16) and as a result the AutoYaST
        # exporter was ignoring the partition (considering it to be a Windows
        # partition). Very likely, the intention of the fix was just to stop
        # considering such FAT16+boot partitions as part of Windows.
        # Unfortunately, the introduced fix affected all Windows-related ids,
        # not only FAT16.
        # That side effect has been there for 10+ years, so let's keep it.

      # Whether a given partition should be ignored when cloning the devicegraph
      # into a profile section.
      # @return [Boolean] true if the partition is extended or considered to be
      #   a Windows system (see #windows?)
      def skip_partition?(partition)
        partition.type.is?(:extended) || windows?(partition)

      # Whether all partitions in the drive should have "create" set to false
      # (so no new partitions will be actually created in the target system).
      # NOTE: This implements logic that was present in the old exporter and
      # returns true if there is a Windows partition (see {#windows?}) that is
      # placed in the disk after any non-Windows partition.
      # @param disk [Y2Storage::Partitionable]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def reuse_partitions?(disk)
        linux_already_found = false
        disk.partitions.sort_by { |i| i.region.start }.each do |part|
          next if part.type.is?(:extended)

          if windows?(part)
            return true if linux_already_found
            linux_already_found = true

      # Return value for the "use" element
      # If the given string is a comma separated list of numbers, it will
      # return an array containing those numbers. Otherwise, the original
      # value will be returned.
      # @return [String,Array<Integer>]
      def use_value_from_string(use)
        return use unless use =~ /(\d+,?)+/


      # Determine whether snapshots are enabled
      # Currently AutoYaST only supports enabling/disabling snapshots
      # for the root filesystem and this setting is specified at
      # drive section level.
      # @param filesystems [Array<Y2Storage::Filesystem>] Filesystems to evaluate
      # @return [Boolean,nil] true if snapshots are enabled; false if they are not enabled;
      #   nil if the root filesystem is not applicable.
      def enabled_snapshots?(filesystems)
        root_fs = filesystems.find(&:root?)
        return nil if root_fs.nil? || (root_fs.multidevice? && !btrfs_drive_section?)

        root_fs.respond_to?(:snapshots?) && root_fs.snapshots?

      # Determine whether the disk is used or not
      # @param disk [Array<Y2Storage::Disk,Y2Storage::Dasd>] Disk to check whether it is used
      # @return [Boolean] true if the disk is being used
      def used?(disk)
        !(disk.filesystem.nil? && !partitions?(disk) && disk.component_of.empty?)

      def partitions?(device)
        device.respond_to?(:partitions) && !device.partitions.empty?

      # Return the disklabel value for the given disk
      # @note When no partition table is wanted, the value 'none' will be used.
      # @param disk [Array<Y2Storage::Disk,Y2Storage::Dasd>] Disk to check get the disklabel from
      # @return [String] Disklabel value
      def disklabel_from_disk(disk)
        disk.partition_table ? disk.partition_table.type.to_s : NO_PARTITION_TABLE

      # Determines the value of the 'use' element for a disk/dasd device
      # @note This logic is inherited from the pre-storage-ng times.
      # @param disk [Y2Storage::Disk, Y2Storage::Dasd] Disk
      # @param partitions [Y2Storage::AutoinstProposal::PartitionSection] Set of partition sections
      # @return [String] Value of the 'use' element for a disk.
      def use_value_from_storage(disk, partitions)
        if disk.partitions.any? { |i| windows?(i) }

      # Determines whether the section is describing a multi-device Btrfs filesystem
      # @return [Boolean]
      def btrfs_drive_section?
        @type == :CT_BTRFS