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# Copyright (c) [2015] SUSE LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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require "yast"
require "y2storage/disk_size"
require "y2storage/planned/assigned_space"
require "y2storage/exceptions"

module Y2Storage
  module Planned
    # Class representing the distribution of sets of planned partitions into
    # sets of free disk spaces
    class PartitionsDistribution
      include Yast::Logger

      # @return [Array<AssignedSpace>]
      attr_reader :spaces

      # @return [Array<AssignedSpace>]
      attr_reader :unassigned_spaces

      # Constructor. Raises an exception when trying to create an invalid
      # distribution.
      # @raise [NoDiskSpaceError]
      # @raise [NoMorePartitionSlotError]
      # @param partitions_by_disk_space [Hash{FreeDiskSpace => Array<Planned::Partition>}]
      def initialize(partitions_by_disk_space)
        unassigned, assigned =
          partitions_by_disk_space.partition { |_k, v| v.empty? }.map(&:to_h)

        @spaces = assigned.map do |disk_space, partitions|
          assigned_space(disk_space, partitions)

        @unassigned_spaces = unassigned.keys

        spaces_by_disk.each do |disk, spaces|
          disk.as_not_empty do
            set_num_logical_for(spaces, disk.partition_table)

      # Result of adding more partitions to the existent distribution. Raises an
      # exception when trying to create an invalid distribution.
      # @raise [NoDiskSpaceError]
      # @raise [NoMorePartitionSlotError]
      # @param partitions_by_disk_space [Hash{FreeDiskSpace => Planned::Partition}]
      def add_partitions(partitions_by_disk_space)
        partitions = {}
        spaces.each do |space|
          partitions[space.disk_space] = space.partitions.dup
        partitions_by_disk_space.each do |space, partition|
          partitions[space] ||= []
          partitions[space] << partition

      # Assigned space associated to a given free space
      # @param disk_space [FreeDiskSpace]
      # @return [Planned::AssignedSpace, nil]
      def space_at(disk_space)
        spaces.detect { |s| s.disk_space == disk_space }

      # Space wasted by the distribution
      # @return [DiskSize]
      def gaps_total_size
        @gaps_total_size ||= DiskSize.sum(spaces.map(&:unused) + unassigned_spaces.map(&:disk_size))

      # Number of gaps (unused disk portions)
      # In the past, a free disk space which was not used at all was not considered
      # a gap. Now the reasons of such a decision are not clear, so all free disk spaces
      # are counted as gaps.
      # Check https://github.com/yast/yast-storage-ng/blob/c2c164ae6148649f72a29c623dd2eae107bd4083/src/lib/y2storage/planned/partitions_distribution.rb#L91
      # for further details.
      # @return [Integer]
      def gaps_count
        @gaps_count ||= spaces.reject { |s| s.unused.zero? }.size + unassigned_spaces.size

      # Total space available for the planned partitions
      # @return [DiskSize]
      def spaces_total_size
        @spaces_total_size ||= DiskSize.sum(spaces.map(&:disk_size))

      # Number of assigned spaces in the distribution
      # @return [Integer]
      def spaces_count
        @spaces_count ||= spaces.count

      # Total number of planned partitions included in the distribution
      # @return [Integer]
      def partitions_count
        @partitions_count ||= spaces.map { |sp| sp.partitions.size }.reduce(0, :+)

      # Comparison method used to sort distributions based on how good are
      # they for installation purposes.
      # @return [Integer] -1, 0, 1 like <=>
      def better_than(other)
        # Sorted list of criteria (starting with the most important) to use in
        # order to select which distribution is best. Basically names of methods
        # that return something comparable using #<=>, followed by the direction
        # of the comparison (whether a bigger value is better or worse).
        criteria = [
          # The smaller gaps the better
          [:gaps_total_size, :smaller],

          # The fewer gaps the better
          [:gaps_count, :smaller],

          # The fewer physical volumes the better
          [:partitions_count, :smaller],

          # We want the partitions with biggest weight to be placed in the spaces
          # in which there is more extra space to be distributed
          [:weight_space_deviation, :smaller],

          # The less fragmentation the better
          [:spaces_count, :smaller]

        criteria.each do |criterion, order|
          res = public_send(criterion) <=> other.public_send(criterion)
          res *= -1 if order == :bigger
          return res unless res.zero?

        # Just to ensure stable sorting between different executions in case
        # of absolute draw in all previous criteria
        comparable_string <=> other.comparable_string

      # A coefficient expresing how far is the distribution from the ideal
      # situation in which there is a 1:1 correlation between the weights of the
      # partitions in every assigned space and the extra disk in that space to
      # be distributed.
      # In general, for two distributions that are considered equivalent in
      # any other aspect, the one in which the partitions with biggest weights
      # are placed in the spaces with more "growth potential" is considered the
      # best. This coefficient is zero if the proportion of weights (of every
      # assigned space compared with the total) is equal to the proportion of
      # extra spaces (same calculation).
      # @see #better_than
      # @return [Float] a number between 0.0 and 1.0
      def weight_space_deviation
        @weight_space_deviation ||= calculate_weight_space_deviation

      def to_s
        spaces_str = spaces.map(&:to_s).join(", ")
        "#<PartitionsDistribution spaces=[#{spaces_str}]>"

      # Deterministic string representation of the space distribution
      # This string is not intended to be human readable, use #to_s for that
      # purpose. The goal of this method is to produce always a consistent
      # string even if the assigned spaces or the lists of volumes that they
      # contain are sorted in a different way for any reason (like a different
      # version of Ruby that iterates hashes in other order).
      # @see #better_than
      # @return [String]
      def comparable_string
        @comparable_string ||= spaces.map { |space| space_comparable_string(space) }.sort.join

      # Number of logical partitions that will be allocated in a newly created
      # extended one
      # @param partitions [Integer] total number of partitions to create
      # @param ptable [PartitionTable]
      # @return [Integer]
      def self.partitions_in_new_extended(partitions, ptable)
        free_primary_slots = ptable.max_primary - ptable.num_primary
        return 0 if free_primary_slots >= partitions

        # One slot consumed by the extended partition
        partitions - free_primary_slots + 1


      # Transforms a FreeDiskSpace and a list of planned partitions into a
      # AssignedSpace object if the combination is valid.
      # @raise [NoDiskSpaceError] otherwise
      # @return [AssignedSpace]
      def assigned_space(disk_space, partitions)
        result = AssignedSpace.new(disk_space, partitions)
        if !result.valid?
          log.error "Invalid assigned space #{result}"
          raise NoDiskSpaceError, "Volumes cannot be allocated into the assigned space"

      # Indexes the list of assigned spaces by disk
      # @return [Hash{Disk => Array<AssignedSpace>]
      def spaces_by_disk
        @spaces_by_disk ||= spaces.each_with_object({}) do |space, hash|
          hash[space.disk] ||= []
          hash[space.disk] << space

      # Sets #num_logical for all the assigned spaces.
      # @param spaces [Array<AssignedSpace] spaces allocated in the disk
      #     and with a correct value for #partition_type
      # @param ptable [PartitionTable]
      def set_num_logical_for(spaces, ptable)
        # There are only two possible scenarios, either all the spaces got
        # a restricted #partition_type, either none
        if spaces.first.partition_type.nil?
          calculate_num_logical_for(spaces, ptable)
          if too_many_primary?(spaces, ptable)
            raise NoMorePartitionSlotError, "Too many primary partitions needed"

          spaces.each do |space|
            prim = space.partition_type == :primary
            num_logical = prim ? 0 : space.partitions.size
            set_num_logical(space, num_logical)

      # Sets the value of #num_logical for a given assigned space
      # @raise [NoDiskSpaceError] if the new value causes the partitions to not fit
      def set_num_logical(assigned_space, num)
        assigned_space.num_logical = num
        return if assigned_space.valid?

        log.error "Invalid assigned space #{assigned_space} after adjusting num_logical"
        raise NoDiskSpaceError, "Partitions cannot be allocated into the assigned space"

      def calculate_num_logical_for(spaces, ptable)
        if ptable.num_primary + spaces.size > ptable.max_primary
          log.error "Too sparce: #{ptable.num_primary} + #{spaces.size} > #{ptable.max_primary}"
          raise NoMorePartitionSlotError, "Too sparce distribution"

        logical = PartitionsDistribution.partitions_in_new_extended(num_partitions(spaces), ptable)
        if logical.zero?
          log.info "The total number of partitions will be low. No need of logical ones."
          spaces.each { |s| set_num_logical(s, 0) }

        calculate_num_logical_with_new_extended(spaces, ptable)

      def calculate_num_logical_with_new_extended(spaces, ptable)
        # Try to create as few logical partitions as possible, since they
        # come at a rounding cost
        partitions = num_partitions(spaces)
        num_logical = PartitionsDistribution.partitions_in_new_extended(partitions, ptable)

        if spaces.size == 1
          space = spaces.first
          if !room_for_logical?(space, num_logical)
            raise NoDiskSpaceError, "No space for the logical partitions"

          set_num_logical(space, num_logical)

        # One space will host all the logical partitions (and maybe some primary)
        # The rest should be all primary.
        extended_space = extended_space(spaces, num_logical)
        if extended_space.nil?
          raise NoDiskSpaceError, "No suitable space to create the extended partition"

        primary_spaces = spaces - [extended_space]
        if too_many_primary_with_extended?(primary_spaces, ptable)
          raise NoMorePartitionSlotError, "Too many primary partitions needed"

        set_num_logical(extended_space, num_logical)
        primary_spaces.each { |s| set_num_logical(s, 0) }

      def too_many_primary_with_extended?(primary_spaces, ptable)
        # +1 for the extended partition
        num_primary = num_partitions(primary_spaces) + ptable.num_primary + 1
        num_primary > ptable.max_primary

      def too_many_primary?(spaces, ptable)
        primary_spaces = spaces.select { |s| s.partition_type == :primary }

        if ptable.type.is?(:implicit)
          num_partitions(spaces) > ptable.max_primary
        elsif !ptable.extended_possible?
          num_primary = ptable.num_primary + num_partitions(primary_spaces)
          num_primary > ptable.max_primary
        elsif ptable.has_extended?
          too_many_primary_with_extended?(primary_spaces, ptable)
          # If there is no extended partition already, we know that all the
          # assigned spaces of this disk will have a nil partition_type
          # So nothing to check

      # Best candidate to hold the logical partition
      # @param spaces [Array<AssignedSpace>] list of possible candidates
      # @param num_logical [Integer]
      # @return [AssignedSpace, nil]
      def extended_space(spaces, num_logical)
        spaces = spaces.select { |s| room_for_logical?(s, num_logical) }
        # Let's place the extended in the space with more planned partitions
        # (start as secondary criteria just to ensure stable sorting)
        spaces.max_by { |s| [s.partitions.count, s.region.start] }

      # Total number of partitions planned for a given list of spaces
      # @param spaces [Array<AssignedSpace>] list of assigned spaces
      # @return [Integer]
      def num_partitions(spaces)
        spaces.map { |s| s.partitions.count }.reduce(0, :+)

      # @see #comparable_string
      def space_comparable_string(space)
        partitions_string = partitions_comparable_string(space.partitions)
        "<disk_space=#{space.disk_space}, partitions=#{partitions_string}>"

      # @see #comparable_string
      def partitions_comparable_string(partitions)
        partitions_strings = partitions.map(&:to_s).sort

      # Checks whether an assigned space can host the overhead produced by
      # logical partitions, in addition to its volumes
      # @param assigned_space [AssignedSpace]
      # @param num [Integer] number of partitions that should be logical
      # @return [Boolean]
      def room_for_logical?(assigned_space, num)
        return true if assigned_space.disk_space.growing?

        overhead = assigned_space.overhead_of_logical
        assigned_space.extra_size >= overhead * num

      # @see #weight_space_deviation
      def calculate_weight_space_deviation
        total_extra_size = spaces.map(&:usable_extra_size).reduce(:+)
        total_weight = spaces.map(&:total_weight).reduce(:+)

        # Edge case #1:
        # No partition looks interested in growing, so we are fine whatever
        # the extra sizes are
        return 0.0 if total_weight.zero?
        # Edge case #2:
        # All the spaces are fully packet since the beginning, so no chance for
        # any partition to grow
        return 1.0 if total_extra_size.zero?

        diffs = spaces.map do |space|
          normalized_size = space.usable_extra_size.to_i.to_f / total_extra_size.to_i
          normalized_weight = space.total_weight.to_f / total_weight
          (normalized_size - normalized_weight).abs