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# Copyright (c) [2017] SUSE LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC.
# To contact SUSE LLC about this file by physical or electronic mail, you may
# find current contact information at www.suse.com.

require "yast"
require "y2storage/storage_manager"
require "y2storage/disk_analyzer"
require "y2storage/dump_manager"
require "y2storage/exceptions"
require "abstract_method"

module Y2Storage
  module Proposal
    # Class to calculate a storage proposal
    # @note This is a base class. To really perform a proposal, see classes
    #   {Y2Storage::GuidedProposal} and {Y2Storage::AutoinstProposal}
    class Base
      include Yast::Logger

      # Planned devices calculated by the proposal, nil if the proposal has not
      # been calculated yet
      # @return [Array<Planned::Device>]
      attr_reader :planned_devices

      # Proposed layout of devices, nil if the proposal has not been calculated yet
      # or if it was impossible to calculate one
      # @return [Devicegraph, nil]
      attr_reader :devices

      # If this proposal was generated via {GuidedProposal.initial}, this
      # attribute contains information about any adjustment done to the default
      # settings.
      # If the proposal was generated by any other means, this attribute should
      # be nil.
      # @return [Proposal::SettingsAdjustment, nil]
      attr_accessor :auto_settings_adjustment

      # Constructor
      # @param devicegraph [Devicegraph] starting point. If nil, the probed
      #   devicegraph will be used
      # @param disk_analyzer [DiskAnalyzer] by default, a new one will be created
      #   based on the initial devicegraph or it will use the one in {StorageManager}
      #   if starting from probed (i.e. 'devicegraph' argument is also missing)
      def initialize(devicegraph: nil, disk_analyzer: nil)
        @proposed = false
        @initial_devicegraph = devicegraph
        @disk_analyzer = disk_analyzer

        # Use probed devicegraph if no devicegraph is passed
        if @initial_devicegraph.nil?
          @initial_devicegraph = StorageManager.instance.probed
          # Use cached disk analyzer for probed devicegraph is no disk analyzer is passed
          @disk_analyzer ||= StorageManager.instance.probed_disk_analyzer

        # Create new disk analyzer when devicegraph is passed but not disk analyzer
        @disk_analyzer ||= DiskAnalyzer.new(@initial_devicegraph)

      # Calculates the proposal
      # @see #calculate_proposal
      # @raise [UnexpectedCallError] if called more than once
      # @raise [Error] other errors could be raised. The specific errors depend on the
      #   implementation of {calculate_proposal} in each derived class. See for example
      #   {GuidedProposal#calculate_proposal} or {AutoinstProposal#calculate_proposal}
      def propose
        raise UnexpectedCallError if proposed?

        @proposed = true
        result = calculate_proposal
        return result if devices.nil? || devices.empty?

        log.info("Proposed devicegraph:\n\n#{devices.inspect}\n")
        DumpManager.dump(devices, "proposed")

      # Checks whether the proposal has already being calculated
      # @return [Boolean]
      def proposed?

      # A proposal is failed when it has not devices after being proposed
      # @return [Boolean] true if proposed and has not devices; false otherwise
      def failed?
        proposed? && devices.nil?


      # Disk analyzer used to analyze the initial devicegraph
      # @return [DiskAnalyzer]
      attr_reader :disk_analyzer
      # @return [Devicegraph]
      attr_reader :initial_devicegraph

      # @!method calculate_proposal
      #   Really calculates the proposal. It must be defined by derived classes.
      abstract_method :calculate_proposal