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# Copyright (c) [2017] SUSE LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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require "y2storage/storage_class_wrapper"

module Y2Storage
  # Class representing a certain space in a block device.
  # Basically a start/length pair with a block size.
  # This is a wrapper for Storage::Region, but has a fundamental difference.
  # Y2Storage::Region.new receives the Storage::Region object to wrap as the
  # only parameter (as usual with Storage wrappers). To create an instance from
  # scratch (generating the corresponding Storage::Region in the process), use
  # Y2Storage::Region.create, that gets the same arguments than
  # Storage::Region.new.
  # @see StorageClassWrapper
  class Region
    include StorageClassWrapper
    wrap_class Storage::Region

    # @!method empty?
    #   @return [Boolean]
    storage_forward :empty?

    # @!attribute start
    #   @return [Integer] number of the first sector of the region
    storage_forward :start
    storage_forward :start=

    # @!attribute length
    #   @return [Integer] number of sectors in the region
    storage_forward :length
    storage_forward :length=

    # @!attribute block_size
    #   @return [DiskSize] size of a single sector
    storage_forward :block_size, as: "DiskSize"
    storage_forward :block_size=

    # @!method end
    #   @raise [Storage::Exception] if the region is empty
    #   @return [Integer] position of the last sector of the region
    storage_forward :end

    # @return [DiskSize] {#block_size} * {#length}
    def size
      block_size * length

    # @param sector [Integer] disk sector number
    # @return [Boolean] is *sector* inside the region?
    def cover?(sector)
      start <= sector && sector <= self.end

    # @!method adjust_start(delta)
    #   Moves the region by adding "delta" sectors to the start
    #   @raise [Storage::Exception] if trying to move the region before the
    #     start of the device
    #   @param delta [Integer] can be negative
    storage_forward :adjust_start

    # @!method adjust_length(delta)
    #   Resizes the region by adding "delta" sectors to the length
    #   @raise [Storage::Exception] if trying to shrink the region to a negative
    #     size
    #   @param delta [Integer]
    storage_forward :adjust_length

    # @!method <(other)
    #   Checks whether the region starts before the other
    #   @raise [Storage::DifferentBlockSizes] when comparing regions with
    #     different block sizes
    #   @note This class does not include Comparable because, according to the
    #     definitions of the operands, two regions can be different while none
    #     of them is bigger than the other.
    storage_forward :<

    # @!method >(other)
    #   Checks whether the region starts after the other
    #   @raise [Storage::DifferentBlockSizes] when comparing regions with
    #     different block sizes
    #   @see #<
    storage_forward :>

    # @!method ==(other)
    #   Checks whether the regions are equivalent (same start and length)
    #   @raise [Storage::DifferentBlockSizes] when comparing regions with
    #     different block sizes
    #   @note This class does not include Comparable because, according to the
    #     definitions of the operands, two regions can be different while none
    #     of them is bigger than the other.
    storage_forward :==

    # @!method !=(other)
    #   @see #==
    #   @raise [Storage::DifferentBlockSizes] when comparing regions with
    #     different block sizes
    storage_forward :!=

    # @!method inside?(other)
    #   Checks whether the region is contained inside other region
    #   @raise [Storage::DifferentBlockSizes] when regions have different block sizes
    #   @param other [Region]
    #   @return [Boolean]
    storage_forward :inside?, to: :inside

    def inspect
      "<Region range: #{show_range}, block_size: #{block_size}>"

    def show_range
      if empty?
        "#{start} - unknown"
        "#{start} - #{self.end}"

    alias_method :to_s, :inspect

    # Creates a new object generating the corresponding Storage::Region object
    # and wrapping it.
    # @param start [Integer] starting sector number
    # @param length [Integer] sector count
    # @param block_size [Integer] sector size in bytes
    # @return [Region]
    def self.create(start, length, block_size)
      new(Storage::Region.new(start, length, block_size.to_i))

    # @return [Region]
    def dup
      self.class.create(start, length, block_size)

    # Whether the first block of the region is aligned according to
    # the given grain
    # @param grain [DiskSize]
    # @return [Boolean]
    def start_aligned?(grain)
      overhead = (block_size * start) % grain

    # Whether the final block of the region is aligned according to
    # the given grain.
    # @param grain [DiskSize]
    # @return [Boolean]
    def end_aligned?(grain)

    # Distance between the end of the region and the latest aligned block,
    # according to the given grain. Zero if the end of the block is aligned.
    # @param grain [DiskSize]
    # @return [DiskSize]
    def end_overhead(grain)
      ((block_size * self.end) + block_size) % grain