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<chapter id="cwr_table">
  <title>CWM Table concept</title>

  <para> Table widget and manupulation with data in this widget need same
  behavior across whole YaST. </para>

  <para> The CWM Table widget exists in order to make development of modules
  using this UI concept consistent. It contains few most used buttons and few
  automatic manipulation features. </para>

  The CWM Table widget allows Add/delete buttons, Edit button,
  Up/down reorder buttons and custom button, which developer set to what they need.
  Automatic edit action after double-click on table collumn. After reorder is still
  selected same item, even if is moved. Reordering handlers is called only if cell really 
  can move in choosed direction. Whole table Enable/Disable and automatic enable/disable
  reordering button on collums which doesn't allow move in that direction.

    <title>Simple example for CWM Table</title>

    <para> This example show basic features of CWM table and also basic how
    to use. </para>

    <example id="tw_basic">
      <title>Usage of the CWM Table widget - basic case</title>

      import "CWM";
      import "CWMTable";
      import "Popup";
      import "Wizard";

      list&lt;string&gt; items = [];
      integer counter =0;

      void redraw_table(list&lt;string&gt; values){
        list&lt;term&gt; table_items = maplist(string s, values, {
          return `item(`id(s),s);
        UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`_tw_table),`Items, table_items);

      symbol add_handle(string key, map event){
        counter = counter +1;
        items = add(items,sformat("item %1",counter));
        return nil;

      symbol edit_handle(string key, map event){
        return nil;

      symbol delete_handle(string key, map event){
        return nil;

      symbol updown_handle(string key, map event, boolean up, integer index){
        integer second = up ? (index-1):(index+1);
        y2milestone("updown with up %1 and index %2 and second %3",up,index,second);
        string value = items[second]:"";
        items[second] = items[index]:"";
        items[index] = value;
        return nil;

      symbol custom_handle(string key, map event){
          Popup::Warning("Custom button");
        return nil;

      map&lt;string,any&gt; table = CWMTable::CreateTableDescr(
          "add_delete_buttons" : true,
          "edit_button" : true,
          "up_down_buttons" : true,
          "custom_button" : true,
          "custom_button_name" : "Additional button",
          "custom_handle" : custom_handle,
          "header" : `header("id"),
          "add" : add_handle,
          "updown" : updown_handle,
          "help" : "",

      symbol ret = CWM::ShowAndRun($[
        "widget_names" : ["table"],
        "widget_descr" : $[ "table" : table],
        "contents" : `VBox("table"),
        "caption" : "test"


    <section id="create_cwr_table">
      <title>Creating the table container </title>

      <para> For getting the initial map the function map&lt;string,any&gt;
      CWMTable::CreateTableDescr () can be used. It takes as a parameters a map
      specifying the attributes of the table and a map specifying additional
      settings that will be merged to the description map (see below).
      Currently supported attributes are: <itemizedlist>
          <listitem id="add_delete_buttons">
            <para> "add_delete_buttons" : boolean - if the Add and Delete
            buttons are wanted, set to true. If false, they will not be shown.
            Default (if key not present) is true. </para>

          <listitem id="edit_button">
            <para> "edit_button" : boolean - if the Edit button is wanted, set
            to true. If false, it will not be shown. Default (if key not
            present) is true. </para>

          <listitem id="up_down_buttons">
            <para> "up_down_buttons" : boolean - if the Up and Down (reorder)
            buttons are wanted, set to true. Otherwise, they will not be
            shown. Default (if not present) is false. </para>

          <listitem id="custom_button">
            <para> "custom_button" : boolean - if the Custom button
            are wanted, set to true. Otherwise, they will not be shown.
             Default (if not present) is false. </para>

          <listitem id="custom_button_name">
            <para> "custom_button_name" : string - label for the Custom button.
            Default (if not present) is "Custom button". </para>

          <listitem id="custom_handle">
            <para> "custom_handle" : symbol(string,map) - handler for the Custom button.
            Default (if not present) is empty handler (do nothing). </para>

          <listitem id="add">
            <para> "add" : symbol(string,map) - handler for the Add button.
            Default (if not present) is empty handler (do nothing). </para>

          <listitem id="delete">
            <para> "delete" : symbol(string,map) - handler for the Delete button.
            Default (if not present) is empty handler (do nothing). </para>

          <listitem id="edit">
            <para> "edit" : symbol(string,map) - handler for the Edit button.
            Default (if not present) is empty handler (do nothing). </para>

          <listitem id="updown">
            <para> "updown" : symbol(string,map, boolean, integer) - handler for the Updown button.
            Extra parameters is boolean if button is Up button and index of selected table collumn.
            Default (if not present) is empty handler (do nothing). </para>

          <listitem id="header">
            <para> "header" : term - header term for table. It is mandatory key for CWM Table.
            Default (if not present) is nil and fail of widget. </para>
        </itemizedlist> </para>

      <para> For id of the widgets related to the table see <xref
      linkend="tw_events" />. </para>

      <title>Setting the widget map </title>

      <para> This is the same as for normal widgets. Set the keys
      according to your needs. Only doesn't overwrite handle function,
      as it make all handling stuff</para>



  <section id="tw_events">
    <title>Reserved UI events</title>

    <para> Some UI events (return values of UI::UserInput ()) are used
    internally by the handling mechanism, and can't be used for other widgets.

    <para> The table widget contains following ids: <itemizedlist>
          <para> `_tw_add - Add button - don't use although it is not present

          <para> `_tw_edit - Edit button </para>

          <para> `_tw_delete - Delete button - don't use although it is not
          present </para>

          <para> `_tw_table - The table </para>

          <para> `_tw_up - The Up button </para>

          <para> `_tw_down - The Down button </para>

          <para> `_tw_custom - The Custom button </para>
      </itemizedlist> </para>

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