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Test Coverage
 * File:
 *   etc_fstab.scr
 * Summary:
 *   SCR Agent for reading/writing /etc/fstab
 * Access:
 *   read/write
 * Authors:
 *   Unknown <yast2-hacker@suse.de>
 * See:
 *   anyagent
 *   libscr
 *   man fstab
 *   man mount
 * Example:
 *   Original /etc/fstab:
 *     /dev/sda2       swap    swap    defaults 0 2
 *     /dev/sda3       /       ext2    defaults 1 1
 *     proc            /proc   proc    defaults 0 0
 *     ...
 *   Read(.etc.fstab)
 *   ([$["file":"swap", "freq":0, "mntops":"defaults", "passno":2,
 *       "spec":"/dev/sda2", "vfstype":"swap"],
 *     $["file":"/", "freq":1, "mntops":"defaults", "passno":1,
 *       "spec":"/dev/sda3", "vfstype":"ext2"],
 *     $["file":"/proc", "freq":0, "mntops":"defaults", "passno":0,
 *       "spec":"proc", "vfstype":"proc"],
 *     ...
 *   ])
 *   Write(.etc.fstab, ([$["file":"/", "freq":1, "mntops":"defaults",
 *                       "passno":1, "spec":"/dev/sda3",
 *                       "vfstype":"ext2"]]))
 *   (0)
 * $Id$
 * Returns/Takes a <b>list of maps</b>. Each map (list-entry) corresponds
 * with one file system.
 * Keys for the maps are: "spec", "file", "vfstype", "mntops", "freq", "passno"

 * Note: the same agent definition is used in
 * https://github.com/yast/yast-update/blob/e2052274034f5240e9f09bceae7c6d888b18468d/src/modules/RootPart.rb#L812
 * apply any fixes also there.

  `Description (
      (`File("/etc/fstab")),    // real file name
      // tab and space is a workaround for white space only lines (bsc#1030425)
      "#\n\t ",            // Comment
      false,            // read-only
      (`List (
    `Tuple (
      `spec (`String("^\t ")),
      `Separator ("\t "),
      `file (`String("^\t ")),
      `Separator ("\t "),
      `vfstype (`String("^\t ")),
      `Separator ("\t "),
      `mntops (`String("^ \t\n")),
      `Optional(`freq (`Number())),
      `Optional(`passno (`Number())),