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<html><head><title>Runlevel editor</title></head><body>
<h1>Runlevel editor library</h1>
<small>documentation for developers</small>
If you need activate or de-activate services from your yast2 package, use
module <tt>Service</tt>. It is a replacement for the old client
<tt>runlevel_adjust</tt> that you should have been using till now. You may
also use it to obtain information about services. Following functions are
self-containing. <font color="red">You do not need to run Service::Read
</font> if you want to use any of them.</p>
<h2>Enabling/disabling service</h2>
<b><tt>boolean Service::Adjust (string name, string action);</tt></b><br>
Does some operation with init script. <tt>name</tt> is the name of the init
script. <tt>action</tt> is one of: <tt>"enable", "disable",
<li><tt>"enable"</tt> enables service, which means that if service is not set to
run in any runlevel, it will set it to run in default runlevels. Otherwise it
will not touch the service. <b>Use it when you want the service to run</b>,
because it preserves user-defined state. If user sets service to run in some
non-default runlevels, this will not destroy her own settings.</li>
<li><tt>"disable"</tt> disables service, which means that it sets it not to run in
any runlevel.</li>
<li><tt>"default"</tt> sets service to run in its default runlevels, which are the
runlevels listed in init script comment, fiels Default-Start.</li></ul>
<tt>"enable"</tt> and <tt>"disable"</tt> take no action when init script links
are OK, but <tt>"default"</tt> runs always insserv.<br>
<b>example:</b> <tt>Service::Adjust ("cups", "disable");</tt>
<h2>Specifying runlevels for service</h2>
<b><tt>boolean Service::Finetune (string name, list rl);</tt></b><br>
Sets service to run in list <tt>rl</tt>. <tt>rl</tt> is list of strings. <br>
<b>example:</b> <tt>Service::Finetune ("cups", [ "5" ]);</tt><br>
<b>example:</b> <tt>Service::Finetune ("cups", [ "S", "3", "5" ]);</tt>
<h2>Init script actions</h2>
<b><tt>integer RunInitScript (string name, string param);</tt></b><br>
Runs init script <tt>name</tt> with parameter <tt>param</tt>. Returns init
scripts exit value. I do not think it is worth to import module
<tt>Service</tt> only because of this one function when you may simply call
<tt>SCR::Execute (.target.bash, ...)</tt> with the same result. But if you use
Service for something else, this function may increase readability of the
<b>example:</b> <tt>RunInitScript ("cups", "restart");</tt>
<h2>Service info</h2>
<b><tt>integer Service::Status (string name)<br>
map Service::Info (string name)<br>
map Service::FullInfo (string name)</tt></b><br>
<tt>Service::Status</tt> tells whether service runs. It calls init script status
and returns exit value.<br> <tt>Service::Info</tt> returns information about
service. The map contains: <pre>
$[ "defstart" : [ ... ], // list of strings
   "defstop"  : [ ... ], // list of default runlevels

   "start"    : [ ... ], // list of strings
   "stop"     : [ ... ], // list of real runlevels

   "reqstart" : [ ... ], // list of strings
   "reqstop"  : [ ... ], // prerequisites

   "description": string,// description
Values "def{start|stop}", "req{start|stop}" and "description" are taken from
init script comments. "start" and "stop" are taken from links.
<tt>Service::FullInfo</tt> combines info from <tt>Service::Info</tt> and
<tt>Service::Status</tt> into one map. It adds key <tt>"started"</tt> with
integeral value of <tt>script status</tt>. Service is enabled if <tt>"start"</tt> 
is not empty.
<h2>Is service enabled?</h2>
<b><tt>boolean Service::Enabled (string name)</tt></b><br>
Returns true if service is set to run in any runlevel. False otherwise.
<h2>Example of usage</h2>
import "Service";

boolean Read () ``{
    if (0 != Service::RunInitScript ("foo", "restart"))
        y2error ("Can not start service");
        return false;
    // ... your code ...

boolean Write () ``{
    // ... write settings ...

    // set service to correct state
    if (start_it)
        // enable service
        Service::Adjust ("foo", "enable");
        // reload changed settings
        Service::RunInitScript ("foo", "reload");
        // disable service
        Service::Adjust ("foo", "disable");
        // and stop it
        Service::RunInitScript ("foo", "stop");

<h2>What should you know?</h2>
It has sense to run some services only in case that some other service runs. 
Now the only case known to me is <tt>portmap</tt> that is needed by
NFS, NIS and others.
Runlevel UI cares about this case. But if you use functions like 
<tt>Service::Adjust</tt>, you must take care about these dependencies yourself.
If you know about other dependencies, let me know, I will implement them in UI.
Just for your info: Runleve UI warns user who wants to stop service <tt>xdm</tt>.
If you know about another cases where it is wise idea to warn user, please
let me know...
<h2>Autogenerated documentation</h2>
Can be found <a href="autodocs/Service.html">here</a>.
Petr Blahos <a href="mailto:pblahos@suse.cz">pblahos@suse.cz</a>