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Test Coverage
:id: 110
:name: Diophantine reciprocals II
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=110
:content: "In the following equation <var>x</var>, <var>y</var>, and <var>n</var>
  are positive integers.\n\n| \n1  \n<var>x</var>\n | + | \n1  \n<var>y</var>\n |
  = | \n1  \n<var>n</var>\n |\n\nIt can be verified that when <var>n</var> = 1260
  there are 113 distinct solutions and this is the least value of <var>n</var> for
  which the total number of distinct solutions exceeds one hundred.\n\nWhat is the
  least value of <var>n</var> for which the number of distinct solutions exceeds four
  million?\n\nNOTE: This problem is a much more difficult version of [Problem 108](problem=108)
  and as it is well beyond the limitations of a brute force approach it requires a
  clever implementation.\n\n"