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Test Coverage
:id: 114
:name: Counting block combinations I
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=114
:content: "A row measuring seven units in length has red blocks with a minimum length
  of three units placed on it, such that any two red blocks (which are allowed to
  be different lengths) are separated by at least one black square. There are exactly
  seventeen ways of doing this.\n\n| \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{
  images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n |\n|
  \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{
  images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n |\n| \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n|
  ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n |\n| \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n |\n| \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir
  }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n |\n| \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  | ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif) |\n\n | \n\n| ![]({{ images_dir }}/spacer.gif)
  |\n\n |   |\n\nHow many ways can a row measuring fifty units in length be filled?\n\nNOTE:
  Although the example above does not lend itself to the possibility, in general it
  is permitted to mix block sizes. For example, on a row measuring eight units in
  length you could use red (3), black (1), and red (4).\n\n"