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Test Coverage
:id: 147
:name: Rectangles in cross-hatched grids
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=147
:content: "In a 3x2 cross-hatched grid, a total of 37 different rectangles could be
  situated within that grid as indicated in the sketch.\n\n ![]({{ images_dir }}/p147.gif)\n\nThere
  are 5 grids smaller than 3x2, vertical and horizontal dimensions being important,
  i.e. 1x1, 2x1, 3x1, 1x2 and 2x2. If each of them is cross-hatched, the following
  number of different rectangles could be situated within those smaller grids:\n\n1x1:
  1  \n2x1: 4  \n3x1: 8  \n1x2: 4  \n2x2: 18\n\nAdding those to the 37 of the 3x2
  grid, a total of 72 different rectangles could be situated within 3x2 and smaller
  grids.\n\nHow many different rectangles could be situated within 47x43 and smaller