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Test Coverage
:id: 161
:name: Triominoes
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=161
:content: "A triomino is a shape consisting of three squares joined via the edges.
  There are two basic forms:\n\n![]({{ images_dir }}/p161_trio1.gif)\n\nIf all possible
  orientations are taken into account there are six:\n\n![]({{ images_dir }}/p161_trio3.gif)\n\nAny
  n by m grid for which nxm is divisible by 3 can be tiled with triominoes.  \nIf
  we consider tilings that can be obtained by reflection or rotation from another
  tiling as different there are 41 ways a 2 by 9 grid can be tiled with triominoes:\n\n![]({{
  images_dir }}/p161_k9.gif)\n\nIn how many ways can a 9 by 12 grid be tiled in this
  way by triominoes?\n\n"