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Test Coverage
:id: 162
:name: Hexadecimal numbers
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=162
:content: "In the hexadecimal number system numbers are represented using 16 different
  digits:\n\n0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F\n\nThe hexadecimal number AF when written
  in the decimal number system equals 10x16+15=175.\n\nIn the 3-digit hexadecimal
  numbers 10A, 1A0, A10, and A01 the digits 0,1 and A are all present.  \nLike numbers
  written in base ten we write hexadecimal numbers without leading zeroes.\n\nHow
  many hexadecimal numbers containing at most sixteen hexadecimal digits exist with
  all of the digits 0,1, and A present at least once?  \nGive your answer as a hexadecimal
  number.\n\n(A,B,C,D,E and F in upper case, without any leading or trailing code
  that marks the number as hexadecimal and without leading zeroes , e.g. 1A3F and
  not: 1a3f and not 0x1a3f and not $1A3F and not #1A3F and not 0000001A3F)\n\n"